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M a r i - S a n ' s  Y a m a t o  I s h i d a  S h r i n e

MYIS... Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine

 A  N a t u r a l  B i s h o u n e n
Up and running since March 11, 2000
Welcome to MYIS... A shrine dedicated to the kawaii Yamato Ishida. 

Hiya there peoples. I'm Mari-San, the keeper of this site. Call me Mari if ya want. Anyhoo, as you probably know by now, Yamato Ishida is the totally kawaii guy from Digimon Adventure. Mmmm... And this site is all about him! Yes, another one. I know what some of ya are thinking. Whoop... dee... doo. 

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Site Diary: January 1, 2001!!!!!
"It's the end of the world as we know it...
 and I feel fine!"

What's been updated in 2001?It's not really the end of the world, but I just like that song. ^_~ Happy Year 2001, everybody! Did everyone party last night? I didn't have a party, but I still had a ton of fun. It's so much fun lighting explosives and stuff in the New Year. *grins*

So anyhoo, I small update since I didn't really have time this past week. ^^ The sections Fanart, Laughs and Candy, and Links have been updated. In Fanart, two fantabulous pieces by Taitheriszilada and Liz. In L&C, the MYIS Bookstore and Song Spoofs have been updated, thanks to the wonderful Skyler, Taitheriszilada, and Kawaii Pikachu. Thanks to all the contributors! ^_~ And in Links, some very spiffy Yama links for ya'll to enjoy.

BUT WAIT! That's not all! ^_^ I made a new main piccie, 2001 style. Hope ya likr it. I think it's cute. And last but not least, new shtuff of the week. The first one of the  year! 

Well, that's about it. Until next time. And speaking of next time, don't expect it quite soon since I'm trying to alter the layout a bit. Just a bit, since I'm very fond of the current layout right now. ^^; And also, I'll be returning to Hades on Wednesday. Ya know; school. Bleah. Well, see yas! ^_~

::[Y a m a t o  I n f o]::

::[C u t i e  Q u o t e s]::

::[W h y  Y a m a t o ?]::

::[S a y  M y  N a m e]::

Updated! ::[F a n a r t]::

::[F a n f i c t i o n]::

::[T h e  O a t h]::


Hey, didja know that '2001' rhymes with 'fun'? Yeah, I know. You learn something new each day!

::[M a t t - o s i s]::

Updated! ::[L a u g h s  &  C a n d y]::

::[Y P A C]::

::[S e i y u u  A p p r e c i a t i o n]::

::[G o o d i e s]::

::[C l i q u e]::

::[M i s c e l l a n e o u s]::

Updated! ::[L i n k s]::


About the picture: A bit hasty, but I like it. ^_^ It's a Yama Plushie next ti a champagne glass (let's just say it's apple cider...) holding a horn or something. ^_^ Then there's a whole lot of confetti, streamers, balloons, and all that fun shtuff. ^^ I drew this with pencil and marker, and then I did some computer magic. The thing I always do. ^~

A mini shrine to the DigiDestined. (Won't be open anytime soon. ^^)
Hey, cool! I've got my very own guestbook! Please sign? Pretty please??
Talk. One of my favorite things to do. Here, Yama fans can talk n talk s'more.

Makes ya think, doesn't it?~ T h i s  W e e k ' s  Q u e s t i o n  a n d  T h o u g h t  ~

"What is your New Year's resolution?"

a) To be a much bigger Yama fan!
b) To kill Jun... Again. Mwah ha ha ha!
c)  Well now, I dunno.
d) Haven't decided yet.
e) NOTHING. It's all gonna end on January 2, anyway.

"Sora and Matt? Together? BLASPHEMY!

Do I know what blasphemy means? No. But it felt like a blasphemy moment. ^^; Anyhoo, is this true? Many rumors have been going around about this couple. I already said something about this on the Messageboard, but I was fresh outta ideas. ^^; I'll just say my opinion. I'm not a supporter of this couple. Hey, if it happens, it's okay. I'd just like to se something else like... I won't say what, cuz I dunno what. =P I'm not a big supporter of any couple, to tell you the truth. Just whatever happens; Okay with me. ^^ BUT there's somethign I'd hate to see: Jun and Matt. EEK! O_o *ahem* Anyhoo, if Sorato does happen, then power to the people. ^_~ It's gonna happen on Eppy 38 as I hear, so watch that so you can decide for yourself.

~Clique Happy~
//Matt and Gabumon\\
crazy for//Yamato
monster! ++ Gabumon
Indigo :|: Jou
digital!:: Gabumon
shoujo **|** Mimi
I wanna glomp || Yamato · Taichi · Daisuke
kawaii//Yamato Ishida
Odd chibi
Matt~*~ Iz Mine
hyper ++ emotional yamato
\\::Craving 4 Yamato:://
2Kute // Yamato
adoration * Yamato Ishida
my * mon // Pabumon
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Legal Disclaimer: I do not own Yamato Ishida (but I can dream...) or Digimon. They are owned by some other companies like Toei, Saban, Fox Kids, and all that. I ain't making this site for money, just something to do while I'm bored. A BIG majority of  the pictures are made by J-Chan of J-Chan's Kawaii Anime Shrine. (Go to Links page).  Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine, or MYIS, is the property or copyright © Mari-San, 2000, of course. DO NOT steal anything! *ahem* To contact me, please e-mail