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Interview with Pupulon
Well, now I finally after getting over meeting Trunks from Dragonball, we get to meet a Sailor Moon Character. I decided to interview Pupulon from the SuperS movie. Why you ask? I don't have a clue....

Jen: Okay, Pupulan...
Pupulon: First things first, why did you invite me here?
Jen: To interview you, of course.
Pupulon: But why me?
Jen: Why not you?
Pupulon: Well, everyone else likes that little, no good, suck up, please protect me from the utter cuteness... Peraru!
Jen: Ahaa, I don't like the little spore. Your a whole lot better looking.
Pupulon: Ahhh... no?
Jen: Whats wrong with me thinking your cute?
Pupulon: It's just that, I like someone else. Do you think you could get me a date with Jupiter?
Jen: Err, whats Jupiter got that I ain't got? Huh....
Pupulon: Nice legs for starters.
Jen: WHAT!!!! Whats wrong with my legs?!?!?!
Pupulon:There a little chunky
Jen: ChUnCkY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! My legs are chuncky? How could they be chucky, I'm not over weight!
Pupulon:It's also you feet. You have VERY UGLY feet.
Jen: Why you.... no one insults my feet like that!
Pupulon: I can if I want to. What are you going to do about it.
Jen: Ha. I'll show you! This is what I like to call my amateur Karate!! Haiya!
Pupulon: Ooo, your really scary. How bout I open a can of Whoop Arse on you!
Jen: Go for it!
*Jen attacks Pupulon***%&$^%%*&&)(**(*^*%^%#%##@$^%^&**(&()&(*^*%&%****
We will be back after our commercial break
Jen: Okay we're back.... sort off. *Jen has a black eye and a tooth missing*
Pupulon: Lets just get this over with. *Pupulon has two black eyes, three teeth missing and a bag of ice over his twinky(take that as you want, that was the nicest way I could think of putting it)
Jen: Well if you hadn't started the fight this would have done been over.
Pupulon: I didn't start it. You did, with your chucky legs and ugly feet! .
Jen: I did not! Don't start with my feet again!!!br> Pupulon:That's it, I've had it with you. *pulls out little flute* Dance to this!!

*begins playing little flute. Jen gets hypnotized by it and begins to follow Pupulon as he leads her out the door. He keeps playing until he gets to a cliff on the side of a mountain (don't ask where the mountain come from. It just appeared.) He stopped, but Jen continued off the side of the cliff. He then proceeds to run for his life so that he would not be found at the scene of the crime. Jen was found three days later by a couple of old geezers looking for cans. She was taken to hospital and nursed back to health. Jen suffered minor injuries from the incident.