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| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

            At first, Usagi couldn't understand how on Earth she ended up in Mamoru's apartment, but then she saw his mask, hat and black velvet cloak on the sofa...
  Seeing the bow tie he wore, realization suddenly dawned Usagi... 
Tuxedo Mask was... Mamoru all along...
"Why didn't I realise it before?! His gaze was so familiar... so absorbing."

"How... did you become Tuxedo Mask?"
Usagi asked hesitantly, still shocked with the revelation.

"For my memory...I HAD to find the Silver Crystal."

"Mum! Dad! Let's go!"   "My parents died in a car crash that day, on my 6th birthday."
  "I completely lost my memory. I couldn't remember my parents, the accident, or even  my own name." 

"When I regained consciousness in the hospital, the doctor told me my name was Mamoru Chiba... But I just couldn't remember!" 

Usagi kept silent, drowning in Mamoru's deep gaze and realizing what a man of depth he was all this while. Mamoru continued his story....

"But then, I began to get the same dream again and again. A woman would be pleading for help... For me to find the Illusion Silver Crystal. 
"When I wake up, I'll find myself... floating over the city. I wore a mask, a hat and a tuxedo... Just like a burglar in the night..."

"That dream is the ONLY shred of my memory left. No matter what, I NEED to get the Illusion Silver Crystal!"

Usagi felt herself falling deeper and deeper into Mamoru's eyes.... They both shared a secret now: their identities. She trusted him now, but was hesitant to tell much of the Silver Crystal (Luna warned Usagi not to trust Tuxedo Mask).

Usagi WISHED that time would  just stop... Leaving her with Mamoru....

Blushing furiously, Usagi hurried to leave.....

"Usagi... Wait!"
Suspense filled the air as Mamoru held Usagi's shoulder. She didn't know what he was about to do to her....

"Don't forget your school bag..."
                    Usagi blushed even more at the way Mamoru said her name!

Unknowingly, the seeds of love were already sown within their hearts....
Part 3....
