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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!

Old Layouts

Just the archive of the site's old layouts, just to get the history of it. ^_~

Main Page
The "Black and White, Depressing" Layout
From March 21, 2001 - January 1, 2001

This is the layout that started it all. ^_^ I really loved this layout. It sorta looks gloomy, doesn't it? But that's what made this site original. ^_~ I didn't have any pastels or anything, just gothic green. Whee! 

The whole layout is a dark green. Everything is green, except for the wedged black&white pictures. I'm sorry for anyone color-blind... Most of the words were  s p a c e d  o u t  l i k e  t h i s. It gave it style. I found that really painstaking, so I stopped. ^^;

Loss For Words
My Yamato Ishida Clique
Watermelon Swirl
From August 2000 - June 2001

This was such a cheery layout. I came up with it while sucking on this ring pop. ^^; But it looks nice, don't it?


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