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About:The Site

Well, to start, this site is based on the anime "Cardcaptor Sakura" and the Nelvana Dub of "Cardcaptors". This site was established on July 14th 2000, with a completly different layout. The layout was changed on August 11th 2000, which is when I put up the stat tracker, and joined some topsites.

As some die-hard fans may know, this is currently my 4th website to boot, and is also the first to be finished. Undoubtly, this site is my most popular site to date.

Some sites that I own include The Okonomiyaki Haven, and Fire Maiden.

When I first planned out this site, I didn't expect it to actually be so popular. Instead, I expected it to be a total bust, not even attracting a visitor! Boy, was I wrong! Yet, this was a time when I cheered if I got four visitors a day!

This site started very bare, with the first version of this site not even completed. So, on Aug. 11th 2000, I decided to change the layout completly. I had a totally different logo, and I crated a "double menu" site, which you can see here. Unfortunatly, I still didn't get any visitors.

So, I joined the topsites, and created a tracker, which I still use today. My site soon became popular, as I also joined the Open Directory Project ( , which boosted my hits by about 200-300 a day. Thank you Dmoz^_^

So, my site boomed, rivaling sites such as Cardcaptors Phantasy, and even The Clow Center, and my site just...made it big^_^

--Ukyou: December 5th 2000, 5 seconds before this site was finished.


Me? Who am I?

I am merely another person you see everyday, just walking around, playing football, e.t.c.

Yet, I am also an HTML/JAVA programmer. I am experienced in website work. Yet, that's not what you want to hear, huh?

Okay, okay. I enjoy a lot of things. Frst off, i'm not a comp. geek as some of you may think, so I'm glad that's over with. Well, my fav. sport happens to be football. I take track in school, and my fav. subject is science.

Where do I live now?! I live in the USA, mind you^_^

I know there's a mailbox near where I live...

I am also a third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do (a Korean Martial Art). I'm a basic instructor, and I am in training to be a full one. That is, as a summer job^_^

People usually ask me about the name "Ukyou". Why do I use it all the time? Its because its a nickname that was given to me for one reason. The Kyoto district is the Japanese version of a gourmet city. I like to eat (Somehow, even after I eat, I don't gain weight...) and also in football, i'm noctorious for actually tripping people and pinning-them-down with my left leg. Ukyou happens to mean "Left of capitol city, Kyoto". So, that's that. Football + Food= nickname.

Okay, I guess you're wondering what the song that is playing is. The song that is playing is the Chrono Cross "Another World" Theme.

Well, that's all the time I have tonight. Byebye!

--Ukyou--11:39 P.M. 12-8-00
Long live Collins^_^
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