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*The Awakening  ( Part 2)*
 Everything changed when Tuxedo Mask fell for a trap set by Zoicite and Kunzite.
Capturing Sailormoon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter, Zoicite disguised himself as Sailormoon. Tuxedo Mask came and saw the false Sailormoon hanging from a crane. Instinctively, he went to save her. Zoicite took the chance to stab Tuxedo Mask in the back. The poison seeped painfully into Tuxedo Mask but it couldn't kill him. Realising that it was a trap, Tuxedo Mask fought Zoicite in a really exciting battle in a warehouse!

While fighting, Tuxedo Mask's mask dropped and thus revealing Mamoru's identity. Beryl was shocked to see that her archrival all this while was Prince Endymion!

Anyway, Sailor Venus made her first appearance and saved the scouts.

                        But unknown to them, Mamoru was injured......

Zoicite struck a deal with Mamoru, asking for a rendezvous at Starlight Tower. Mamoru was to bring the crystals which he had...
"No problem....."
Mamoru painfully made his way to Starlight Tower, only to bump into Usagi on the way. The sweetlook Mamoru gave surprised Usagi. For the first time, Mamoru didn't torment or tease her.

            Instead, he softly said.....

The pain in his eyes was also unmistakable.
(Oh gosh, these pictures make my heart melt like lava!! *dreamy sigh*) Oops! Got a little carried away! Sorry! ^_^!

Usagi's worries for Mamoru were confirmed when she realised Mamoru's blood on her hands (she slapped him on the back when they met).... She followed Mamoru to Starlight Tower. Zoicite transported them to the rendezvous. There, all 7 Rainbow Crystals were allocated and Zoicite prepared to kill Usagi and Mamoru.

Trapped in a lift, Mamoru and Usagi were about to be burnt to death when Usagi decided to transform into Sailormoon, thus revealing her identity to Mamoru!
"Usagi is S..S.. Sa.. Sailor... Sailormoon?!!"

Hehe, was she surprised when she found out who Mamoru was!

(see the whole sequence here!)

Usagi finally knew her masked hero all this while was Mamoru (or did she have that  feeling long before?)! She realised how similiar Mamoru and Tuxedo Mask were all this while!

Unfortunately, Zoicite stabbed Mamoru with the 2nd poison spear!
Grieving for her dying love, the hidden power in Usagi was finally unleashed. Her teardrop turned into the Empyrium Silver Crystal, the crystal everyone was looking for. Thus, Usagi was revealed as Princess Serenity. Memories from the Silver Millennium flooded through Usagi and the dying Mamoru... ("Mabaroshi no Ginzuishou" song please...)

Prince and princess finally reunite....

 "Don't cry for me, Serenity... I'm happy just knowing that we finally found each other again, my love..."
Beryl saw this, and ordered Kunzite to take Mamoru away, who died after touching his princess's face and saying goodbye to Serenity.
*sniff* So beautiful..."Mamoru..Please... don't.... NO!!!"

Beryl killed Zoicite for foolishly killing Mamoru. Then, she shifted her attention to Mamoru, asking Metallia to help her resurrect and brainwash him....

The Rise of Dark Endymion....