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Interview with Trunks
Note before reading~ I was hyper when I wrote this so don't think I worship Trunks..... I just like him a whole lot!

A few seconds before the interview..
Jen: This is the moment I've been waiting for!! I finally get to meet him.... the man of my dreams. This is a dream come true!! *begins squealing*

--Trunks walks in--
Jen: Oh my God!! It's really you!!! *begins running around him and squealing*
Trunks: Uhhhh... what are you doing?
*still running around him squealing*
Trunks: Are you okay?
*continues to run around.... and yes, is still squealing*
*still runs around until finally tripping over shoelace*
Jen: Ouch...
Trunks: Are you okay *helps Jen-chan up*
Jen: You touched me! Oh my gosh.... you actually touched me! Ahhh, I will never wash this hand again! Ahhhh!
Trunks: Can we get this interview started?
Jen: Sure! *skips over to chair* Have a seat... Trunks-sama
Trunks: Trunks-sama? I'm not a god...
Jen: *looks at him daizily* You are to me. Ya know what?
Trunks: What?
Jen: I gave you a pet name.
Trunks: A pet name? What kind of pet name...
Jen: The Purple Muffin Man
Trunks: ThE pUrPlE mUfFiN mAn?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jen: You like it?
Trunks: Ahhh, no comment...... What's the first question?
Jen: Oh yeah.... almost forgot about that! *sweatdrop* Okay, Hmmmm, will you be my boyfriend?
Trunks: What!?!?
Jen: You mean you don't want to be my boyfriend? Are you saying I'm ugly?
Trunks: No... it's just that....
Jen: No, your saying I'm ugly. I'm not a stupid baka!!!
Trunks: I didn't say that.... It's just that I'm a cartoon character. I can't be your boyfriend.
Jen: OOOOOOH, I do have a chance. I'm sure there is a way! Romeo and Juliet found a way.... I'm sure we can!
Trunks: Romeo and Juliet died.
Jen: What's your point? Are you saying there isn't a way! Is that it?
Trunks: No....
Jen: Yes it is. Golly gee wilikers, just come out and say it.
Trunks: There isn't a......
Jen: But if you do tell me that..... it will surely break my heart. I won't have anything to live for. I will wither away into nothing over heartbreak!
Trunks: Ahhhmmmm, how bout we talk about this after the interview...
Jen: OKAY!!!!!!
Trunks: What's next?
Jen: Can I have a lock of your hair?
Trunks: WHAT?
Jen: Come on, just a little piece.... please!!
Trunks: I'm not cutting my hair!
Jen: But why? Look at all that hair.... you've got plenty.
Trunks: I like my hair.
*Jen makes a puckered up puppy face that only her parents can resist*
Trunks:Fine... *plucks a hair from his head and hands it to her* Here. Happy now?
Jen: Yay! I got a hair. I got a hair.
Trunks: Your weird.
Jen: I know ^_^ *still humming "I got a hair" and holding the hair tightly in her hand*
Trunks: Any other questions?
Jen: Can I squeeze one of your muscles? There so big!
Trunks: Hmmm?? Sure.... I guess.
*Jen walks up and lightly squeezes a muscle. Then faints in the floor*
Trunks: *whispers* Are you okay? This is my chance to get away from this mad woman. *runs out the door*

And that ends the interview with Trunks. Jen-chan woke up and saw he was gone. She thought it was a wonderful dream and went back to sleep hoping to continue it.