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Chapter 6 : Escape!

Jen knocked on the thick oak door that prevented Hiei and him to get out from the smelly old cellar. It was part of their plan to get out.

"What?" a grumpy voice asked from outside.

"I forgot to tell Master Karasu something. If I don't give him this piece of information, his whole plan will go wrong," Jen lied, looking at Hiei, who was ready to get out and fight.

There was a slight murmuring outside, indicating that a discussion was going on. Finally, the guard said, "Fine. But any tricks and you're dead." He opened the door.

As quick as lightning, Hiei darted out, and decapitated the first guard. There was a shout, and more guards came running in, their weapons raised. "Take the ones on the left! If you can't handle them, leave them to me and get the control device!" Hiei yelled.

Jen whacked a few of the guards, injuring some and killing some. Using the dagger, he planted it into the hearts of the guards, killing them instantly. Then he ran for his laboratory, leaving Hiei to deal with the guards.

He ran along the corridors, not bothering to look back at Hiei. He knew that the little runt could handle it. He located his lab and disappeared in, searching for his backpack, hoping that no one would appear. He finally found his backpack and stuffed in the control device, which he called "Chip". Then he grabbed some of his tools on the worktable, and also his blaster. He had created it just a few months ago, and nobody knew about it.

The blaster was a special gun. It was used to blast demons, not humans. Now Jen loaded it. It didn't use bullets, it used a special  formula which Jen had founded when he had experimented with the sap of various types of Makaian herbs and plants. 

He ran out of the lab to get Hiei. Hiei was still fighting, and they were more coming. "Hiei!" he shouted. "Get out of there!" Hiei took one look at Jen's huge blaster and leapt out of the way. Jen pulled the trigger.

"Master Karasu, the prisoners are trying to escape," the head guard, Shimono, said.

Karasu took one look at him and replied, "Yes. So may I know.... what you are doing here?!!!!!!!!!!" His tone was harsh and savage.

Shimono bowed and ran out, his legs shaking.

Karasu took a sip of his blood red wine. 

Hiei's eyes widened at the damage the blaster had done. The whole corridor was blown into pieces, and bodies lay everywhere. Jen grabbed his hand. "Let's go."

Hiei followed Jen. who seemed to know his way around. After minutes of walking, they found themselves in front of the big, steel door and separated them from the world outside.

Jen took a step back, and aimed his blaster toward the door.



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