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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 5

Jill wake up, screamed Mrs. Sue, you're going to be late for school.
Oooooh but mom it's my brithday. Do i have to go to school? she said, rolling over in bed to look at her clock that read 7:48.
7:48, she mumbered
7:48, she screamed, jumping out of bed, Great! it's my brithday and the frist month of school and i'm late.
She ran downstairs and out the door. She ran all the way to school and stopped when she saw her friends up ahead. She started to walk toward them when SMASH! She fell onto the sidewalk.
Jill are you ok? she heard Kily ask her, Jill?
Owe,Jill moaned, puttinga hand to her head, What happened?
I ran into you Fudge Monkey, Eric said from above her.
Jill stood up.
Eric, you jerk, why don't you ever leave me alone? she said her voice full of anger(AN: sounds kinda like Serena and Darien huh?:P.)
Because--- he started but was cut off.
Ya know, I wish you were that Prince Darien that got blown up on the moon, screamed Jill, you're alwas acting like you own me; like i'm a little puppet of yours, You---
I got no strings to hold me up, Eric sang, laughing away with his friends.
That is it, she whispeared.
What? Eric said, I didn't hear that little monkey puppet.
Jill took a step forward, than another one, and another, and before she knew it she was face and face with Eric.
I said that is it,she said anger in her eyes. Eric stared dumbly at her than burst into laughter.
Jill than started laughing.
Shes cracked, Janie said.
What are you laughing at fudge? Ericx said.
Just thinking of what you'll look like when i do this, she said giggling.
Do what? he asked dumb struck again.
This, she said punching him in the eye.
He fell back moaning.
Kily, Janie, Katie, and Kailyn had there mouths open staring at Eric than me.
Come on guys, said Jill, turning her back on Eric, I don't think my mom wants me to be in the presence of jerks.

Jill did you really punch him? Rebecca asked later in class.
Yep, Jill answeared back, amazed how news travels so fast in this school, I have been waiting to do that in for a long time. Just never got the chance.
Yeah, Katie cut in, but if he was that so fine Prince Darien you wouldn't of punched him.
Well no argue there, Jill smiled and said, instead of punching him i would of kissed him.
Than he, or even worse his true love Princess Serenity, would have your head for that, Kily said, That wouldn't look good on your record.
Jill thought for awhile and said humorously, than i would of punched hime.
Than he would have your head and lems, Mis. Kim, their homeroom teacher, said, ok come on lets get on with class.
Hey Mis Kim, Kim asked, can we start on the Moon kingdom than.....than.......uh whatever we were going to start to day?
Well, Mis Kim said as pleas come from the class, well alrigth.
Oh great, Jill said, rolling her eyes, we're going to learn how somebrat, her mom, her boyfriend, and four other people got blown up.
Mis Kim? said Mrs. Milly over the intercom.
At the begging of the year I found out that Mrs. Milly was my aunt. I wonder if she'll let me off the hook for punching Eric, Jill thought.
Yes? Mis. Kim answeared back.
Will Jill, Katie C., Kailyn, Kily, and Janie please report to the office.
The five stood up.
Busted, Garret, Jill's former boyfriend, said, as they were walking pass.
Owe, Shut up, Jill said, hitting him across the head.
The five grils walked into the office in slience. Jill opened the door and walked in with the others stuck bye her side.
Hey Aunt Milly, Jill said cheerfully, whats up?
Nah-ha-ha Jill ya can't talk you're way out of this one, she replyed, go in with Mis.C is waiting for you.
They walked into the office and saw that Eric looked like he say a ghost.
What happened to you? Jill asked, wishing that ghost would of killed him.
She threw him a fake punch. He didn't even blink.
Hellooooo?! anybody in there? she asked, knocking on his head as if he was a door.
Oh i'm here, eric replied, but are you here to get in trouble?
Jill opened her moth to say something when Mis. C walked in; so she quickly closed quickly.
Hello grils, said Mis.C.Jill, I suggest you sit down for this; you too grils, Eric, this will be a shock for you but you must know the truth.
Wait, Jill interrupted, I can explain about---
This does not concern about what or why you punched Eric, Mis. C said cutting Jill off, All I know is that as your real mother It's time you knew the truth.
My real mother? Jill said, My real mother is--
You're real mother is the famous Queen Serenity of the Moon, and Eric's real mother was the past Queen of Earth, Janie's real mother is the Queen of Venus, Kailyn's is the Queen of Mercury, Kily's is the Queen of Mars, and Katie', of Jupitar.
And you Jill, Mis. C said, are Princess Serenity heself.
Everyone in the room gasped as Eric's face turned ghost white.
But thats impossible, Jill said, that princess got blown up a lot of years ago, everyone knows that. How--
Mis. C rasied her hand for silence and walked over to the door and turned to Mis. Milly .
Mis. Milly can you make sure nobody comes through this door? Mis. C asked.
Sure, Mis. Milly answeared in her usally cheerful voice.
Jill turned to Eric, What did you tell her? More like what did you do to her? Jill whispeared to him angrily.
Nothing, I cqame in and she said, It was time you all knew the truth, he said, his voice squeaky.
The truth? Janie said, The truth about what?
Ok, Mis C said, you all have a test in S.S. today than you have religion and It'll taek awhile to explain all this so i'm going to make field trip notices for friday night than i'll explain everything.
Ok, Just one question, Jill said, How--
Jill you are just like your past self I'll explain tomorrow night, Mis. C said, turning around to where Jill sat.
No, Jill said, standing up, you answer my question now.
Mis. C gave in, OK, but only one question.
How the hell can i be Princess Serenity? Jill asked, but before Mis. C could answer she said, I mean the princess has long blond hair right? I have short brown hair. The princess is way skinner than me, and If i was a princess and in this case Princess Serenity, I would be on the moon right? and My name isn't Serenity, it's Jill.
That is true, Mis C said , But hwen the attack hit the moon kingdom your mother, Queen Serenity, sent you and the others in different forms and your name is not Jill.
Oh ok, Jill said in a confused voice, But how do you know about all this?
I told you only one question,Mis. C said shoving them out of the room, I'll explain tomarrow night.
The rest of the day Jill couldn't concentrate on anything else than those five words Mis. C had told her, You're name is not Jill, You're name is not Jill. They repeated over and over in her in her mind. She was in Religion class, her teacher, Mis.Katie, let her fall asleep on her desk cause she complained of a headace. She was sound asleep on her desk, she was having a dream..........
She was in a bubble looking thing, there were 7 people in it. Her, Eric, Kily, Katie, Kailyn, Janie, and Mis.C. Jill closed her eyes for a moment and opened them; but instead of everybody there were different people. Where Eric was a guy at least four years older than me, with jet-black hair and blue eyes. She looked at herself; she had a long white dress on with a bow on her chest. It held some kind of locket. She also notcied that instead of short, brown hair she had long, blond hair put up in odangos. She looked at everyone else in the bubble. She looked to where Mis. C once was and saw Queen Serenity. Jill woke up to see Eric by herdesk.
She realized she was drenched in sweat. Jill stood up and ran out the room, she ran all the way to the office. When she got therether she didn't even bother knocking in the door. She walked into Mis. C's office and slamed the door shut.
She walked up to the desk. Tell me the truth, she said.
Jill, Mis C satrted out, You, Eric, Kily, Katie, Kailyn, and Janie were put here on earth to avenge your mother.Your---
Jill cut her off, No, she said, anger in her voice, Are you or are you not my real mother.
Mis. C sighed, Yes Jill, I am, go ask Eric if you don't believe me, and my naem is not Mis. C.

Jill must have been really upset about what Mis. C had told her in the office because she complained of a headache and fell asleep on her desk. I got up to return my binder, when I was walking beck I glanced at Jill and saw her face was red and she was drenched in sweat.
I raised my hand, Mis. Katie I think something's wrong with Jill, I said, pointing at the now strawberry colored face Jill.
Mis. Katie walked over to her and placed her hand on her forehead. She removed it a white spot appeared where her hand used to be.
Shes burning up, she said, we have to wake her up.
Mis.Katie started slapping her face lightly.
Hey, Janie said, I know, hey girl who hates the hole moon kingdom thing wake upppppp!!!!!!!!
Hey thats a good idea, Eric said, leaning over, hey Fudge Monkey wake uppppppp!!!!!!!!
He stepped back to look at Jill whose eyes suddenly popped open.
Wow, Molly said giggling, It worked.
Jill sat up, looked around the room, and ran out the door.
Where's she going? Rebecca asked.
I better call the office, Mis Katie said. She pressed the little red button on the wall by the door and said, Mis Millie can you call Jill back to class?
Mis. Millie answered, Sorry, she just ran into Mis.C's room.
Thanks, Mrs. Katie said.
Mis. Katie turned to the class and said, does anybody know what would get Ji--
Jill burst through the doors as if on cue and said, Ok just for the record if anybody asks anything, besides you screams, those will be your last words. Eric we need to talk.
I hesitated for a moment but got up and walked outside the classroom. I know shes going to ask me about the hole moon kingdom thing. Since his birthday he had know about everything. Why this had all happened, when they would find out and he knew they would be fighting evil for the rest of there lives.
Jill glared at me and asked, Eric tell me the truth, Mis. C told me that she is my real mother, she told me that I'm a princess unfortunately, the Princess of the moon, and that you knew about all this. Is this all true?
Eric lowered his head, Yes, Yes, and Yes I have know about this, I said, But--
He couldn't finish she had ran into the room, she came out with all her books.
Wait, Jill, I said as she opened her locker, wait.
Eric what? She asked taking some books out of her locker, what?
Why don't you believe any of this? I asked her, running up to her locker.
You want to know why Eric? huh? Well, I'll tell you why, she said, taking a very old piece of paper out of her binder, Look I found this in my binder after we talked to Mis. C.
She pulled out another piece of paper, a newer one, and me and the girls were talking about this earlier today.
Eric took the paper and read....... Moon Kingdom Destroyed!!!!
"Today at 5:84 a.m. we received word that the famous Moon Kingdom had been distorted. Searchers were looking for 12 hours and there became no sign of Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Princess Lita, Princess Ami, Princess Raye, Princess Mina, or Prince Darien's bodies could not be found anywhere. No one survived the attack against the Black Moon Kingdom. Searchers found the Black Moons space ship and ventured inside to see if Queen Serenity and the others were there but they only found nothing but purplish blackish ice. They tried to prick it open but because of the Black Moons power it just bent there tools.

After 30 searchers and 12 scientists returned on board the space ship and the doors were closed the caption announced that they were no longer to go out of the ship."

Why? The others said, not wanting to give up hope of finding their Queen.
Because she is no longer there, the caption said as gasps came out of the crowd, without the power of the sliver crystal the air is thinning out; and since we have no space suits we can't go out. Scientist believe that there is something about the Dark Moon's ship that hay have the answers to the Queen's disappearance. It is going to be brought down to earth to be studied.

I looked up to see Jill putting more books in her bag.
Read the other one, She said, taking the first one away.
I started to read it.
"A Legend becoming a truth."

"Because of the attacks President Clint has decided that it is time to create an army that is to defeat who ever these attackers are.

Because the true Sailor Scouts had a power inside them that no other person had. So do to the advance in technology they will be able to have powers like no others. All Boys from ages 11 to 26 will be allowed to try out. The try outs will begin Saturday at the Tokyo ball park at noon."

Eric looked at Jill as she snatched the paper back and put it in her bag and left. Eric walked back to class and saw Mis. C in there talking to the class. The bell rung and he left wondering, How can Fudge be Sailor Moon? More like a Princess, I mean, she punched me today!!! How?