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Last updated: 24th February 2001

24 February 2001 - Uploaded the mp3 files for the downloads section. Make sure you have the programme 
                                  WINZIP, as my mp3 files are in zip format. Enjoy! ^_^! I've also updated the 
                                  information section, with "Man In the Manga"
1 Jan 2001 - Happy New Year! "My Love: MAMORU CHIBA" is now 2 years old! Yay! I   
                    apologise for not updating for *so*, *so* long, but last year was an extremely tedious  
                    year in school. But now that I have more time, updates would hopefully be more  
                    frequent. Firstly, I have moved this Mamoru shrine of mine out of the evil clutches of  
          , so please bear with the initial broken links. They are just minor "teething"  
                    problems! Right now, the section which is perfectly fine and completely uploaded is  
                    the "Information" and "Fan Art" section. The image gallery has some more pictures  
                    to be uploaded, but the "Man of Our Dreams" category is ready for visitors. <sigh>  
                    FTP-ing is going to take a few more days, due to the size of this shrine...  

                    Like the new layout? I'm currently like the colour grey, and decided to make it the  
                    main theme colour of this shrine. ^_^! Lastly, why don't you sign up for the mailing list  
                    so that I can inform you of any future updates? I promise, I won't send junk mail/spam  
                    to you. Sign up!