Those Things We Love to Hate...Updates

Well, here they are: The updates. This is where you get to here us gripe about patience and the evils of HTML and other wonderfully entertaining things such as that. Despite what it looks like, we're working as fast as we can to make this a really great site. The newer updates are at the bottom.


Updates from 12/28 : 2/25
Updates from 3/1 : 5/6
Updates from 5/8 : 10/31


We're baaaaaaack...

Well, minna, it's a brand new day for the ToG and we're glad to be kickin' it off with a bang! First off, I'd like to apologize for the exorbitant amount of time it took for me to update this site. The overhaul took a lot longer than I ever thought it would (I never realized how big this place is!). But, now we're back online so to speak, so on with the show!

I've got lots o' treats for y'all. First up, a tasty morsel of an RK trilogy «Desert Rose» I'm working on; I've got the first 10 chapters done, and so Book One is near completion. I've also written three Inuyasha fics.

Second, I would like to inform you that everything is now completed throughout the site. The Humor Section is now fully operational, and I've updated all of the bios as well as the galleries, which have tons more pictures. I've also added a chibi gallery. There's only one small minor thing...the Isle of MTV Game is still not completed. I guess I told a little white sue me!

More fics are on the way, as well. So keep a look out for that.

I really hope you guys like the new layout! ^_^


Time for some fangirl-ish squealing...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I met Brad Swaile (for shame if you Gundam fans don't know who he's Quatre's English VA)!!! OK, c'est tout. ^-~

Some really exciting/fun/crazy-as-all-get-out shit went down this past weekend. Now what exactly am I talking about? Why, AnimeCentral 2002, of course! That's right; Kit and I drove 6 hours to the windy city of Chicago for an anime convention that was beyond wonderful. We cosplayed (as Yoji and Farfarello from Weiß Kreuz), we shopped (and spent an insane amount...well, I did), we laughed (hysterically), we starved ($$ for food=less $$ for anime), we watched (anime, of course!), we schmoozed (with Brad Swaile, the nicest guy in the universe of voice acting), we...well, we did a lot. ^-~

Pics from that wonderful time shall be coming soon, as well as the pic of me with Brad (squeeeeee!). I must be off to finish reading my Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi E (the cutest/funniest shoujo manga out there) and watching Slayers Try/Record of Lodoss War. *Sigh* I got both complete series for $100. Anime cons are beyond shibby! ^_________^

Uh...other than that...more fics coming soon. Je te promi.


Well, gee, that was a really long time without an update. Building 3 websites at a time has a tendency to make you neglect the ones you have...But I didn't forget about this palce ^_^

What's new: finally got the ACen page up and running with pics and all. Also, I completed the Obituaries (for now...^^). I also fixed a bunch of broken links.

Other than that, Angelfire's being a bitch, so the Download of the Month section is suspended for now. I'm currently working on 2 different trilogies, 1 sequel, and revamping a GW fic, so bear with me.

Until we meet again! ^_^


Hokay, not much new content-wise. I added a new "Quote of the Week", but most importantly I rearranged the links on the main page ::points to right:: to make everything a little more navigable. School just started, and I'm really slaving to finish my Farfarello shrine, so I may not update for a while. But when I do, I promise fics and fics. Revamped fics and new ones. ^-^

Viva pocky!