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Miscellaneous Information

If some of you are not conversant with Greek mythology, I would like to outline some similarities between them and some of Zorndyke's creations.

I coined the term "nereid" in reference to Mutio's people. Others have taken to calling all of them "Mutios", but the term is misnomer; Mutio is only the name of a unique individual of them. In Greek mythology, nereids are nymphs of the sea, and daughters of the the old man of sea and his wife. They lived at the bottom of the sea and often aided sailors and travelers.

They could also be analogous to the Greek "siren". Sirens were more malicious sea nymphs that lured sailors to their deaths by their hauntingly beautiful voices. This is shown by Mutio's high-pitched song although Hayami was not adversely affected by it.

Zorndyke also seemed to be working on a "dryad". Dryads are forest nymphs that protect trees. They would be born into a tree, and then watch over it although some dryads were the spirit of the tree. A dryad would then die when her tree fell. His dryad showed a bit of animation, her face turning to look at the newcomers. Her arms grow outward (literally) into limbs.

Musikae are another one of Zorndyke's creations, and appear to be genetically altered sperm whales with deadly songs. Someone appropriately called them bio-subs. A true sperm whale's echolocation is known to stun pray, but this ability has been amplified. Musika sounds suspiciously like Mysticeti (the Latin scientific name for the whale genus) or mustikos, Greek for mysterious.

Several other races that Zorndyke created are Verg's people that are related to sharks, the feline people known as the Amonyashu that dwelled on land, and the various other species that we glimpsed. Some appear to be goblins, reptilian, or other human crosses of mammals.

Some people have assumed that the entire nereid population is exclusively feminine due to the large numbers of females seen, and the fact that there is no such thing as a male "mermaid". This is not true. Katsuma is a prime example of a male nereid, another one of Zorndyke's experiments.

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