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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

Yamato's Style, because you just KNOW it's neccessary to talk about his clothes. ^_~

Yamato's Style

Whee! A lil' section focused on Yama's looks. I'm gonna like this... Ahem. Anyhoo, this page will show and describe Yama's many styles and attires.  Also, complete with pictures! Wow. ^_^

Baby Yama
Wai! *screams* Soooooo CUUUUUUUTE!! *hugs baby Yama*
Hair- It's the same haircut and still bigger than his head. *toosle toosle* But still... Is this not the cutest kid you've ever seen? *toosles Yama's hair s'more*

Shirt- Baby Yama is wearing his cute blue longsleeve. Aww! Must... resist... pampering... Oh forget it, Yama's adorable at any age! *total pamper-age*  As I was saying, here's Yama with his blue-combo shirt. It turns to a lighter blue at the sleeves and collar. Ya know, it's funny how I have a shirt like that. *bobs head to the side* Weeeird. O_o

Shorts- Lol, cute lil' baby Yama shorts. ^_^ They look khakish in color. Prolly is. *pause* I have nothing else to say on this matter. Seriously. ^^; Gee, I wonder how Nancy was able to write a news article on toilet paper, now that I think about it. I mean, it only has one purpose. Why can't I talk more about Yama's shorts? Because it would be scary if I did...

Comments- BABY! *hugs Yama* Oh, you were so so so adorable. ^_^ Such a pretty picture of you! Oh, and by the way: Please don't take it, since I took it. ^^; Whoo, I'm so glad that I have my screencap-taker thing. Turns out, I've had it since a couple of years ago, but never found it until last year. *sweatdrop* Hmm, anything else? *thinks to herself* No, not really. Tho I must say that I loved this eppy (The Crest of Friendship). So full of Yama-ness. ^_^ Now if only I can find my other Yama-filled tapes. >_< Note to self: Remember to always, ALWAYS label your tapes...



The Basic Attire 01

Hair- Matt's hair is just the coolest. I love the way it looks! His blonde, spiky hair just looks great on him. Amazing how he keeps it like that. 

Eyes- His eyes are so deep that I'd get lost in them for days. They are just so, I dunno, kawaii? Damn, I'm running out of vocabulary words! Anyhoo, the color of a deep blue is real cool.

Shirt- Reminds me of Cloud from FF7, I dunno why... Anyways, Yama looks cute in it. I don't know what it is though. I always hear sleeveless turtleneck or muscle shirt. And a more recent one, wifebeater. ?? What the heck is it?? *clears throat* Well anyhoo, I just wanna say I like this, and I'll like it foreva. ^~

Jeans- Jeans. Something a guy always looks good in. And in this case, it's true. A little baggy makes it look nice. And the cuffed ends look cool. That's what my friends used to do. They used staples. ^_^

Gloves- The brown gloves look good, even if I don't know what the heck it's for. He really doesn't need much. Maybe the digi-vice has sharp edges?? Eh, never mind...

Boots- Yama, are those designer boots you're wearing? No? Uh, okay then. These boots match with the outfit, in my opinion. It reminds me of nature, for some reason. The colors he wears are green, brown, and blue: leaves, trees, and the sky and ocean! Dang, I think too much...


"TK, you can't... But YOU can!"Bokura no Wargame Movie Attire

Shirt- I don't care what half the population of the world say, Matt's shirt is NOT purple! Auuuuugh!!! *blink blink**does a Mrs. Tachikawa* Oh, I feel so much better now. ^_^ The shirt is brown. Just look at it, it's brown. Brown brown brown, Downtown Julie BROWN. Other than being brown, it is longsleeved, collared, and buttoned. Yes. Yes it is. How conservative and nice. =)

Jeans- I see that Yama only wears jeans when he's young. Oh well. He's moved onto bigger things now... designer pants by Calvin Klein. *sweatdrop* Anyhoo, these are just your regular blue jeans. Unless there's something magical about them I don't know about. BUT other than that, they remain regular blue jeans.

Shoes- You can't see them in the picture, but they're the old brown, boots that we all know and cherish. *laugh* Going a bit off topic here, since talking about Matt's boots isn't really that interesting, Matt is the only 01 Digidestined who does not wear tennis shoes, aside from Mimi. Interesting, ne? (*sarcasm* Wow! Another reason for them to be together!)

Comments- Ah, my silly space filler. ^_^ I think Matt looks real good in the movie. I dunno why. Maybe the animation. I like it! *corny thumbs up* In the movie, he's six months older after the whole adventures in the digital world thing. They all pretty much look the same, except their clothes. After all, it's supposed to be winter there. Or so I think. O_o I'm confused about that part. I'll just think that they're on their 'other' vacation. Hee. Okay, that wraps it up. Ooh! Except that I wanna tell you that in the Japanese version of the movie, the ending credits show a picture of Yamato getting a haircut at that barbarshop with the computer. I found that hilarious, cool, AND sad at the same time. Wow. ^_^

Wild Thang... You make my heart sing! You make everythiiiing... Wild. Oh, I'm an eighties flower child at heart. ^_~Wild Side NEW!

Shirt- Hyeah babay! *does a hyper dance* I luv tees with witty comments, titles, or sayings on them. Bah, I'm obsessed with them. ^^; And look, Matt has one that says WILD. Dear lord, you have no idea how much that tickles me. This is hands-down my favorite top that Yama has ever worn. If he had a shirt that said Rebel (Shhhh-zay!) I'd be ecstatic and a giggle maniac. If he had one that shouted out Rock Star I'd be happy happy, since I have a rhinestone covered shirt with that exact same title. But enough of my healthy blab. Yama's shirt is mainly white with different shades of green at the neck, sleeves, and lettering. Hey, the site colors. *cheesy smile*

Wristbands- *Tim Allen confused growl* Yama wears wristbands? I did NOT know that. But nonethless, the green wrist-warmers (lol) look nice with this particular ensemble. You know, these kind of things are really popular nowadays. I see them on magazines and one celebs. Whoo, Yama likes being trend-ay! =D

Jeans- *shrugs* What can I say? They're regular denim blue jeans. It would be nice to see some more zest in them, like bleached or ripped spots. Maybe some funky patches. (Curse YM for giving me these ideas!) But you know that we would never catch Yama wearing things like that. Ah, pity. It'd be quite a sight, lemme tell ya! ^~

Comments- Space filler time, people! Grab a pen and jot important notes down. *pause for a minute, then throws her paper and pen away* Anyhoo, Yama only wore this outfit once in the eppy Fusion Confusion something or other. If he wore it backstage, I dunno. Don't ask me. In my opinion (Yes, everything is my opinion.) this has to be the most realistic piece of clothing that 11-year old Yama has ever worn. Think about it. Do you think any boy would ever wear a grean tanktop turtleneck? I don't think so! A brown button down longsleeve when they're just visiting granny? Not likely. But this outfit! Yes! ^_^ The wristbands, I dunno. *shrugs*

Hey, where are you looking at? Heh? HEH?
Yamato in 02
Wow, major transformation, eh? This is his school uniform.

Hair- He's still got the beautiful blonde hair, only a new style. What can I say? As people get older, their taste changes.  Yama's new hair-do is a more sophisticated look, not as much "Omigod, what's that!?" in it. Not as much gel. ^_^; Anyhoo, I think it looks nice. Still a bit of spike. That's goooood.  

Shirt- It's white, a light color. Duh. Oh, and just to let you know, I'm talking about the shirt under his blazer. His shirt is buttoned, as you can see in this picture.  Other than being buttoned, it has a collar. Yama, with a collar? How conservative. 

Blazer- Yama wears a pine green blazer!! Yay! Something green, like in the first season. *sniffs* Memories... Anyhoo, I don't know why he wears a blazer. Prolly for his school. I KNOW he doesn't wear it for just his free time.  Like his shirt, this blazer is also buttoned. Oooh, ahhh. The school prolly goes for the conservative look. Yama pulls it off nicely. Yama always looks good. ^_^ 

Pants- His pants are for his school. Anyhoo, his pants are light brown or a dark beige. You get the picture.  Okay, I wanna stop talking about this subject. They're just regular, normal pants for goodness sakes!! =P

Shoes- Ah, some things always stay the same. It's brown! Just like his old brown boots! ^_^ I know, I know. It seems weird that I'm getting overly excited over a pair of shoes. *sweatdrop* But they look so familiar, don't they? They're practically identical to his old ones. Almost... faded a bit. I don't about the sole color, but we'll soon find out when they show the new 02 eppys. We'll soon find out and see! Mwahaha... 


Don't steal this picture cuz I maaaaaade it.... Wheee! *sugar high!*Casual Clothing  02
This outfit is first showed to the public in episode 17 of 02. He lookin' sesky there (Yes, sesky). 

Shirt- Ya know... Yama looks VERY good in a black shirt, doncha think? ^_^ Lookin' cool and sesky. *pause* Sesky. Sesky is the word of the day. Say it, and everyone will scream. Anyhoo, Yama looks too cool and... sesky. (TK: AHHHHH!!) ^_^; Well, the shirt is black (well, duh.) and it has a collar. You can see it in the official picture there. ^^ So okay, some of my comments now. Yama looks sooo good in black. I mean, just look at him! He looks ultra cool, ultra sophisticated, and always ultra sesky. (Mimi: Eeeeee!!) Hmmm... I don't have anything else to say. Except that I like em. ^_^

Pants- Er, what should I say? They're pants that look good on Yama. Everything looks good on him. What doesn't? ^^ Okay, so maybe I'll go into a bit more detail about. *sigh* The pants are a deep brown. Some also say it looks like purple. But zoom in and you'll see that it is brown. Also, the pants have pockets. Oooh, ahhh. ^^; Oh, and they kinda almost look like leather pants, but they're not. ^_^ I just think that they look cool. 

Comments- I just wanted to take up some space. So anyhoo, this outfit has got to be in my top five, at least. ^_^ I love so many of the outfits, I can't pick. Yama just looks good in clothing like this. They were practically made for him. Um, okay... so that's it. And I still have a lot of space to fill up. *sigh* Oh, I have a joke. Corny, but I like it. Okay, here goes. *ahem* Did you see that sexy pirate movie? It was rated 'argh'!! 

Sooo... plain.Third Movie Attire NEW!
I don't know the name of the movie. *sweatdrop* But I'm too lazy to find out. I hope that doesn't bother you. ^_^

Shirt- A simple, plain, short-sleeved white shirt with a collar.  Dork. *chuckles* Oh, I'm just kidding. =) It's a lot like his black shirt above, only TK accidentally bleached it to a pure white when he was trying to wash his beloved hat. Bah, white shirts are just asking for trouble. I hate plain white shirts. Stains and other evil things are attracted to them. Curses! >_<

Pants- Black pants. *sigh* Yama, you are boring here! I can't talk about your fashion sense with this outfit because frankly, you don't consist any. Sure, it's pretty and casual to some, but my rule is you never ever mix plain with plain. That just shows you don't have a personality. =P We all know Yama is filled with chunks of personality, so this is not doing him any justice. I am disappointed with the animators. Excuse me while I go and eat them.

Shoes- What's this I see!? They are peach?! Nooooooo! *flails arms about* How can this be? Yama's shoes have always been brown! Why change!? Oh, the humanity.... *has a thought* Excuse me for a minute. I have to find some confused kid holding a bottle of bleach. *dashes to the laundromat*

Comments- Oh dear. *facefault* Well, lesse... That's a nice guitar. And no, I'm not gonna go and turn into a teenybopper and screech out "Gawd, I wish I was that guitar!" *laughs* I may be nuts at some times, but please. ^_^ No offense to anyone. Teenyboppers are cool in their own way. The ones who sit behind you at concerts and scream in your ear the whole time giving you a migraine, however, must perish. *evil cackle**recharge laugh* Ah, how off-topic was that...

Insert some smart comment here, because saying "Ah, there's two!" is stoopid.
Winter Outfit
Here are the clothes that Yama wears during the end of the series. They're for the winter. How... cool! *chuckles cornily*

Turtleneck- Ahh, my sweet turtleneck. How soft and cottony you are. Yes, Yama's turtleneck is brown. (Wow.) It prevents him from freezing to death. Nobody likes freezing to death. *everyone nods* What else can I say? Apparently, nothing.

Jacket- *goofy smile* I dunno, there's just something about this jacket that is... arousing. *shrugs* You can see that it's black with a nifty collar. Because collars are the right thing to do. Yama's only worn the jacket in a couple of eppies, but it's still gotta be one of my favorite pieces of clothing he's ever worn. ^_^

Pants- Oooh, pants. How clever. =P No, seriously... Talking about Yama's pants can do something to your head. O_o It's taunting me! *curls up in a corner*

Comments- Here's my space filler. *grin* Well, what else can I say other than he looks delish here? Also, I totally dig the jacket... *brief pause* Did I just say 'dig'?? EEP! *points accusingly* Darn you, pants! Darn yoooouuu!! 

Matt at the Mayan Ruins in Mexico, screencap by Mari-San.
This lil' outfit was worn only once, but I'm sure us fans will remember it. *ponders* Oh yee-ah.

Shirt- Whoo hoo, a tank top! Somebody give a wolf whistle, and the vicinity will be POI-fect. ^_~ So lemme break it down to ya a bit. Ahem. Here we have Yama wearing a nice, black tank top. Hee, he's wearing a tank again in 02. ^_~ Oooh, I just hafta say I'm glad I took this screencap and put it to this size. It was actually a bit bigger, but had to cut it down due to drooling purposes. ^^;;

Pants- They're either dark brown or gray. *shrugs* Ahh, what do I know? Anyhoo, they're nice pants. ^_^ Oooh, with a belt too. A belt used to keep the pants from falling down. Wai. Loose the belt, Yama. Altho, the belt is a nice touch. Big buckle and everything. It mildy reminds me of Lara Croft tho... Think about it. If Yama was wearing shorts and his tank was green- *pauses* Lol, the things you would find in my head. *sweatdrop* You'd have a field day!

Shoes- Mmm, they're the same brown, boots. =P Yama's not exactly a shoeshopper, now. If you wanna go shoe-shopping, go with Mimi. Ah, I can just imagine it now. "Whee, wedges!! At 60% off!!" *knocks everyone out of the way* Oh, so fun!

Comments- Just because I want to. ^^;; Picture is too big... Anyhoo, I must say that overall, this was a good one. *grin* This is the least amount of clothing he's worn yet... somewhat. Oh, I dunno. =P

At Age 39
Oh Yama, what happened to you? You look like your... father! AHH! *brief pause* Woah, Yama had that coming. ^^;
Yeah, I know this is the same picture from that other page. So sue me.
Hair- It's shorter and smaller than his head. Woah. I have never seen that in Yama before. ^_^ It sorta looks like his first hairstyle... But most freakishly of all... It's his dad's haircut. O_o I can just see the family reunion now... 
Auntie Yoko: Oh Yamato! You are a splitting image of your father!
Yamato: AAHHHHHH!!! *runs and hides behind his children*
Sora: Oh God, Yama... *looks embarrassed*
Takeru: *laughs his head off, rising his Giligan's hat from the dead* EEK!
Turtleneck-Ehhh... it is of the color black. It is his first layer of upper clothing. He is wearing black because it is the right thing to do. There's a funny thing about it though. Even at age 39, he's still wearing a turtleneck-like shirt. *laughs* Ahh, the memories...
Jacket- Thank God it wasn't a sweater-vest. (No offense to Chandler.) Also, if it was leather, I would die. They had to kill a cow for goodness sakes! =P I wouldn't mind if 14 year old Yama would wear leatha' pants, cuz that would be tight. (I'm not sure if a pun is intended...) But once you're at a certain age, you should just stop. ^_^; Anyhoo, this is a brown jacket to prevent Yama feeling cold.
Pants- These are awfully weird pants I must admit. *sweatdrop* First of all, it has NO zipper. (I know what you're thinking, ya pervs. =P) But then again, it could be one of those elastic-garter pants... *shudders at the thought* Yama, where has your fashion sense gone?? And plus, they are khaki-ish. Matt, please. Your outfit is just a clash! What, did Sora dress you? .... Wait a minute, she's a fashion designer. ^^;;

Also, this style will forever stay at the bottom of this page because it's the oldest and it makes me sad. (Okay, I gotta admit that he looks okay, now that I've seen the episode. *sheepish*)

Well, no more. More later! Bye bye! 

<<<The Crest of Friendship||Yamato-Zoic Era>>>

Go back to Yamato Info.

Disclaimer: This page is just a chock full of my opinions. Don't be a biter, 'cause I really like this section. If I get mad, it'll be really bad. Also, these pictures (excluding from AIA)  were edited/screencapped by me. Don't bite, because I can slash and tear. ^_~