A nav-bar should make it a lil easier to get around now!

Chambers of Fanfiction

My Affiliations:

~ * Crystal Gatomon's Lair * ~; a Sora bashing, Taito loving site

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Welcome to the list of updates to the page!

As of 8-31-01

You may or may not have noticed, but I have done an almost complete revamp of the layout of the site. Hope you like it! Tell me what you think! My e-mail addy is ganymede51@hotmail.com. Hope you enjoy the visit!

As of 8-30-01

The Links section is back up, and there have been a few minor revisions here and there, more fics to come soon!

As of 8-26-01

I've added a new part to "Are the Crests..." today! About damn time too! Sorry, but with problem after problem and then reformatting my hard drive, I haven't been paying as much attention to this site as I should have been. No more excuses! Anyways, I'll be fixing a few things that need fixing soon, so as of now...the links page is down for renovation. I'll have it up again soon. Also, I added Crystal Gatomon's Lair as an affiliate of mine. Go check her site out! It's really cool!.

As of 3-27-01

Added a new fanfic to the Digimon section. Its one I wrote, its called Why must it be me? and it is very angsty...It is almost all a copy/paste of my conversation. read if you dare!

As of 3-09-01

Added a new FanFiction Section, Dragon Ball section is now open! With one fic by Misstress Fortune

As of 3-08-01

Added a new Digimon Series, Itsumademo Ai (Forever Love) by Taito Lover

As of 3-07-01

Added the new links section! Be sure to check it out! Don't forget to sign the guestbook too!