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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 4
A Choice for a Kingdom

Darien walked into the thrown room and sat down after the queen. The room fell suddenly silent.
Darien broke the silence, so what are we going to do? he asked.
Well. Queen Serenity said, we have two choices. One we can try to fight Queen Beryl but if you feel you won't have Princess Serenity to help you with the energy crystal. OR.....I can use my scepter to send you all to the future on earth.
What are the dangers of that? Lita asked.
I'm not sure, the queen replyed.
A darkness of silence fell into the room.
But I know who knows, she started playing in her hair, and in a few secondlater she took out a golden key.Yes, Here it is, she said.
She walked to the center of the room, lifted the key and shouted, Qaurdian of time, Let the door of time spilt and come too me.I call you by your true name, Sailor Pluto........Come too me.
A green light quickly filled the room.When it was gone another Sailor Scout stood there in a green Sailor suit,dark green hair going to her hips, and she was holding a golden staff in the shape of a key with a heart on top.
You called for me? she asked the Queen.
Yes Pluto, I did, she said, I'm sure you know about the princess (Pluto nodded) I have called you here to ask for your help. We need to know what.....
What would be a better decision to make about this, she said finshing the sentence for her.
While the others gasped in shock the queen smiled.
Would you.....the queen started but couldn't finsh.
Of course your highness, she said turning to the five in the room, shut your mouths it's rude to stare.
The queen snikered at the comment.
If you try to find Serenity than you will have a horribly fate And Queen Serenity will not be able to raise you, she said turning to Queen Serenity.
Or, Ami asked.
Pluto sighed and went on, or Queen Serenity can use the silver crystal to erase your memories and take away your power until you are all 11 and with my time key i could send you to the future on earth.
I think I like that plan better, Darien said.
Hey, but Dariens four years older than all of us, Ami said.
Well, pluto started, thats another thing. See you will all lose your memory but the people of Earth won't. So you won't be your true self.
Darien looked at the others and stood up, walked over to where Quenn Serentiy was and bowed; Your higness we chose to go to earth.......

~Meanwhile on Nemesis~
Princess Serenity woke in her royal dress. It was a plain white dress with a slender stomach than expanded into skrits at the feet.The bow that was over her chest, that held her crystal. she could tell that who ever caputered her tried to take it away becosue steam was coming off of it.
Where am I? she asked herself.
Serenity? said a voice in her head, Serenity, Where are you?
Mom? she replyed, Is it you?
Yes, she replyed.
Mom, whats going to happen?, she asked, What even happened?
Honey, Pluto's here, she said, We're going to have to use the crystal.
Must we? Serenity asked.
Yes, the queen answered, Queen Beryl is going to turn you into an evil one.
Ok, she said, ready when you are.
OK sweet, be brave, The queen said fading away.
ok mom, she said.
Now, what am i supposed to do? she thought out loud.
She was tied up for hafe an hour,after a while she wondered if it would even work. She started humming a song to keep her busy.But stoped when she heard Queen Berly's voice.
So I see that the princess has waken up,she said.
Why have you done this Beryl? she asked, her moon crescent glowing with anger.
Why else? To capture your kingdom, she said laughing.
But why me? She asked, why not the queen? Why.........
Becouse the Queen is already married, she said anger in her voice, You howeverhave just started a relationship with the prince.......
I have liked Darien for years, the princess said, you should no that.
Yes, I know that, she said signing, and thats why you are no longer of the moon kingdom. See I know the only reason you would love one of my sons was if you were a member of the Black Moon, thats why my son, Prince Diamond, will do the honors of being your husband.
A boy of sixteen steped out of the shadows, he had white hair that hung losely to his sholders. He had a white suit with some kind off blue pattern on his shirt. He had a white cape on. There must of been a window open or something becouse his cape was fling around like a eice of paper caught in the wind.
Serenity sqrimed in her seat. Mom, please hurry, if he turns me into one of them before you can get me down to earth than your planwill never work, she thought.
Diamond took a step forward.
Leave me alone, she cried, a scream excaped her throut as a pain shout through out her body.
She looked up to see Prince Diamond looking down at her smiling. There was a purplish,black beam coming from his black moon. The beam was about to hit her when the rope that held her to chair disappeared and she started to float through the air, a yellow light spread through out her body and she disappeared.
What happened to her? Diamand demanded.
Her Mother and Sailor Pluto have brought them to earth, Beryl said, We have only one choice.
She turned to her son, Diamond, get your younger brother and the four generals tell them to meet me here.
Ten min. later Queen Beryl, Prince Diamond, Prince Safira, and their four genrals where all in the thrown room.
Everybody listen,Queen Beryl said, Queen Serenity is getting ready to attack us, we can use the energy to freeze ourselvesuntil Princess Serenity and the others recive their full power.
Their full power? Zoisite sked the queen.
Yes, their full power, said beryl.
See, if we attack them when they frist recive their power Queen Serentiy will be able to help them.
But, Beryl interrupted, when they recive their full power will no longer be there to help them.
Oh, Jadeite said, and isn't everybody on earth wimps? it'll be a peice of cake.
Peice of cake, Safiar repeated, peaice of cake.
It's time, Queen Serenity is preparring an attack, Queen Beryl said jumpping up, Come to the energy mirrors.
A few min. later they arrived in a room, right in front of the moon palace. They had the back wall covered in crystal mirrors and they other two side walls weremade with a black crystal that created a purplish glow. They looked out of the window just in time to see Queen Serenity shout a beam their way as she was lifted up into the air.
Under her breath Beryl said, Black Energy crystal freeze.
As the beam hit, a wall of ice surrounded the seven and froze them for twenty-two years................

OK let me explain this again, Queen Serenity said, everyonealready knows about the moon kingdom and will soon know about all this. so you six will lose your memory until you are eleven years old.So you will all be in totally different looks. No one can no about this so you must transform in secret. Before you turn eleven you will remember nothing of the moon kingdom,but you won't fully understand until your eleven.
But what about Darien hes four years older than me, Serenity said,
Mina, Lita, Raye, and Ami exploded in giggles that soon turned to laughter.
May i ask whats so funny? Serenity asked a puzzled look on her face.
I think they saw us by the pond, Darien whispered.
Is that true? Serenity asked.
Raye atood up, looked her strait in the eyes, and fell back laughing once again.
Can i take that as a yes? she asked the four who were no crying from laughing so much. Great, Serenity said throwing her hands into the air, I'm not going to remember any of this and our finally goodbyes are ya'll talking about me ans darein making out on the side of the ....... Serenity lowered her head.
Everyone, Queen Serenity said, please excuse my daughter shes having a blond momment.
Everyone looked at Queen Serenity and burst out laughing.
Look, Ami said, pointing at earth, it's almost time.
oweeeee, I don't want to say goodbye,Serenity whined.
Oh ok, i might as well speed up time so you can all see each other again and remember the truth.
Everyone looked at Serenity and Darien. They both blushed making their faces as red as strawberries.
Well this is it, Queen Serenity said, bye everyone.