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Unico, did you know?

How well do you know your Unico movies? Find out if you've seen these!

Unico Movie Trivia

Unico Influenced

Please don't steal these things I discovered. If you want to use them on your site, ask me, and if you give me credit, I'll let you use them.
Even though this page probably should belong to the Fan Works category, I thought it was something special that needed a place of its own on this site, being one of the oldest pages and most active.
If you've spot mistakes, cameos or just something neat in the movies, or spot anything that looks like it's Unico Influenced, email me and I'll add them to the list and give you credit of course!

My little unicorn, Sakura!

"Unico, did you know?" is Unico movie triva originally created by Cherry Blossom

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