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 Outlaw Star

If you'd like to e-mail me, please keep the following in mind: I may not have time to answer questions about the series; if you write to me, and I know the answer, and I feel like it, I'll write back--if I don't know the answer or don't have time, I won't. However, if you want to send me fan art or fanfic of the series, or contribute to the page in another way, please do so.

Please see my factual FAQ before e-mailing me a question. If you ask a question that's answered in the FAQ, I probably won't reply. And do NOT ask me about the MP3s. I cannot and will not help you find them. Ditto for illegal online videos.

If you want to see a list of sites which plagurized my text without asking permission, click here. Bother them if you like. If you see a site with info that's on my page that doesn't credit me for it, and it isn't on the list, let me know.

If you want to use my pictures, check my FAQ. (Basically, go ahead, though I'd appreciate a link, and do not under any circumstances use the Gilliam picture or the Gene with his eyes closed picture that appears on all my pages. Just don't.)


Do not ask me to send you pictures.

Please send me URLs to fanart and fanfictions you've drawn/written for this page, or e-mail me the files, but please make them GIFs or JPGs, or text files--I CANNOT read Word files.

Please don't ask things I have clearly marked elsewhere on my page or in my FAQ.

I also don't guarantee you'll get a reply, even if you follow all my requests--sorry, but even on good days, I'm behind on my e-mail, and since I just made this page a few years ago because there were no other OLS sites online, I really was rather unprepared for the onslaught of e-mails I just began receiving about the show...I still enjoy "Outlaw Star," but I hadn't planned to spend hours of every day working on this site/replying to e-mails...

My e-mail is

Do NOT put this e-mail on ANY list anywhere else online. This is only for people who reach this page via my Outlaw Star page. Do NOT send me e-mail forwards!

If you wish to call me by my first name, it is Julie.

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This page is devoted to the uncut Japanese version of Outlaw Star; it may happen to have some info about the Cartoon Network series, but that's not what the focus is on.

Outlaw Star and all related characters, storylines, etc. copyright all respective copyright holders (ie. Sunrise, Takehiko Itoh, whoever Cartoon Network bought it from, etc.). Credits are here. This is a fan site only; I make no money off of it, and it is intended to promote the series; nothing else. If you wish to obtain this series in its uncut form (dubbed or subbed, on video or DVD), please visit your local Anime store or