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Chambers of Fanfiction

My Affiliations:

~ * Crystal Gatomon's Lair * ~; a Sora bashing, Taito loving site

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Request for Submission

Whats this, eh? Decided you want to let me host some of your works? Great! There are but a few things that I must ask of you before though...

In order for me to be able to post your fanwork:

A fic MUST have a disclaimer of some sort...unless, of course, you really do own the characters. Send the fic to me in .txt .doc or .html formats only please. I can't work with anything else and it makes things a lot easier for me. If sending a piece of Fanart, please send it in GIF or JPEG format. When sending, please write "Fanfiction" or "Fanart" or some such like that in the subject box so I don't think its junk mail =) If you wanna send a Fanart, I don't really ask for anything other than the Author's name and the Title of the piece. But with a fic, I'll need the following:
  1. Title
  2. Author's name
  3. Author's E-mail address (just in case I'm having a bad case of the stupids)
  4. Author's Home Page URL (if any)
  5. Series the fic takes place in
  6. Content listing (Yaoi, Yuri, Lemon, Lime, etc...)
  7. And lastly, the Pairing(s)

So long as there is at least a Disclaimer and a few other things I'll pretty much take anything, I'm not that "strict" when it comes to this stuff. the list may seem a tad long (or really long, depending on your definition) but its actually pretty much all info you'd normally give out anyway. So don't be shy! It's really not such a big deal!

Decided to send me something? The messenger at the bottom of the nav bar to the left will direct you to where you can send me something, just click on the black Phoenix or click here