The Cast of Alternate Universe

This is where you can get a closer look at the assorted characters that make up the wide, weird world of Alternate Universe! Important character have pictures with link to their full profile, and everyone else just gets to deal because I'm lazy like that sometimes. So! On the with show!

Aphraell Starchaser

Adriss Darkshine

Dakini Cateyes

Nyree Heartsinger

Svede Shadowspar

Fallaris Skyfire


Bizotch the Dragon- Once a mighty flame-breather, a thousand years held captive by a jewel has reduced this great lizard to the size of a large scottie dog. Apparently able to speak, and gets drunk off peppermint tea. Reasons for this are currently unkown. Besides, do you really want to? Know, that is.
Image Song: E-type, "When Religion Comes to Town"

Saowin Icestorm- His temper is shorter than Aphraell's. Little is known about this young man save he has a past with the purple-haired hero that neither one really wants to think about, never mind deal with.

Basil Twinkletoes- The ruthless leader of Arkiko, the mind-magic Guild of Sian.

Gawayne- Another once member of Arkiko who wants Aphraell's hide on a stick. Apparently she interfered with his entertainments in the past, when they involved doing something not-nice to one of her friends.

Lord Aubris- A charming specimen of Salad Fork nobility. Entered into a quasi-legal contract with Adriss' uncle to gain her hand in marriage.
Image Song: Mark Chesnut, "Going through the Big D"

Sun-God Phaerion- A local diety around the city of Guam, with a thing for Dakini.

Silence Taffeta- Silence "Murphy's Law" Taffeta appears to get all the backwash from Aphraell & Crew's good luck. An assassin sent to keep watch on Dakini, what the girls are going to do if they find out about him is unknown.
Image Song: "Somebody Hates Me"

Lakishana Winterlight- One of the Elves sent to locate a special group of people to follow the Prophecy of Neridian and lead the Elven forces and those of Tira against a Warlord.

The Great Sage Sennin- One of the elusive Faerie folk, Sennin-sama is the one who *wrote* the Prophecy of Neridian. Just ask him why.

Chovexani-hime- Silent, brooding Princess of the Elves, she's in charge of the Tiran resistance forces.

Left to right: Adriss, Dakini, Aphraell, Nyree

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