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Random Junkage

PikaChan's random junkage. AKA 'The Page of Useless Crap'.
*Glares at Koushirou* Oh, BTW, I'm making Koushirou run this page because he has better hax0ring capabilities than I do.
Oh, shut up.
Just get to work putting all of this stuff on here.
All right already! You don't have to yell..


Erm.. all of these are from here and here. Looks like PikaChan finally got them working. Guess she's not as clueless as we thought.

I heard that.


Gee, I wonder who has the guts to give her awards...

Earned Kiribans/Requested Drawings

PikaChan & Megami actually EARNED kiribans? Wow...

PikaChan is Yamato's bitch.PikaChan is Ken's bitch as well.PikaChan is TAICHI's BITCH!!
Ahem... these are PikaChan's 'Bitch Buttons,' as she calls them. She's really hitting it big with the guys. But what really surprised me was...
PikaChan is NOT my bitch, I'm sorry to say.
... ::sweatdrops::

Taichi wish doll.Looks like PikaChan went overboard and made a Heza wish doll. O.oYamato wish doll.

PikaChan's little 'Wish Dolls', as she calls them. She adopted them from Patamon's Pad. I really need to get a better understanding of girls x.x

Lookit! I made the one in the middle! =^.^=

Takeru drew PikaChan's soul.
This is her soul.


PikaChan hates Sora. Like many of the other people at Megchan's Yamato forum.

PikaChan is Sora Free. Are YOU? o.o Though I don't really see much of a reason to hate her...
I concur.

Can you spell FANGIRL?

PikaChan is a fangirl.

I hope nobody notices that this one doesn't blink... ^^;;Yama! KAWAII!TaiiiiiiiiiiiiieI dun hate sora as much in 01 as in 02, strangely..Teeeeeeeeeekaaaaaaaaaay
Dai-skuh! ^^Shesocute!!!Shai! :DDa Ken-chan r kayootWAAAIII~
JYOUUUUUUUUPwitty peenk hair ^^Miyako ^^HikariiiiiiKaoru pretty. Pretty Kaoru.
TAIIIIIIIIIE ^_________^EVIL sORA DIE DIE DIE *note that I never capitalize sora*Teekay againKAWAII YAMA!!!!! :DDDDDHeza's face looks kinna squished to me O.o
Koushy!jyouuuuuuuuuuuu againI want that hat. Seriously.Hikari ^^
Her face looks fat o.oIori! WAII!!Taka-chaaaaan!! -Glomp-And here's Ruki! YAYS!~Lookit! It's Jenrya! Hesocute!And good ol' Natsume. No blinkey collection could be complete without her!

Ummmmkay, here's PikaChan's BlinkeyPet collection.

Sesky Yama. PikaChan's lazy excuse for an update image.

... PikaChan's Yama gif. If anyone knows who made it, mail her. Or something.
That's right. *drool* @_@

That was crap PikaChan, you're lame!
Oh be quiet. Lookit what I put for you down here...

This I like. THIS PAGE WAS HACKED BY IZZY!! KOUSHIROU DA BADASS 0WNZ J00!!! Proooooooo-digious!

That's more like it.

Sign the Mother 3 Petition of Dark Heza will burn your pants

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Ha ha ha, you thought we were putting the counter on EVERY page so you people could up it, didn't you? ;D *evil laugh*

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