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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 3: A Romance

At the party Princess Serenity told the others all that was needed. She explaned how with the power of the silver impurerum crystal she was able to create the silver energy crystal.
Well, if you made the energy crystal than how come it takes our energy away from us once the enemy has fallen? Princess Mina asked.
Yeah, Princess Lita chimed in, couldn't you use the queens power so that wouldn't happen?
Princess Serenity smiled as she took out her crystal, My crystal is the silver Impurerum crystal. My mothers is the silver crystal. So I could only use the Impurerum crystal. I couldn't use my mothers unless I wanted something worse to happen. So we........, Princess Serenity said but was cut off when they heard a lond deep voice.
So, said the voice, I hear six people got their full power. I challenge you to a fight.
Transform, Serenity whispered.
Moon Princess Crystal, Make up!
Mercury Water Crystal, Make up!
Venus Love Crystal, Make up!
Mars Fire Crystal, Make up!
Jupiter Thunder Crystal, Make up!
Rose Crystal, Make up!
Suddenly a white light appeared as the six started to spin in the air . When the light went away they landed on the ground .
So, said the voice, you decided to coem out after all.
Suddenly a red ball shot out of the darkness at Sailor moon. Caught by surprise whenn the beam hit her a perishing excaped from her throat.
Just as she was about to hit the wall she yelled out "Moon Angel Wings Help"
Suddenly two wings shot out of her back. They started to flap creating a gentle breeze as she floated over to were the others were standing. She landed right in front of the others scouts who were starign at her.
She turned her head to look at them, smiled and said, i'm a princess,with the crystal i can do anything i want.
They all closed their mouths once she finshed speaking.
Whoever you are come out at once! the princess ordered.
Ohhh an order from the princess herself ohhhhh i'm so scared, said the voice followed by cruel laughter.
Fine, the princess murmured as she put her feet together and less than a second later. She jumped up and said, "Moon Beam Encricle."
A beam shot out of her moon crescent and it went into the dark and they saw it come back with a person in it. A smile, almost impossible to see, appeared on Darien's face; at her way of controlling her surorundings.
She is way to cool. I wonder if she'll ever fall for me, he thought.
Now, said Serenity, Who are you?
Queen Beryl, of the dark kingdom she, she said, I shall get my revenge.
She disappeared from inside the bubble and appeared above it.
You haven't seen the last of me, she said bitterly, as she shouted she another beam at Sailor Moon, who quickly jumped out of the way as she disappeared.
Queen Beryl? Lita asked as she detransformed, I wounder who she was.
I don't know but as long as shes a danger to my people I'm not going to stop fighting, The Princess said.
Speaking of fighting, darien cut in, how come you weren't in your sailor suit? You just stayed in your royal dress.
She looked down to where her royal, white, silk, dress was. She looked for her little feet.Why can't I find my own two feet in this dress? she thought. She looked up to Darien, and than to the others.
Thats becouse.....becouse.... she started but couldn't finsh becouse she didn't even know why.
She turned to her mom. Mom, why didn't i change into a sailor suit instead of staying in her dress, she asked.
The queens started to tell the scouts why when Serenity decided to go swimming.

She sneaked off into the path that lead to the rose garden were they had a pond. When she stepped into the pond she decided to take her hair down so it wouldn't be as hard to take them out to wash her hair. She dove underwater letting the cool water surround her body. She swam for a little while than laid in her back on the water just floating there. It wasn't long after after she laid on the top of the water did she feel something, around waist, pull her underwater. She tried to scream for help but was stoped when she heard Darien's voice whisper, Serenity, he said breathing his lips against hers. She turned to see the prince smiling at her. She swam over to the side of the pond, and pulled herself up. Darien followed her to the side and sat next to her.
Darien, what was that all about, she asked once he was up, staring at her feet in the water.
Darien turned to her a puzzled expression on his face.
What was what all about? he said to the princess who turned to him astonished at what he had just said.
W-W-What? you........ you....,she said confussed.
The prince smiled and looked at her, ohhhh.......... You mean this, he said leanign against her, his fingers running through her smooth,silky,blond hair, As he brushed his lips against hers.
That, she whispered, returning the kiss.

~Meanwhile back at the party~
Queen Serenity looked at the princesses as she finshed explaning.And that is why princess Serenity.........she tried to finsh but couldn't; as she looked around.
W-Where is Serenity? she asked concern in her eyes.
Dariens missing too, said Princess Raye.
Wait! Don't say anything. Follow me,she said motioning them away from the party.
When they were by a bench, fifty feet away from the pond, the queen turned on her communactor. She spoke into it, Serenity, are you there? she said, Serenity?
Ok, she said turning to the others, we'll have to split up in different directions.
Mina, she said, you go to Mon. Starlight, she might be calling her Grandmother again. Mina nodded in agreement and headed off to Mon. Starlight.
Queen Serenity turned to Lita. Lita, go look in the field she might be callign her grand father again. She nodded heading off to the field of moon flowers.
Queen Serenity looked at Ami. Ami, go look at the beach; she might be callign Arial again. Ami turned to the beach as she said, yes mam.
She finally turned toward Raye. Raye, go look in the stables and see if she went to get magic, the queen said, and if shes there do not let magic take her into heaven's meadow. Raye nodded in agreement.
Once Raye was gone she started to the pond. When she got there she saw Serenity and Darien on the side of the pond starign into each others eyes. Fourteen and Eightteen lying there. Queen Serenity remembered the others. She pressed a button on her communactor and whispered into it.
I found Serenity and Darien; meet me by the bench.
Ok, they all whispered.
The queen snuck back to the bench where the others were waiting.
How did you all get here so quickly? she asked with a puzzled expression on her face. We just transported oursleves here, Ami, said.
Wow, the Queen tought. Anyway, I found the two, said the queen, come with me.
Ok, they said.
They walked over to where the Queen frist saw them. Ok, this is were..... she started but was broken off be Raye.
Oh my God, There practelly making out, Raye said smiling.
Queen Serenity shot them an angrily glance. Give them a break for cring out loud, she said.
Well it's true, Raye said.
Partly becouse it's both their destinies, Lita said.
Everyone looked at Lita and started laughing about it. Queen Serenity grinned even wider.
Look, mina said pointing at the two.
Queen Serenity Looked over to where they were. They were siting up now; the princess had a sunnted expression on her face.
I can see why, Raye said giggling.
She pulled her feet up and the two started talking. Serenity had punched him playfully on his sholder, and as a joke he fell playfully into the water; she fell back laughing. He laughed and splashed water in her face. She wiped the water drops away and offered him her hand, he took it and pulled at her arm; being caught unexpected she feel in.
Come on, the queen said turning to the others.
Oh come on, Mina said , lets spy on them some more.
No, the Queen said, We came to find her not spy on
All four of the sighed and started to walk away. but stoped dead when they heard, Princes Darien shout. SERENITY!!!!!, he creid, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Serenity's screams followed DARIEN!!!!!!!!!, she screamed, MOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
They all turned and ran back to the pond. When they got there Serenity was midair screaming and kicking. Queen Serenity looked at darien who was climing out of the pond.
NOOOOO, he screamed, NOOOO.
He fell to the ground as she disappeared,NOOOO, he whispered, NO.
Darien, the queen said her eyes pooling with tears, come with us.
Darien got up and followed the others to the castle.
Why, he thought tears in his formin gin his eyes, why.........?

We've got her, said Beryl, We' ve really got her. I can't belive it, said the servent looking over at the unconscious primcess. I just can't belive it, they both said at the same time, I just can't belive it.