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Chapter 5 : Strange Dreams

"Kazuma!" Yukina greeted in delight when she saw Kuwabara walking into Genkai's temple. Kuwabara smiled happily when he saw her.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked, for Kuwabara only came to Genkai alone when he had a problem. If the reason of his coming was to see Yukina, he'd usually get Yuusuke or Kurama to go along with him.

He nodded and went in. Genkai was there, meditating. "Is this a bad time?" he whispered to Yukina. She shook his head and whispered back, "She'll be done in a moment."

Sure enough, Genkai opened her eyes and looked at Kuwabara, who was happily drinking his tea and talking to Yukina.

"Kuwabara, why have you come?" Genkai asked, interrupting their conversation. She asked Yukina to go because she felt that this was a personal thing.

"Genkai-san, I have come because I've been having strange dreams lately."

"Strange dreams?" If this was Yuusuke's case, Genkai would have just told him to take a pill and sleep it off, but she knew Kuwabara had strong Rei-Kan, and what he felt or dreamt had to be taken into serious consideration.

"Yes. I dream that I'm falling, falling into a deep space, and there is no end to it. Along the way while I'm falling I see faces, faces of  Yuusuke, Kurama, Yukina, Botan, Koenma, you, and even the little runt. I even see faces I do not recognise. But the strange thing is, Hiei's face always appears last. After his face, I do not see anymore faces. But yesterday, when I was dreaming, this time, there was a flash of purple before I saw Hiei's face. I do not know what to make of it."

"I see." Genkai looked puzzled. "I have been sensing something too, in these past few days. I think your dream is telling you that something is going to happen, and it will involve your friends too. But I cannot explain the purple flash."

Just then, Yukina knocked on the door. "Shizuru is here."

"Let her in." Genkai had a feeling Shizuru too had sensed something going on. She had even stronger Rei-Kan than her brother.

"I had a strange dream," Shizuru said as soon as she came in. She sat down on a cushion.

"Let me guess, was it about faces and a long drop downwards?" Kuwabara asked.

"Dear little brother, my dreams are not as silly as that. It was about a a purple storm, and there was flashes of lightning. But the lightning wasn't blue, it was red, black and white."

"How stupid," Kuwabara muttered, but Genkai looked serious.

"There is a connection between both of your dreams. Both had the colour purple in it. I think purple plays an important role in this. Kuwabara's dream probably meant that something is going to happen which involves him and his friends, and Shizuru's dream is probably explaining what is going to happen."

"So what is going to happen which will involve me and the rest of the Reikai-Tantei?"

"I think, judging from the storm Shizuru saw in her dream, a war between you and the mysterious purple factor is about to happen."

Shizuru lit a cigarette and started smoking. Kuwabara looked aghast. "But why a war? It has been pretty peaceful lately."

"Things happen unexpectedly. Tell Yuusuke, Kurama and Hiei. You have to prepare for what I think will be the greatest battle of your lives."

Kuwabara left with a heavy heart, not even stopping to say goodbye to Yukina.

Rei-Kan - ESP, a sixth sense

Reikai-Tantei - the spiritual world's detectives

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