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About Me

Name: Ashley. You don't need a last name.
Alias(es): Celeste, Celestialmew, Sorka318, Sorka
Age: Bordering on 15.
Hobbies/Likes: Tae Kwon Do (Green Belt), drawing,
Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo, Blue Submarine No. 6,
anthropomorphs, writing, reading novels, swimming,
photography, web-surfing, Gengar_99, cats, Star
Trek Voyager (WAH! They're ending it!), roses
Dislikes: schoolwork, bad science fiction, cat eating
plastic or bleach, sharp corners, Outside-Inside
Kick, Yahoo Geocities, AOL, algebra

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Hayami and Mutio: a match made in heaven?

Probably not ...
The rambling of an idle mind
The site-domain clutter; credits & guestbook
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