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Chapter 8 : Hiei (2)

It was a bright, sunny, day. Kuwabara and Kurama were at Yuusuke's place, and Kuwabara was telling them about his dreams.

"Hahahahhahahahhahahha!!!" Yuusuke laughed maniacally at Kuwabara. "You expect me to believe that something is going to happen because you had strange dreams?"

"It is possible, Yuusuke, because Kuwabara has good rei-kan. Shizuru too, had dreams, and she has even stronger rei-kan than Kuwabara," Kurama pointed out.

"Well, it's up to you to believe it, but even Genkai-san said that something was about to happen," Kuwabara said huffily, annoyed at Yuusuke for disbelieving him.

"If Hiei was here, he wouldn't believe you either," Yuusuke said, still laughing. He wiped the tears away from his eyes. He sobered down. "By the way, where is that little fire-demon?"

"I saw him the other day, but otherwise, I haven't seen him around," Kurama replied. "Probably is busy with his stuff."

"I don't like that runt," Kuwabara said grumpily.

"Who's a runt?" Hiei said, suddenly appearing through the window.

( Note : From now on, the clone shall be referred to Hiei 2, and the real Hiei shall be referred to as Hiei - Kiyota_Rulez)

"Hiei!" Kurama exclaimed, surprised to see him.

"How did you know we were here?" Yuusuke asked.

"Kurama left a message his door," Hiei (2) replied shortly.

"Ah? Only Kurama would think of such a thing," Yuusuke said of Kurama. Kurama reddened.

"Well, I better be going. Can't stand to be in the same room as the runt for too long," Kuwabara said, getting up.

Eyeing him sharply, Hiei (2) replied, "I'm glad I have such an effect on you. Then I don't have to stay in the same room with you for too long."

Yuusuke and Kurama grinned in unison, and Kurama too, got up. "I think I'll go too."

They left, and Hiei (2) disappeared too.

"Head Guard Shimono is dead, Master," Fennbrent told Karasu. Fennbrent was Shimono's Second-in-Command.

"Forget about that useless piece of rubbish," Karasu replied sharply. "From now on, you are Head Guard. You first task is to recapture Hiei and Jen. Don't kill them, I want them alive. Understand?!!"

"Of course, Master," Fennbrent said, and disappeared.

Karasu sat on his throne, and looked at the big screen in front of him. The screen showed Kurama's smiling face, Yuusuke's comical one, and Kuwabara's grumpy one. He smiled. Hiei (2) was a success.

Walking over, he suited up in a special metallic suit. This enabled him to control Hiei (2)'s movements. He smiled wickedly. Kurama, you're mine.



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