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| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

Lately, Mamoru and Usagi started having dreams. Usagi would dream about a man in thick fog, whereas Mamoru would dream about a lady urging him to find the Silver Crystal.

"The same dream again?"
*gasp* *gasp* He's bare!!!!!! What a hunk!
"6 o'clock?"
 "Everytime I get the chance to see her face, I'll always wakeup! Who is she?..."

 Mamoru quickly dressed up for school....
And who else should he meet on his way to school?
"Yes.... A strange dream indeed..." Usagi thought to herself as well....
"Aaah! It's that boy again!"
Seeing Mamoru, Usagi blushed, as she remembered their encounter on the bus the other day!
"Hi, odango atama!" Mamoru warmly said to the blushing girl.
Ami recognized Mamoru's school uniform, saying that he's a student of Moto Azabu High School. Moto Azabu High School is a well-known school and is noted for its excellence. In short, Mamoru was a student of one of the best schools around! <Way to go! Mamoru's an intellectual hunk! Woo-haa!! oopss... got carried away again! Sorry! ^_^>

As Tuxedo Mask, Mamoru made a mistake by publisizing the search for the Illusion Silver Crystal. The Dark Kingdom seized the chance to obtain energy by attracting an audience to watch the coverage of the Silver Crystal on TV.  When the Dark Kingdom launched its attack of absorbing the whole of Tokyo's energy, even Usagi was affected. Mamoru, who realised the attack, rushed out from his library and happened to see Usagi fainting..... Instantly, he ran to her aid and tried to wake her... Usagi, who was partially conscious, felt Mamoru's touch....

Ah..This touch is so familiar!I feel my energy returning...

Usagi opened her eyes and saw Mamoru, who had tranformed into Tuxedo Mask....

"I never thought my actions were so foolish! Please don't misunderstand... I didn't mean any harm! All I wanted was to find the Silver Crystal. But I don't have any clue, yet alone any powers such as yours! Don't waste any time, transform into Sailormoon!.... You're the only one that can save all these  people..."

                Usagi found herself staring into those deep eyes, wondering how he knew that she was Sailormoon. She felt as if she had seen his eyes.. his gaze, before... Tuxedo Mask's words gave her the boost and power she needed, and she quickly turned into Sailormoon.

                At one moment, Usagi suddenly doubted her ability to handle the situation, but Tuxedo Mask suddenly holded her, saying , "Be strong, Sailormoon! Believe in yourself!" That broke the spell and Sailormoon  used the Moon Stick (after Sailor V in the videogame told her to) to return the people's energy and stop the Dark Kingdom's attack. In the process of saving all the people, Sailormoon used all of HER energy and collapsed into Tuxedo Mask's arms...

"You did wonderful, Sailormoon.. I'm so proud of you..."

With Sailormoon in his arms, Mamoru brought Usagi to his apartment....

The next day, Sailormoon found herself in an unfamiliar room. At first, she thought the battle the day before was just a dream, but then she found Tuxedo Mask's pocket clock, and realised that everything really did happened. "I transformed in front of Tuxedo Mask... I just know he's not an enemy!" She transformed back into Usagi and was SHOCKED to see....  MAMORU!

"Are you alright?"
Part 2....
