Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 2
The Cermony

Two weeks after Princess Serenity recived her full power and was able to transform in to Sailor moon.The Queen had to make an annoucement that they recived their full power.

~At the Cermony~
A rather large crowd had gathered when Queen Serenity had walked to the microphone.
People of the Moon, she began, I am very happy to announce that the princess' and prince's have recived their full power.
The crowd cheered when Queen Serenity annoced this.
I give you Prince Darien of Earth, Princess Amy of Mercury, Princess Mina of Venus, Princess Lita of Jupiter, Princess Rei of Mars, and my only daughter Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.
Cheers went up all over the place as the six walked out on the stage. Let the cermony begin! shouted thw Queen. Once again Cheers came up from the crowd. People of all ages were there claping and screaming. The crowd died down when they saw King Sebastion come out of the castle with the Queen's moon scepter. Princess Serenity stood up and whispered to the others to follow her. All at once, they all stood up, not understanding what was going on,and followed Serenity to were' her mother was standing. Queen Serenity took her moon scepter and placed it standing up-right. She than closed her eyes, whispered something and let go of the staff. It stood there by it's self up-right and in position Queen Senenity broke the silence by telling each of them to take out their crystals. Princess Serenity took out the locket she got two weeks ago on New Years. Princess Amy,Rei,Lita,and Mina took out the wands they got with stars at the top of them, that they to got on New Years. Prince Darien put his hand in his cloak and pulled out a single red rose.Now, it was just a rose bud but when ever he needed to transform it would bloom and turn into the earth crystal. Queen Serenity told them to take their crystals and to put them in the center of the heart golden heart, that stood on the top of the scepter. They each took their crystals and placed them in the center of the golden heart with the Queen's crystal on the top. As soon as Darien's rose began to bloom and, turned into the earth crystal the energy, the energy from all six crystals started to go into the crystal in the golden heart. Suddenly right above where the scepter was a bright blue ball started to appear; with the energy from the crystals. When the ball was as big as a ballon it floated down in front of Serenity. She took it in her hands and whispered to the others to put both of their handsunder the ball. As they walked up to where the princess was; they excanged worredglances still not understanding what was going on. They made a cricle around the blue ball and each one put both of their hands under it just liek Serenity told them to. Once Darien had put his hands under the ball and it began to glow. Princess Serentiy told them not to move or it wouldn't work. The ball shot six beams at them, one for each person. Moon crescents appeared on their foreheads.And as the ball grew smaller each of them felt more energy coem into their body's. When the blue ball disappeared a crystal cut into five pieaces appeared. Queen Serenity told them each to take a piece of the crystal , wich was know as the silver energy crystal. Everyone but Darien reached up and toke a piece of the crystal. When you are all together and do not have enough energy or power to defeat the enemy you must take this crystal and form a cricle with it. When they are together in a cricle hole will appear in the middle. She looked at the prince, and than you shall put the rose with the earth crystal in it Darien, she said smiling. They all stood standing there amazed at all these new powers.They all knew that they would rule their kingdoms and princess Serenity would rule the universe, but they never thought anything like this would happen. Queen Serenity broke the silence.As you will see the crystal has dissapeared, she said as the others looked down at their hands that once held the crystals. They will only appear when your in trouble. Once the crystals are joined together your attacks are doubled by the power and your strength increases deeply. They all turned to Serenity who was smiling. She probably planed this hole thing, Mina thought. The queen contuned, Once the crystals are joined they stay togther until the enemy falls; the crystals will give you the extra power to defeat anybody who attacks. But, it will take away most of your energy and you may be unconscious for a few days. But once you regain conscious you'll be a little dizzy but you'll soon return to normal The five stared at the princess not able to belive that her and the could cook this up.
Now, the queen said interrupting their thoughts, Do you exsept?
I do, Princess Serenity said taking a step forward.
I do , Prince Darien said stepping over to where Serenity was.
I do, the others chimed in.
Queen Serenity winked at them and turned to the corwd Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to announce that the scripters are know to be fulfilled . She steped aside, I give you the crowned princess and princes, she said smiling at a blushing Darien.
She continued, I give you the new protecters of the univers.
All of the crowd cheered as Princess Serenity steped up forward as a golden light shot down from the sun and surrounded her; suddenly the light bounched off her, as if a mirrror had reflected off of it, and exploded into white, blue, pink, yellow, green, black,and blue sparks. The crowd cheered as the six floated over the crowd. Let everyone gather in the courtyard for a joyish party,shouted Queen Serenity.

I have an idea, Queen Beryl said, instead of just killing Princess Serenity why don't we just kidnap the princess? Yes that is a wonderful plan.

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