i have confidence

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#flyingpinkbunnies Chat
Wanna talk about my fanfic or have a helluva fun time? Wanna see me eat otherwise useless objects? Don't have mIRC? No problem.
  1. Go to www.mirc.com and download the newest available version of mIRC.
  2. When you open mIRC, fill in the necessary information and pick the Dynastynet server.
  3. A list of channels will pop up. If not already in the list, type in '#flyingpinkbunnies'.

Yes, it's that easy. And you should prolly read these rules before you go in...
  • You can curse and all that in there. Just don't get carried away with it like I do :)
  • Whatever you do, DON'T BASH YAMATO OR ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT DIGIMON. I hate that. Doing so will result in a kickie. And if it continues, then it'll be a ban. Bans are ugly. People don't like bans, I don't like bans, so don't be a l4m0r :)
  • Uhm, I think that's it.

Every month (sometimes I may forget) I'll do stats for the channel #flyingpinkbunnies. Stats are fun.

First #pikachan Stats!
Second #pikachan stats!

Best of IRC

Heh heh. This is a collection of funney stuff logged from mIRC... XD XD

Issue #1
Issue #2

SPESHUL stuff!

Feary L33t -- Logged by PsychoDude. Heh heh heh. FUNNY AS HELL.
Cyan dies -- Uhm... this is disturbing if you know Cyan as well as I do O_o
Zero Diamond is stupid! -- PikaChan plans a little blackmail...

Sign the Mother 3 Petition of Dark Heza will burn your pants

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Current Kiriban
Current Kiriban
to Natalie

Past Kiribans

Ha ha ha, you thought we were putting the counter on EVERY page so you people could up it, didn't you? ;D *evil laugh*

IHC Radio