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Chapter 4 : Clone

Hiei let out a third Black Dragon before falling down, exhausted. "I can't. The door is too strong."

Jen helped Hiei up and sat him down against the brick walls. "But it's just made out of oak!"

"Karasu probably has put some spell on it to prevent us from breaking out," Hiei said fiercely.

"I had no idea that youkais were good at casting spells. I thought it was wizards who were experts at it."

"Well, now you know," Hiei answered back sharply.

Jen looked at him and grinned. "I wonder why Karasu wants two Hieis' running around. One is already too much to handle."

Hiei glared at him and Jen shut up.

After a while, Hiei spoke up. "The clone of is it like?"

"Well, it looks exactly like you, talks exactly like you and overall it IS you."

"Obviously it IS me!!! Otherwise you wouldn't call it a clone, wouldn't you?! Baka!!"

"Well, it IS a clone of you, but there a a small chip in his brain that makes it follow Karasu's orders."

"A chip?"

"Well, yeah, a chip. I made it myself. It enables Karasu to see what the clone is looking at at that moment, and it also allows Karasu to control the clone's movement whenever he wants to. It also helps Karasu to keep track of where it is. Other than that, it just acts as a receiver to receive Karasu's orders."

"I see. Is there anyway to reprogram it?"


"Can you stop saying 'Well'? Or haven't you got any other way to start your sentences?!" Hiei interrupted sharply.

"Okay, okay. Yes, there is a way to reprogram it. But the device used to do it is in my lab."

"Why did you leave it in your lab?!!"

"How was I supposed to know I was going to need it?!!"

Hiei thought over what Jen had said, and nodded in agreement. "True, true."

"Oh, yes, I think there's something important you should know."

"What?" Hiei looked at Jen.

"Karasu's going to kill you during the Festival of Kings, and he's going to release the clone into the world today."



"Then we'd better get out of here. There are three things I have to do : save Kurama, kill Karasu and not let myself get killed."

"I have a plan, but I don't know whether I can carry it out or not."

They discussed about the plan, and after much thinking, they agreed that it was the best way.

"You sure you know how to fight demons?" Hiei asked, looking at Jen's thin frame.

"Should be able too. I'm a black belt in Karate, you know. But do you have a weapon I can use?"

Hiei handed him a dagger he'd stolen from a demon just a few days ago. Then Jen got into action.

Kurama looked surprised when he saw who was standing in front of his garden. "Hiei?" he said, surprised, for he didn't expect Hiei to actually come visit him. Unless he wanted something, that is. "What are you doing here?"

Hiei shrugged. "Hn. Heard someone wanted to kill you. Just came over to check it out."

"That's nice of you." Kurama was touched.

"Hn." Hiei left.

And away in the depths of the Makai, Karasu laughed evilly. The clone test had worked out perfectly fine.

baka - fool

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