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E-mail Me! Realm of the Senshi

.:: ROTS v4.0 - A Little Black & White ::.

(This site looks best in 800 X 600 or 600 X 480 resolution)
Hi everyone ^_~
Welcome to ROTS version 4.0
I thought I would make a simple, winter-like layout for the winter months. It'll probably change soon though ^_^
Whatdda ya think about it? E-mail me and tell me! I'd like to know ^_^
I've added a couple things, go to my Updates page to see what all's new around here!
As for additions in general...I promise, I will get more pics in my galleries soon! I'm just kinda busy to look for new ones right now!
Have fun around the Realm, and e-mail me with ideas or constructive criticism! Flame mail gets sent to me, too. If you insist on writing it...

~ Erin'chelle

*Bios/Image Galleries*
- Inner Senshi - Other - Outer Senshi -
- Free Graphics - Fanart -
- Awards For You - Contests -
- Games - Links -
- About Me - My Adoptees -
- Link Me - Awards I've Won -
*Sister Sites*
- to Thierry & Mickey -
*X-tra Stuff*
- Sign My Guestbook -
*Take my Quiz!*
- Click Here -

Realm of the Senshi
ROTS is Copyright Erin Murray
Layout Made By:
Realm of the Senshi
All Rights Reserved, 2001