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Everything you never wanted to know...
Pointless Crap
Yes, pointless crap! Stuff you may not have known, stuff you didn't really care about, and everything in between!

Isn't it Ironic?
The product of one of my many boredom binges.
The Name Game
Sure, the characters have names, but what do the names mean, and do they have anything to do with the people themselves? The answer may surprise you.
Meet the Parents
A quick look into the history of our Rocket and Twerpy friends, and some speculations of my own on Tracey's Mysterious Past. ^_^
The Home of Animé!
A li'l info on the characters Japanese names. You gotta love all this junk I find.
Ii Kan-what?
A explanation of this site's title, and some other Japanese words you'll hear me use around here.
Le Grande Finale!
How's Pokémon Gonna End (assuming it ever does)? My own opinions...
Everybody LOVES JAMES!
This is a section I made on another one of my sites, about the many people and reasons to love James. Hope you like-a.
Speculations on Brock's Eyes
Another boredom binge. Ever wonder what Brock would look like if he opened his eyes? Yeah, me too! ^_^
You Know You Like Pokémon Too Much When...
Blah, I know, everyone's got one. Well, may as well be unoriginal for once, hai? 'Sides, I think some of 'em are ha-ha-hilarious!

What Animé Has Taught Me
See? TV really can be educational!

NOBODY Loves Ash!
Jess, one of the co-site owners of my Pokémon Shippers Site, made this. It's a horrible, horrible rip-off of my "Everybody Loves James" thing, but tis still funny! Ash-lovers: keep your distance ^_^;

The Ship List!
Because, in the end, we're all full of a little bit of ship ^_^

Satoshi no Odo-o (Ode to Ash)
I wrote this in a message to a Twerpshipper, then decided it was so good that it needed it's own page! ^_^ Ash-loves stay away, Ash-haters enjoy!

What was the point of all this, you ask? Well... there really wasn't one. Sorry. But, at least now you know a bunch of useless crap that you can amaze (or really annoy) your friends with! GOOD TIMES!!

Cut the Crap!