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 Outlaw Star

Frequently Asked Questions/Frequently Said Obnoxious Statements


How many episodes are in the series?

There are 26 episodes in the Japanese series; 25 in the dubbed Toonami version.


Are there any more episodes?

Maybe, but PLEASE don't ask me! I'll post to the page as soon as I get any hard info. Last I heard, Animerica claims they're making some direct-to-video episodes in Japan. At any rate, it will probably be a year or more before it makes it to the US in any form.


Where can I get the series? or Is the series out on VHS/DVD?

You can get the series uncut in VHS subtitled or dubbed formats from many Anime vendors, online and off, or Retail price is--I *think*--$20-$25 for each tape (dubbed and subtitled, respectively), with two episodes/tape. Box sets (there are two of them--one for the first half or so, and one for the second half or so) are a little cheaper. Episodes 1-18 are also available on two sets of two (uncut) DVDs each; volume one has episodes 1-9; volume two has episodes 10-18. Each volume has two DVDs; the third and final volume I hear has been pushed back to an April release date. These DVD sets retail at about $45 each, and feature dub and subtitled tracks.


When they say English subtitled what does that mean? And when they say English dubbed what does that mean ?

Subtitled means the dialogue is in Japanese and there's the words in English at the bottom of the screen--like some foreign films. English dubbed is like Anime series on TV; the dialogue is all in English, with no subtitles. They dub over the Japanese dialogue.


What are the Japanese names of the characters in Outlaw Star?

For all I've seen the Japanese names and English names are exactly the same; my artbook has everyone's names in English letters as shown below. If you wanted to get technical (ie. katakana/romanji), their names are:

Gene Starwind--Jiin Sutaauindo
Jim Hawking--Jimu Hookingu
Aisha Clan Clan--Eisha Kurankuran
Suzuka--Suzuka (spelled in kanji)
Fred Luo--Fureddo Luo (last name spelled in kanji)

In the Japanese artbook I own, most of the other characters' names weren't even spelled out in katakana; they're generally either in English (as the case with most of the main characters) or kanji (in the case of the pirates). And in the series, even Jim and Gene's business is labelled 'Starwind and Hawking Enterprises' in English on the Japanese version, just as in the dub. The reason for all this English is that the series takes place in a 'future' where Chinese and English are the main languages used by people--you'll see a lot of Chinese and American influences on the show.


By any chance are you watching Outlaw Star on Cartoon Network?  How different is it from the orginial?

I more or less watched episodes 1-19 (minus several; I have lots of schoolwork), but I don't plan to watch the rest until I've seen them subtitled. I feel Cartoon Network did about as good as they did as good as they could do given they had to cut out a few minutes and change all the objectionable content due to the time slot, not to mention axe the catchy theme song....Melfina has a 'digitally added swimsuit,' as I heard it so colorfully put... There's no cursing in the edited version (well, unless they forget ^^;), and Gene isn't so much of a ladies' man. A lot of the funniest humor is taken out, too, because it's not appropriate for children, and minor plot points are deleted with alarming frequency.... But given the time slot and audience, these kind of edits had to be made--the show is still watchable, the voices pretty least the basic concepts are (mostly) the same ^^; For the record, I still think "Outlaw Star" is a terrible show to bring to network TV, due to its suggestive content that all needed removed (come on--whose idea was it to bring a show featuring a naked lady who gets in a tube of goo to navigate a spaceship to US TV in a kid-friendly timeslot?), but they've done (about) as well as they can, given their absurdly impossible task....


It looks like _____________ site plagurized your OLS info.

You're probably right; all text on this site is written by me unless otherwise noted. (All pictures are captured/scanned/edited by me, too, but I don't technically own the rights to the images myself; it's just polite to ask to use them.....) This site, and most of its info, has been up since, I believe, the summer of 1999. If you see a site stealing my text that isn't on this list, by all means, e-mail me and I'll try to talk with the webmaster. Or if you'd rather, e-mail the offenders yourself; if they get enough e-mails, they may take down their info. If the site is listed here, then you have no need to alert me--though if you'd like to go to the page and ask the owner to take down their stolen info, or at least credit me, I would not mind. ^_-= (Do note that I don't mind if people just use my *basic* character info--blood type, height, etc. (though recognition is always nice!)--but it's not okay if they steal the full episode guides or character descriptions.)


These URLs stole my text without asking permission: (episode summaries not credited; no e-mail address)

Do keep in mind that, when webmasters find their work stolen on other sites, it makes them hesitant to put their stuff online. If you want me to write more episode summaries, ever, do not steal my work.


What's the model name of the ship "Outlaw Star?"

XGP15A-II, according to the insert that came with my DVD, anyway.


Melfina is NOT naked in the series, or, You got something wrong--that didn't happen etc., etc....

This page is mainly devoted to the Japanese version of the series, not the edited Toonami dub. It's quite likely I do have errors throughout the page, and I'll fix things I actually have wrong, but unless you're watching the uncut subtitled version, do not correct me. Thank you.


Can you point me towards some Outlaw Star hentai (pornography)? Or naked pics of _____?



You should watch the real uncut version or Your site should be about the Japanese version etc., etc....

I am watching the uncut version, and this site is about the Japanese version!


You should put more pictures on your site or You need better pictures etc., etc.....

I don't have time! This is just a fan site! Have you even looked at the pictures I have...? Sorry you don't appreciate them. >_<


You should have bigger/desktop pictures of the end song pics.

I'd kind of like to, but I'm feeling guilty enough for putting the ones I have up (the artist himself is actually online, so he might find my page and be angry at my modifications...@_@).


Your episode guide sucks; it only has 15 out of 26 episodes.

I aimed to put up a comprehensive episode guide (well, as comprehensive as I can get while writing frantically in a darkened auditorium...). I'm behind on putting up summaries, but hearing how much my site sucks because I'm behind is not going to encourage me to write more.


Hey, ______ picture/drawing at the end of Outlaw Star looks like my friend--do you have it on your site?

I got that message from two different people...^_^;;; Try the end song pics section.


Where can I get the MP3 of _______ song?

I don't know; you could always try Napster or something......I don't link to MP3 sites or distribute MP3s, and besides, the only MP3 site I know of has their songs down.... So no, I won't help you get the songs. You could, of course, spend the $35 and buy the Japanese CD if you want the song that badly.....(sorry; I don't know any good Japanese CD vendors though). I can't point you towards the English songs either.


Can you send me videos of the episodes? Or the theme song? Or something else? Can you put MP3s/videos/episodes on your site?

No. I'd get kicked off this server if I put up multimedia files.


Can I use your pictures on my site?

Thank you for asking.

At this point, it's fine with me if you use almost all my pictures. If you use an edited end song pic, please state prominently that some of the pictures were edited, and, if you would, also that the original pictures were by Hicaru Tanaka. And if you take something I say I found on another page, you should credit the person who originally scanned/inputted it. I would appreciate a link back to my page if you use my pictures.

And please do not under any circumstances use my pictures that appear on every page--the one of Gene smiling with his eyes closed, or the Gilliam at the bottom of every page. I actually edited those images myself (I didn't just scan them in), and they're unique to my site (or were before a bunch of people ignored my pleading and stole them) so do not steal them! Thank you for your understanding.

Also, do not steal my text (episode summaries, character bios, etc.). I can understand if you don't have a scanner so you need to use pictures from my site, but I'll bet you have a keyboard. Write your own text.


Hey, here's lyrics for the English version of Melfina singing "Hiru no Tsuki."

Um....I've had it on my page since the night that episode aired... click here and scroll down.


What does OLS stand for?

Outlaw Star. Unless you're in a statistics class; then it might be Ordinary Least Squares. But on this page...probably Outlaw Star. I've seen someone abbreviate it 'OS,' but since that's so universally used as Operating System on the Internet, OLS seems like a better abbreviation.


You mentioned an art book--where can I get it?

I purchased my 'art book' from I clicked on 'books' (or something like that) and scrolled down to the only one with the word "Outlaw Star" in the title. Last I saw, it was actually in stock, so give it a try. Also, the book contains some nudity, almost exclusively on the part of the female characters--the book is about the Japanese version, in which Melfina does NOT wear a bikini, and in which there is an entire episode devoted to the characters visiting a hot spring and bathing......


How do I make a webpage? How do I make screencaps?

I don't really have time to answer that--I use a program called Adobe Pagemill 3.0 that came on my iMac to make this page. If you want to make screencaps, you'll need either a video card or another video capture device for your computer; mine is from Belkin--I don't reccomend that brand though ^^;;;


Can you send me a picture of ________?



Does Aisha have a tail?

The best I can figure, Aisha doesn't generally have a tail (it's not on her model sheets, or in most the pictures I've seen of her)--the only times I've seen her with a tail are when she's looking kind of zapped, like before she fully transforms into her big cat/white tiger form, so I'm guessing she gets one while she transforms, but that's all.


Can I link to your site?

Please. There's some (kinda ugly) link buttons on my index page; you'll have to save them to your own webspace to use them.


Would you link to my site?

If it has something to do with Outlaw Star (and has some unique content--some text of your own, not just my pictures, though if you can do something cool with my screencaps, more power to you ^_^), isn't too objectionable, (I know a lot of my visitors aren't even teenagers yet) and doesn't crash my browser, I might. Send me the URL. But don't bother if you stole *anything* from my site without asking, or even if you stole pictures from someone else's site that stole pictures from my site. In short, if you have pictures that happen to be on my site (aside from the cartoon network screencaps, which are fair use) and can't convince me you scanned them/captured them yourself, no way will I link to your site. Same goes for if I catch content that appears to be stolen from another site. I also reserve the right not to link to sites I just plain don't like.

What are you like? How old are you? Can I IM you? Etc., etc.....

Visit this page. Sorry; I probably won't reply to inquries about my age/location/etc., as, frankly, I'm too old for most of my site's visitors, and don't want to go to jail....^_-;;;;


What can I do to make you really happy?

Maybe visit my comics page...? Also, I may want some quick English ep summaries after 18, 'til I get to see the rest of the subtitled series and summarize it myself.....

OK, I admit, no one asked me that last one. ^^;

If I didn't answer your question, go ahead and e-mail me.


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This page is devoted to the uncut Japanese version of Outlaw Star; it may happen to have some info about the Cartoon Network series, but that's not what the focus is on.

Outlaw Star and all related characters, storylines, etc. copyright all respective copyright holders (ie. Sunrise, Takehiko Itoh, whoever Cartoon Network bought it from, etc.). Credits are here. This is a fan site only; I make no money off of it, and it is intended to promote the series; nothing else. If you wish to obtain this series in its uncut form (dubbed or subbed, on video or DVD), please visit your local Anime store or