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D e c e m b e r  S i t e  D i a r y

December 22: Hey there. Just a nice, small, quaint update today. Yes, quite quaint. ^_~

Ahem. As we were... Cutie Quotes, Laughs and Candy, and Links has been updated today. In Cutie Quotes, a TON of quotes contributed by the amazin' Petal Pixie. ^_^ Since she contributed so much, a made a separate page for just contributions in Cutie Quotes. And in Laughs and Candy, Song Spoofs has one new spoof by YaVulpes. Wow, that section is doin' pretty good. ^^ And in Links... a new link. *sweatdrop* Well, duh.

And if you haven't noticed, I drew another main piccie. It's very Christmas-y. ^_^ AND I have a Hanukkah picture on the splash page. It's not a drawing tho, just computer editing. =(

And a side note: On the Christmas picture, there is a hidden link to a special page. I'll give ya a hint: It's a word on the picture, and it's a synonym for 'smooch.' *pause* I practically gave it away! ^^; So go look now. It'll be fun. 

That's about it. So I'll se ya laterz! Mwah! ^~

December 19: Hiyas. Yeah, I know I haven't updated in like a billion years. So sue me if I'm busy with other shtuff. ^_~

*whistles* Wow... Practically 713/7% of the sections updated are updated because of contributors! That means YOU! (*points at screen, which thenv reflects back to someone *cough*you*cough*) Anyhoo... updated sections except for Seiyuu Appreciation and Links is updated by ya'll! ^_^ Give yourself a pat on the back now. Not too hard. See, without other Yama Fans, MYIS would be long dead by now. And that would be a bad thing. ^^;

Anyhoo, Cutie Quotes, Fanart, Fanficition, Matt-osis,  Laughs and Candy, Seiyuu Appreciation, and Links have been updated. In Cutie Quotes, some quotes were contributed by the oh-so-nice Petal Pixie.And also, Petal Pixie contributed new symptoms to the Matt-osis research. ^^ In Fanart, a cute comic by Spryte64. In Fanfiction, a new fanfic called "Joe's Camera" by Sakura. In Laughs and Candy, a new convo and new song spoof by Taitheriszilada. ^_^ In Seiyuu Appreciation, I just added the Japanese seiyuus for 02. I know, it took me a while. =P And in Links, a handful of new links for you all to gawk at. Enjoy!

Phew! That's about it in sections. ^_^ I did change the shtuff of the week and a new main piccie featuring my beloved Charlie. He's the guy in the red bandana and glasses. ^^ I dunno about you, but I think he's absolutely adorable! No, not Yama-adorable, but I wanna hug-ya-all-day-adorable!! Yesh, I know I'm weird. Deal with it.

But ack! That's not all! I'm proud to say that MYIS has a new affiliate: The Light of Friendship, an awesome Karato site run by my good friend YaVulpes. ^^ Visit her kickin' site or you'll be missin' out!

We-he-ell.... that's about it for me. Gotsa go. And in case I don't see ya before Christmas, which I doubt...


But don't worry, this prolly won't be the last update of 2000. So you will see me again. Oooh, aren't you a lucky duck?? *grins evily*


December 10: Ah yes, an update. I remember it well... *pause* Um, eheh. ^_^;

Sorry for the huge lack of updates. Two weeks. *whistles* Now that's long. Half a month. ^^; Sorry about that. I've been busy with projects, a play at school, and I'm batteling a nasty cold. It's funny that every Christmas Season that I get sick. Hmm. One year, it was so bad I had to stay overnight at the hospital. ^^; But enough about me, let's go to the updates!

I have updated the Fanfiction, Matt-osis, Laughs and Candy, and Goodies sections. Yay! ^_^ In Fanfiction, a new fanfic by Ria and two poems by Rose. ^_^ In Matt-osis, I finally got to doing those disease buttons for Davis, Yolie, and Cody. Check those out. ^^ Now, only three more DigiDestined to go (Ken, Wallace, Michael) and I also have to update the others to 02. *almost faints* Anyhoo... In Laughs and Candy, a new section called Song Spoofs. And in the neglected Goodies section, a whole new wallpaper of our dear Yama. *wipes forehead* Whoo!

Lessee now, I  have a new affiliate! Yay! ^^ Please check out The Rebel Realm. ^_^  also updated the shtuff of the week, thank goodness. ^_^; and an all new main picture. It's sorta like a comic, I guess. I took some screenshots, edited it with computer magic, and voila. It's not the best but hey, I like it. 

So that's about it. Gotta fly now. No, not really fly away. =P Just gotta go. Oh, and one more thing. If you e-mailed me, and I haven't e-mailed you back, just be patient. I'll get to it. ^_^ Okay, so buh bye now!

N o v e m b e r  S i t e  D i a r y

November 23: Happy Thanksgiving! Run little turkeys, run...

Whoo-hoo! Happy Turkey Day everyone! Or honey baked ham day, whatever ya prefer. ^_^ I'm so sorry for not updating last weekend. I meant to, it's just that I didn't have the time. Right now, I have a few minutes, so yay! ^_^ Nothing too extravagent. Yamato Info, Fanart, Fanfiction, and Links has been updated. In Info, I spruced up some of the mini-sections. In Fanart, a new piece by Taitheriszilada. ^_^ In Fanfiction, a fanfic by Ria (Yay!) and good ol' Thanksgiving fic by Sakura. Please check them out. ^_^ And in Links, some new linkas to look at, plus I made a new button you can link to. Aaand I put up a new main pic for everyone to look at. A piccy I altered using Adobe Photoshop. And an overdue shtuff of the week. Phew... that's about it. Right now I'm working on Matt-osis, Laughs and Candy, and some new sections. ^_^ Sheesh, so many things I wanna do, so little time. Oh the irony... And what's worse, I won't be able to watch Digimon on Saturday. Blah. I have an appointment for a haircut. ^^; I hope the VCR set for record will work.  Hmm, that's about it. Well, I'll see ya next time... hopefully! ^_^; OH! And one more thing. To everyone who's e-mailed and hasn't gotten an answer yet, I'm working on it! ^^;

November 12: The REAL Sunday Update: Hiya. I just wanted to say that MYIS has a splash page. I bet ya didn't know that. ^_~ Well, I just made it today anyway. =P It's very simple and you can find it here. Can you tell me what you think about the layout of it and shtuff cuz I'm thinking of making it next year's layout. Thank you. ^_^
Hiya there peoples! *looks at page* Yesh, the writing in this space does look different from yesterday's, doesn't it? Well, I guess that must mean I'm updating. ^_^ I know it isn't really the twelfth, account I'm writing this on Saturday, the eleventh. I didn't want to become predictable. *sweatdrop* Anyhoo, I've updated decently today. Enjoy this: Updated sections Say My Name, Fanfiction, and Links. In Say My Name, some more interesting facts. ^^; Fanfiction, the sequel to 'Forgive Not Forget' by Ria called 'Running From Destiny', and the second part of YaVulpes's 'The Originials.' *pumps a fist in the air* Recommended reads! ^_^ And of course some cool new links in Links. Wow, I'm just real straight-forward, aren't I? It's a time for celebrating!!! *blows a horn* As you may know, MYIS has recieved 10,000 Hits! ^__^ This is a major milestone in the site's history! It's like a digivolution!! From 4 digits to 5. Eeep! I still get giddy about it. ^_^ In celebration for it, I naturally made a new 10,000 Hits banner. *grins widely* And because this was a special one, I did CG instead of the regular pencil drawing thang. A different approach, doncha think? ^^ Hope you like it. I worked hard on this. So I do hope you like it a bit, cuz if ya don't, then that would suck for me. ^^; Again, I'm being straight-forward. But wait, that's not it! Also in celebration (Gosh, I need another word for 'celebration') of the site, I made a little present for all of ya, just as in a big 'Thanks soooo much!!!" for coming to my site and helping it reach this goal. *grins* *sniffle* Wow.. 10,000 hits. Just chokes me up. *Sniffle* Okay, regain my composure. ^^; Other than all that I just mentioned, I changed the shtuff of the week. Am I workin' miracles or what!? ^_^ Well, that's about it. I'll be ultra busy tomorrow, so that's why I'm doing this now. Smarts, eh? ^^ Okay, I gotta go now. Again, many thanks. *goofy voice* That's English for 'Arrigato.' ^_^ Which I think it is cuz if not, I'll be a dumb-butt. =P And again, I'm real straight-forward! ^_^;; Sayonara. I'm positive that's 'bye.' Until we meet again! Lucky you. ^~


November 6: Hi yalls! ^_^ Okay, I gotta make this quick since I have to cram study for a huge math test tomorrow. Let's see, I've updated the Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, and Links sections a bit. In Fanfiction, 3 all-new awesome fanfics by Ria and Rose, in L&C, a brand-new convo by Taitheriziliada (Thanks so much! ^^) and two new spiffy links in the Links section. *fans herself* Whoo... But wait! That's not it!I changed the new main piccie with somewhat a collage of some of my favorite Yama pics. ^_^ Hope you enjoy that. I took em myself too. *grins proudly* Aaaaand new shtuff of the week for you to roll your eyes at.That's about it. I'm sorry for not updating on Sunday. =( I was gonnu, but some things came up. And also, sorry for the lack of update. I'll make it up in the weekend, I promise. ^_^ I have Thursday and Friday off, so I'll be able to work more on the site. So until then, ttfn! ^~

O c t o b e r  S i t e  D i a r y

October 29: Ahh, finally. A decent update. Who would have thunk it? Well, here are the sections updated. ^_^ I've updated Yamato Info, Cutie Quotes, Fanfiction, Matt-osis, Laughs and Candy, and Links. Like, wow. ^_^;In Yamato Info, I've updated the Shades of Yama mini-section. In Cutie Quotes, a handful of quotes from Departure For a a New Continent. A new fanfic from YaVulpes in the Fanfiction section. ^_^ A few new symptoms from Matt-osis. Also updated the mini-section, Approaching the Obsessed, in there. In Laughs and Candy, a brand spankin' new section! Be sure to check it out. ^^ And in Links, a brand new link to enjoy.That's all for the sections. Moving right along. ^_^ I have a new hit banner! And you know what that means? Hits! MYIS has gotten 9000 Hits! Whoo! Thanks so much, as always. ^_^ Also, new shtuff of the week. That's always interesting. ^^;Hmm, that's about it. Oh! And since I'll be busy (as usual) throughout the week, I might as well say something now. *ahem* Tomorrow is a very special day. Why is that? Well, because a year ago tomorrow, which was on October 30, 1999, WereGarurumon's Diner first premiered. Yay! ^_^ So, um... Happy Birthday, cool episode. ^^;;;Okay, I'm done. Buh bye now, see ya later. Maybe next week. Happy DayLight Savings. We get to wake up an hour later. Yesh! ^^ And have a Happy Halloween on Tuesday. Be mischievous for me, will ya? ^_^

October 22: Hiyas people! An update at last. Whoo-hoo! ^_^ Let's see... just a decent update. Ahem. I've updated the Cutie Quotes, Say My Name, Fanfiction, and Laughs and Candy sections. ^_^In Cutie Quotes, a ton of quotes from three 02 episodes: Storm of Friendship, The Good, The Bad, and the Digi, and His Master's Voice. Take a look. Of course, my stupid comments after them. =PSay My Name... not much. Actually, I just found a random name fact and added it right in. ^^;;In the Fanfiction section, a fanfic by Ria. ^_^ I really recommend you to read her fanfic, Forgive Not Forget. It's so touching. It almost made me cry. *sniffle* I think I'll read it again later...And in Laughs and Candy, I added an award the the 'Shtuff' section. (I swear, I'm working on a better name! ^^;) Yes, you heard me. I got an award!! Yay! To zoom right to it, click here. ^_^Lastly, I changed the shtuff of the week. Yay. It focuses on yesterday's episode, His Master's Voice. Why? Because I said so. ^~ Is that it? Unfortunately, yes, that is it. *sigh* But luckily, there are tons of other Yama sites better than this one, so all is not lost. ^_~

October 16: Oh wow, two updates in a row. And yes, I AM the real Mari-San. =PSo anyhoo, I just wanted to say that I have a new affiliate. Whoo! ^_^ Puh-leaze check out Project Ishida, a very hellarious site. Check it out, aight? You will not be disappointed. ^^Fanart was updated! *dead silence* Yes, fanart. After so many months of neglect, it's alive!! Mwahaha!! *pause* Boy, the effects of Halloween is so *makes bizarre hand movements* ...ya know?And last but not least, I fixed a link in the Links section. Ironically, I messed up the address to Project Ishida. But it's all fixed now. Hmmm... well, that's about it. ^^ Later days.

October 15- Update 2: Just a lil announcement. Ahem. I will now be accepting fanart again. Whoo!! ^_^ Now that I have 50 megs of webspace, everything is okey-dokey. *gives a cheesy OK sign*Also, I've noticed that my past art is just plain crap. =P Don't worry, I've gotten much better at drawing... Well, I think I did. *shrugs* Sooo... to all you much better, talented artists: Mind giving me a hand? ^_^;

Update 1: Hey there, how's it going? *pause* I'm sounding like Yolei now. ^_^; Anyhoo, not that many sections updated, BUT I did update! Shnaaaap! ^^;;Okay, in the sections, I updated Fanfiction (Thank you, Ria. ^^) and Links (4 jawesome ones). Sorry for disapointing yall. =( Heck, I would be for the pathetic amount of updation. *sweatdrop* But have no fear! I vow to work a smidge harder on this site. People: *unenthusiastically* Yaaaay.*rolls eyes* Anyhoo, I DID change the shtuff of the week. *cough* After two weeks that is. ^^; And a new hit banner! Thanks for 8000 hits you guys! Oh happy days! ^_^ Halloween's a comin... Mwahahahaa!! Time for me to clean up my broom. People: .... I'm kidding. =P (I use a vacuum to get around now. ^~) Weell... that's about it. ^_^ Until next time, fellow Yama fans. Bye bye now. ^~


October 8: YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!I am SO happy right now. You know why?? Cuz I just got 50 megs of webspace! Whoo!! ^_^Before, I only had a few kilobytes left of space to go. 4.40 out of 5. Yeah, I know. That sucked. I was gonna make a reserved space at Angelfire, Stas, and Chickpages. In fact, I already have accounts at those three servers. But what happened was Angelfire wouldn't let me in at my second server. *grumbles* I was so mad. (You do NOT wanna see me mad.) But I'm okay now. I mean, I just got 50 megs of webspace!Just wanted to spread the joyful news. ^_^

October 7: Hello! ^^ Yes, I'm finally updating. Alrighty then, let's get started.I've updated the Cutie Quotes, Matt-osis, Laughs and Candy, and Links section. ^_^ Cool, eh? In Cutie Quotes, there are a ton of new quotes from the eppy "The Captive Digimon." In Matt-osis, all new symptoms from a fellow Yama Researcher. Thanks again, Dr. Audie! ^^ In Laughs and Candy, a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW section!! Whooo!! ^^ It's called... well, find out for yourself. Also, updated the convos. ^_^ And in Links... a brand new link. Well, what didja expect? Ahh... that's about it. ^_^ On a side note, the Loss For Words Clique is very succesful. 20 Members! Yay! Thanks to anyone who joined. ^_^ I'm thinking of changing the cliques layout. What do you think? Also, I saw the new eppy and Digimon Movie today. ^^ I won't rant about it though. I'm thinking about having a Ranting/Review page, but not completely sure. ^^;Also, to those who are e-mailing me about YPAC and the clique: I'm terribly sorry for not responding. My e-mail is at it again! *grumbles* I'll try to respond as soon as I can.

October 2: Hellos. Surprised to see me, aren't ya? ^_^Anyhoo, I made a promise to work on the site anytime I have free time. I'm especially working on Laughs and Candy, just because my brain make up these stupid ideas every three minutes and I JUST have to put it into use. ^^;I only update the Links section today. Usually, I'd wait for a big update, but I dunno when will that be, so you can go visit some other much faboo sites instead. I cannot deprive ya'll from Yama! That's just a crime. ^_^ These two new links I added are just marvelous, so go check them out.Shameless plug in three... two... one...

Okay peoples, please join my Yama clique! Pretty please? ^_^

Phew, glad I got that outta my system. Well, I gotta go now, so later days. ^~

S e p t e m b e r  S i t e  D i a r y 

September 30: Thought you could get rid of me, eh?? ^_^*major sweatdrop* I'm very pathetic. I've only updated 3 times this whole month. =P And you know why!? It's the devil!! *ahem* Otherwise known as school. *sigh* I would've updated last week, but I had this major project due. Let's just say due to that project I wouldn't wanna draw for a month. My hands are still red. ^^; But enough about the past, let's talk about now. ^_^ I've updated the Laughs and Candy section with a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW section! Whoo-hoo!! And you thought I was slacking. ^_^ It's called 'The MYIS Bookstore." *silence* Just go there and you'll see what it is. Lol. ^_^ Also, new convos. Yay! And I've update the Links section with, what else? Telephones!! No, kidding. Links, of course. Gullible. ^^ Check them out. They're really cool ones. ^^ That's about it for the sections. Don't worry, I'm working real hard to make new sections between schoolwork and junk. I refuse my site to go down because of the devil! I'm hoping that MYIS will have at least a 1-Year Birthday. ^_^ So anyhoo, I have a new hits banner up. Geez, 7000 Hits already? Wow. And I mean it. WOW. ^^ The hits banner is a bit diff though. I didn't draw it. Cuz I didn't have the time to. Soooo instead, I made screenshots and edited one myself. ^_^ Yes, you heard me. MADE SCREENSHOTS. I'm trying to make a new section for that. I also changed the shtuff of the week.  And I revised the main page a bit, to make things a bit easier.Whoo.... that's about it. *sweatdrop* You know, you peoples are making me feel guilty about not updating. ^^; Sorry about that. Well, until next time. Later days. Oh! And before I go, to anyone who has e-mailed me about putting stuff up on my site,. If I didn't do that, e-mail me again. I prolly forgot and I'm too lazy to go through my inbox. ^_^;

September 16: Mwahahahaha!!! I UPDATED! That means I don't have to do anything I don't like. Whoo, go me! *raises the roof* ^_^Anyhoo, on with the update. ^_^; I updated just three sections: Fanfiction, Laughs and Candy, and Links. ^^ In the Fanfiction section, I have two all new fics from Sakura. ^^ In Laughs and Candy, I updated Weird Convos and another game of 6 Degrees With Yamato Ishida. And in Links... more links. Duh. ^^ Oh, in both the Yama and Digi sections, just to let ya know. Ahhh... what a relief. A finally updated. Now I don't have to worry about anything anymore. ^_^ Also, I changed the shtuff of the week. If you are a bit of a teeny like moi, you may wanna catch up on the latest news. (lol.) Er, what else? *thinks* Oh, nothing. Well, buh bye then. I'll be off making some new sections, especially for Laughs and Candy. *grins evily* Ta ta for now!ALSO NOTE: My e-mail finally works! Yay! I answered a ton of e-mails asking about the cliques, YPAC, and adding links thing. If I haven't replied to you for some reason, please notify me. ^_^

September 10: Oh gosh... I haven't updated in like 9 days! *billion sweatdrop* Sorry! So so sooo sorry. It's just that school started. =P I know. Sucks eh?Anyhoo, not much of an update. Only the main page.=( I made a new Hit Banner Piccie! Finally! ^_^ Thanks for all you who still visit my site even though I don't update much. This picture's for you! ^~ Also, new shtuff of the week, after about two weeks without change. ^^; Sowwy... Okay, that's about it. I know, you're prolly thinking "What!? I've been waiting for an update for a week and this is all I get!!?" AHH! *cowers in fear* I promise I'll have at least two section updated next week. I promise. If I don't, then... I'll do something that I won't like. Deal? ^^ Okay, until then.... See yas! ALSO NOTE: To everyone who's been trying to e-mail me who hasn't gotten a reply, I'm sorry! My e-mail is being all screwy. Damn hotmail...So if you e-mailed me about a week ago and haven't recieved an answer, that's the problem. My e-mail only works for only one hour a day, I swear. So if you have e-mailed me about comments, YPAC, the clique, anything, I'm terribly sorry.

September 1: Hiyas! ^_^ Sorry for the lack of updates. I've just been busy. =P Anyhoo, I've updated a few sections. Cutie Quotes, for example. ^^ A whole bunch of new quotes from "Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker." Hope ya enjoy those. And I updated the Links section with a few new Yama links. You can visit those while I'm having a lack of update on this site. *sweatdrop*Ah, it's September. You know what that means: Hell. Meaning school. ^^ So ya know what else that means? Lack of updates. No surprise there. I barelyupdate this site anyway. ^^; But don't worry, I'm still gonna update. In fact, MYIS is gonna go under a HUGE renovation. ^_^ I'm planning to have the Kitty Digi Club plus an all new section up before the end of the year. Well, I hope so. School's gonna keep me busy, obviously. Oh, and to those who have been e-mailing me, (mostly about the clique), my e-mail account is acting up. *mumbles* So that means I won't be able to e-mail ya until my hotmail account is coming back to its senses. I really need a new e-mail addy... Hmm... is that all? Sadly, yes. ^^; Now I must be going. Today, I'm FINALLY gonna see the Yama episode. *squeals*  Wish me luck! ^_~