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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 : Force field

"Hurry up," Hiei said unfeelingly, watching Jen bathe his wound with the cold water from the Makaian river.

Jen winced in pain. "I'm trying to," he told Hiei, gritting his teeth.

"Kurama can help you," Hiei replied.

"Yeah, just let me bandage up my wound, then we'll go, okay?" Jen said, irritated.

Hiei shrugged.

Karasu smiled as he watched Hiei (2) follow Kurama home, hidden among the trees. Perfect, he thought, smiling evilly. He thought about all the wonderful things he could do with Kurama. As he was dreaming, there came a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said, annoyed that someone had interrupted his dreams.

"Master Karasu," Fennbrent said as he entered. He bowed.

"What have you to report?"

"I..... I'm sorry sir. I am unable to locate Hiei and Jen."


Fennbrent's knees shook at Karasu's tone. "I.... I really am sorry. But I have cast a force field around the Makai, preventing them from opening a gateway to go to the Ningenkai. However, it will not stop anyone from opening a gateway to the Makai. It will last for about two days. Meanwhile, I have ordered my troops to search the whole of the Makai for them. They will bring them back......alive."

"Perfect." Karasu chuckled evilly.

Jen finished bandaging up his arm. Hiei stood up, and collected his ki to open up a gateway to the Ningenkai. After a few moments, he stopped, and looked puzzled.

"I can't open a gateway," he said, sounding a bit frustrated.


"There seems to be a strange force holding me back, kind of  like a force field."

"Force field?" Jen's eyes widened. "It must be Fennbrent."

Hiei looked surprised. "Fennbrent?"

"Fennbrent, Shimono's second-in-command. His power is to create force fields. He's a S-classed demon."

"Kuso........" Hiei cursed softly. "That means we'll have to stay in here for about two more days."

"I think we should move from place to place, and not stay put in one place," Jen suggested. "Karasu might send his army to look for us."

"Hn." Hiei started to go. Jen hurriedly collected his things and followed behind.

kuso - shit (in vulgar language)



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