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About Me
Wow!! You want to know about me, the person that created this site... Jenkys!! Well, okay I'll fill you in....

I'm a dork... can't you tell?
Alright, I know I'm not a beauty queen, but this is what I look like. And YES... that is Santa sitting beside me. He's my hero! j/k

Real name~ You can guess, but Jen-chan is all you need to know

Gender~ Errr... if you haven't guess by now then you don't need to know.

Name at Grep Sailormoon~ chibitrunks (just look for a silly Trunks siggie)

Yahoo name~ trunks523


AIM name~ sailormercury523

age~ 16

Where I live~ East Tennessee

Hobbies~ ummmm the internet, watching TV, the internet, drawing...thats my life ~_^

Favorite food~ strawberries and grapes

How did I get tangled up in the mess of anime?~ Well.. I first saw Sailor Moon on Toonami. It interested me and I was hooked ever since, end of story. Dragonball Z on the other hand was a little different. When I first saw DBZ, it was on Cartoon Network, but it was movie 3. I was channel surfing and stopped at Cartoon Network to see what was on. All I saw was abunch of funny looking people flying around. All I could say was S*T*U*P*I*D. But I couldn't turn it and I finished watching that movie. Sometime later, Cartoon Network didn't show Sailor Moon and boy o' boy was I ever mad!! They showed this weird looking show called "Dragonball Z" But since nothing else was on I said what the hey. It was the new episodes of season 3, right in the middle of the Ginyu force crap. I noticed something familiar though... Goku?... Gohan?.... Piccolo?.... Krillen?..... YES, they were in that movie, The tree... something. I watched them fight, got interested and continued watching. After that day I began watching it everyday.

Favorite Animes- Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z/GT, Tenchi Muyo!, Gundam Wing, and sorta Slayers(love the music)

Favorite Characters- Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Chibi Moon, *Trunks*(Hmmmmmmmmmmmm), Vegeta, Goten, Ryoko, Ryokoiki,(sp?) Washu, Dou, Quatre, Millardo Peacecraft(Hmmmm),.....

Why do I like the characters I do?~ Well, for some reason I like to judge anime charatcers by their hair...just a habit. The reason that I like the Sailor Moon characters I do is because they're cool and really great people. I like Vegeta and Goten because well, Veggie kicks a...arse and Goten is soo kawaii. I like the Gundam Wing people because they are all stud muffins~_^

Why do I love Trunks?~ I had to give him his own question. Anyway, it obvious why every girl loves Trunks... he is a doll, but to me... I've got over his cuteness and fell in love with his character and personality. He is by far my favorite cartoon character of all time. Can't help it. I even like him as a kid and in GT (it is amazing what a guy will do for a friend... right Treance-chan?)hehehe... Anyway, at first I didn't even know who Trunks was. The first time I saw him was in a Wal-mart sunday sale paper as an action figure. By then I loved DBZ, but could not figure out who the heck that purple haired figure was. When we got our computer, I went surfing, but at that time it was mostly on Sailor Moon... I found a site that told summaries of the Android saga. At the mention of a guy called Trunks... it interested me, but when I found out he was the result of Veggie and Bulma's love affair... lets just say I fell out of my chair, literally. The first time I ever figured out the contection between the action figure and the guy from the summary was at the website, Temple O' Trunks and it was love at first site. He's been my fav. ever since!!

Pet peeves- Bad people, Pokemon(it's everywhere!!), or just anything that ends with -mon, my bro and sis, dub bashers.

Favorite songs:
Non anime-
Bye bye bye~ N'sync, Country Grammar~ Nelly, Independent Women~ Destiny's Child, Last Unicorn~ America
Dragonball Z- Mind Power Ki, Spirit vs. Spirit, Cha La Head Cha La, We Were Angels, Blue Wind of Hope, We Gotta Power, Burning Fight, Spacepeople DBZ, Dawn of the Children.
Dragonball GT- Hitorijinai, Don't you see? Blue Velvet, Dan Dan(can't spell the rest)
English Sailor Moon- My only love , Carry on, Want someone to love.
Japanese Sailormoon- Sailor Stars opening theme, Ai no Senshi, Moon Revenge, Sailor Team no Theme
Other Anime-
Slayers-Run all the way (Fireball groove mix), Gloria, Exit Running, Give a Reason, Don't be Discouraged (Heartbeat remix), Reflection (Last Summer remix), I and Myself~ All by Megumi Hayashibara ^_^
Gundam Wing- Just Communication and Rhythm Emotion

Favorite movies:
Sailor Moon- SuperS movie (Pupulon is kewl!)
Dragonball Z- Trunks special, Movie 10 and 7 (tie)
Non-anime~ The Last Unicorn, A Bugs Life, Toy Story 2, The Nutty Professor (old and new version), Interview with the Vampire, Father Goose, Star Wars (Yeah baby, Vader!), hmmmm guess that's it for now.

Goal for the future- Marry Trunks.... become an animator for Disney or go to medical school and go into Obstetrics, get married(for real), have 2 kids, live in a pretty house on a hill.

Thats it for now!!

The midi that is playing is called Hitorijinai. My favorite Dragonball GT song!