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Hayami and Mutio Evidence

Mutio first attacks Hayami in an arachnid mecha, but he defeats her. Mutio is in her piloting capsule, gasping, unable to extract enough oxygen due to overall weakness. She bites him, but he then carries her toward the sea despite her struggles. She subsides once she realizes his intent, giving him a thoughtful look, and heads out toward the sea.

She goes to head toward a pool with her friend, but finds out that Hayami had killed her fellow Nereid. She is bewildered, wondering why he killed her friend while he saved her The answer is that Hayami is a good soul who can't stand to see even sea creatures needlessly suffering, but was driven to his act by the pressure of the war.

Mutio returns the favor later by rescueing Hayami while he was drifting aimlessly in a lifeboat. She takes him down to an underwater bubble. He awakens to find himself on a floating bit of wreckage that was left from Velg's prior attack. The little Nereid emerges from the water, offering the conscious Hayami a fish. He accepts the gift.

He sets up a makeshift tent and cooks more fish that she brings him. She offers him her companionship by walking into the tent in a more-humanoid form. He rambles at her, perhaps trying to keep sane by talking, and she seems to listen politely.

Mutio is seen later, singing a haunting song. Hayami looks at her with an unereadable expression. Many more Nereids start to converge, perhaps attracted by the sound. Mutio tries to explain toher people that Hayami is a good person, that he saved her, and that their creator is also a human. A arachnid mecha emerges out of the water, and comes inches away from spearing Hayami. Inexplicably, they all turn and leave as the faraway song of a Musika is heard.

Hayami and Mutio sit in tense silence while riding the Musika. The Musika explains what is going on with the rest of the Blue Submarine fleet. Hayami catches himself staring at Mutio, who smiles at him impishly. (Just look at that expression! ^.^)

It is revealed that the Musika Red Spot is making a suicide run to allow Hayami and Mutio to escape. It starts to sink as injuries from the torpedoes take their toll. Hayami saves Mutio again when Kino was ready to kill her. Hayami cries out Mutio's name as she flees in fright from Kino's vessel to the lonely waters. The Musika informs Mutio that he is calling for her and that she should go, but she shakes her head "no".

Verg assaults Mutio in his anger, demanding that Mutio promise never to associate with another human again, even threatening her with his sword. She refuses twice, and he beats her cruelly. Mutio then escapes to the water, but her sisters withdraw from her, gazing at her accusingly. She finds no comfort there. Verg continues to scream and rage, and Mutio leaves, although battered.

 At Zorndyke's retreat on Antartica, Hayami gazes raptly out at the sea, perhaps expecting Mutio to show her face. Verg then becomes aware of him, and beats him up badly, ripping off his nose guard. Kino rushes to his side, demanding to know if he is alright. Verg staggers toward the sea, and Mutio emerges hesitantly. He collapses in his grief, dragging her with him toward the seat, still crying about his "papa."


Mutio never says a word, but is shown as one of the deeper characters is only through her actions. She is confused by the clear animosity between humans and sea creatures, and wonders why they cannot all live in peace. She approaches Hayami, a sworn enemy, to pay back a favor done to her, and sticks to her ideals even when under pressure and alienation by her race.

She and Hayami undeniably have feelings for each other, but this never comes to completion. This is further complicated by the rift of being different species. Yet they both reject the idea that both species must constantly be fighting. Working together, they help stop a worldwide war, and begin an understanding between their races.

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