Web Servers
Unless you are rich and want to have your own domain to start out with, I suggest you find a good webserver.
There are tons out there, you just have to look. Here is a short list of servers to try including comments by me beside them. Angelfire- This is my webserver. It is pretty reliable. You should know HTML for a decent looking webpage here, their web templates...... suck. Tripod- I don't know, never fooled with this one before. Geocities- I store alot of my wav. files here... hehehe. It is reliable too. I suggest you not use there drag and drop program. My first web account was here and it crashed my browser everytime I attempted to use it. You should use HTML here too. Homestead- I don't like Homestead, I really don't. There is no HTML editing place, it's all drag and drop. My poor browser couldn't take it. You also get a big fame like ad at the bottom. Very unattrative. Stas.net- I really don't know how reliable they are, but you get unlimited space and no ad banners. I may have to check it out. Xoom.com- I don't like Xoom either. I've never tried to make a page there but they too have a frame type ad banner. I just like Xoom for their sharehouse and nothing more.
There are many more, but that it all I can think of at the momment. Choose one, sign up, and look around.
Next item up for bid, the links. Okay, you will have to specify what color you want your links. Otherwise, the default colors will be used. The following is the code I use for my links:
The A: link is the first link color you would see on a website. When you click on the link, it's color shows the A: active color you chose. When you have already visited a link, the A: visited color will show. The A: hover is a tifty little code to make the link color change when the mouse arrow is placed over it. You can see an example of this above when I gave you the webserver list. The text-decoration is used to chage the link somewhat. You can leave it blank or you can put different commands to make the link do different things. You can put: underline~ to make the link be underlined.
overline~ to make the link have a line over it.
underline overline~ The like will be overlined and underlined.
The backgound color is used to make the hover link have a background color.
And Voila!
If you want to remove that ugly border just type:
It's basically the same, except for the the border=0 after the thumbnail url. Also to put a little drop down message on your image add
alt="what ever you want it to say">
after the shrunken image url. See
To aline text with an image use:
Write your text here
Here is my text You can replace "top" with center and bottom, your choice.
Images are easy and fun. They're what makes a webpage interesting. Just use them wisely and all will be right with world.
1. Sign guestbooks- This is a great way of getting promotion when just starting out. It worked for me, at least. Just sign as many as you can and it will give you a head start!.
2. Sign meassage boards- Another great way to get attention. Just don't over do it and sign a board bunches and bunches of times with your url. That waistes space and could make other people very unhappy with you.
3. Sailormoon.org forum: your site section- Yes this is a wonderful place to advertise your site. People are so nice in there. They will review your page and tell you what you did wrong. It's also a good place to meet fellow web mistresses/masters and talk to them and visit their sites.
4. Linking and asking for links- This can be useful too. Asking for a link to your page can help more than you think. In my opinion, when asking a site owner, you should have already linked them back. I thinks it's polite and the owner of the site will see that are truely sincere about them linking you. Just email them asking very politely and using the best English you know. This makes a very good impression. When I ask, I always end each request with "Thank you for you time". That too makes a good impression. All I can say is be polite and if you are not accepted, don't ask again until your site has improved.
5. Sisters and affiliation- This is also a great way not only to get more hits, but to make friends. Basically, girls have Sister sites and boys have Afiliates... makes since. It would be funny if boys had brother sites... ah, maybe not. Anyway, just be polite as well, just refer to #4 when applying.
6. Just flat out working hard- Believe it or not, this is the best and most satisfying way to get hits. People linking you without you asking is a great reward in my opinion.
7. Search engines- This also a good way, but no quite as easy as the others. Some search engines you have to be accepted into like Yahoo for example. There are others that will just add you. I will have a list when I begin submitting to engines.
8. Webrings- I know nothing about webrings. I belong to none and really know beans about them. All I know is they help a little in getting you hits, but not very much.
These are all good ways in promoting your site.
Special Note~ Don't try to promote your site too earily. Make sure your site has more than just a link to a guestbook and your email address. Thats not a good site. Have something for your guests to do and make them want to come back.
Well, you made it, you now know HTML! There is so much more out there to learn, just keep your eyes open and be willing to learn more. If you would like to have some good tips on what to do and what not to do on your new site, read my editorial "Good website, Bad website". Well, hope this was of help to you. If you have any special question for me, email me: little_mama523@hotmail.com and I will try to personally answer your question.