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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 : Escape! (2)

Jen aimed his blaster at the door. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, something hit him hard on the shoulder. He cried out in pain and dropped the blaster. It spun way out of reach. He clutched at his shoulder and felt warm blood spurting out from his wound.

Hiei turned around and saw no one in the shadows. But slowly, someone emerged. "Not so fast, not so fast," a blue-skinned demon said. He was wearing a silver pair of kungfu clothes. "Why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"Shimono!" Jen cried out, recognising Karasu's head guard.

Hiei darted forward, ready to fight. All of a sudden, he received a blow to the back, and he fell down hard on the brick floor. He got up, rubbing his hurting back.

Shimono laughed. He moved into a guarding position, ready to fight. "Come on," he said, motioning for Hiei to attack him.

Hiei moved forward again, his katana raised. Just as he was about to bring it down unto Shimono's head, he disappeared. Hiei dropped lightly to the ground on his feet, and turned back to see Shimono chuckling away.

"Hee," Hiei grinned. Shimono grinned back, and it was obvious that both were enjoying the fight.

With a shout, Hiei threw a fireball at Shimono. He jumped up, and the fireball hit the ground. There was a huge explosion. Smoke clouded the whole area.

Shimono couldn't see a thing, but his senses told him that Hiei was coming from the right. He turned to the right, just in time to see Hiei's sword come crashing down unto him. He had misjudged Hiei's speed. He fell to the ground, blood spurting out of his deep wound.

"I totally misjudged your speed," he said, blood dripping out of his mouth. He stood up, but Hiei could see that he was struggling to stay up. "You're good." He gave Hiei a bloody smile. "Round 2."

"You know you've lost," Hiei said sharply. "There is no need to have Round 2."

"I am the head guard. Karasu pays me to fight.......till the end," Shimono replied, and moved forward. Hiei could see him heading towards him, as his speed had deteriorated after that attack. Jumping neatly to the side to avoid the blow, Hiei threw another fireball at him. This time it hit Shimono full blast, and he cried out in pain as the fire burned into his flesh. He fell down to the ground, unable to fight anymore.

"This is the first time," he muttered, breathing hard. Then his eyes shut, and he stopped breathing. Hiei put his katana back into its sheath, and strode towards Jen.

"You okay?" he asked.

 Jen nodded and motioned Hiei to pick up his blaster. Then Hiei aimed it at the door, and pressed the trigger.

There was a huge blast and when the smoke cleared, they could see the dense forest of the Makai outside. They were free. Grabbing Jen, who winced in pain, Hiei darted out of the castle into the forest.

katana - a long, thin sword



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