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The House of Lunacy
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Dragonball Z/GT Sounds
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Dragonball Z/GT Images
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Not so Frequently Ask Questions
This is kind of a Frequently Ask Question section. The only problem is, is that these are not frequently ask, there questions and answers to questions you might have because no one ever asks me anything. I thought it was a good idea to go ahead and add this section because there are several things I think you ought to know. But if I did not answer your question, don't be afraid to email me... okies!

"What is the goal for this site?"
Well, my personally goal for this site is to bring things to the SM/DBZ/GT internet world that never existed before. That's why I try to make everything I use on this site. What's the point of having it if everyone else already has the same thing. Having one of the most unique sites out there is my dream.

"Where did you get your graphics/images/sounds/etc.?"
I made all graphics used on this site. The main page layouts, header banners, animated link me banners, and any other type of graphic unless stated otherwise. The images were also created by me unless otherwise noted. I scanned them or made "Screenshots" from videos I have collected. I will try to put together a tutorial on how to do this later. The sounds I have are also made by me unless otherwise noted. I used my computer microphone and an old TV. Very primitive... I know ;_; Anything else was either made by me or borrowed from another site (with permission of course)

"Will you help me at my site?"
Sure, I would love to help! All you have to do is ask and I will do my best to give you a hand.

"Why do you have both Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z/GT stuff?"
Well, I love both animes. They're my favorites. I couldn't decide on which to do, so I decided to go for a combo.

"Why don't you have very many Japanese Sailor Moon sound clips, you have DBZ/GT ones?"
Thats a very good question, and I have been ask this one before. The reason I don't have Japanese Sailor Moon clips is because I don't have any SM fansubs. I make all of the sounds in my sounds section, so I really didn't want to take them from somewhere else. I plan to try to buy some subs as soon as possible, but that could be awhile.

"Why don't you have any movie clips?"
I don't have movie clips because I can't make them. I don't have a capture card. I really, really wish I did. If my site ever gets popular enough I will however try and make a special effort to get one.

"Why is Trunks everywhere I look, like on your page headers, layouts, etc?"
Well,... hehehe I love Trunks, he's my favorite. *Huggles the purple muffin man*

"Can I use one of your "_______"?"
Yes, you can use things off of my site, but under 3 conditions:

1. If it's a sound clip, ask me first. I will most likely say yes. It just makes me feel better if you ask me first. If it's an image, just give me credit and link me back.
2. You have to give me credit. Either by stating where you got it at the place you put it on your site or by linking me.
3. NO DIRECT LINKING!!!!! Please upload it to your own server. The only thing I allow to be directly linked is my link me banners and those are at old geocities accounts.
I thinks those are reasonable.

"How often do you update?"
I try to update daily, but sometimes I can't due to
unpreventable reasons (school, siblings, parents, etc.)

"Why do you have such short bios for Sailor Moon characters and such long
ones for Dragonball ones. Are you showing favortism?"
No, I'm not. I have a reason. On most Sailor Moon sites you see
long profiles with a huge info chart. I get tired of seeing that after a while, so
I decided to do a short one and include VA info cause most site leave them out. On most Dragonball sites the bios
tend to be short with very little info. I decided to rebel and go for ones with a little
more info. It all about originality, I go out of my way to be different.

"Why is your email address~ little_mama523. Are you a mom or something?
Hahaha, I just had to include this question. No, I'm not a mom... as if! I'm just 16 and I just don't do stuff like that. The reason is because I babysit a lot, so I kind of consider myself a "little mom" and I made it little mama because I'm a I've been raised in redneck land and well thought it fit the bill perfectly. I also have a reason for using the number 523 for all my names. It stands for May 23rd and for you guys out there who don't have a clue of what day that is, it's the day Trunks set foot in America. That was the release date for Trunks: Mysterious Youth and Trunks: Prelude to Terror. Pretty spiffy, eh?

Thats all for now, this section will be updated if more questions are ask.