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Serena's Destiny:The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 6
Magic the Unicorn

The next day Jill and her friends were in the Mis. C's office turning in there permission slips for that night.
OK girls, and guys, she said eyeing Eric, today after school go home and get all your stuff for tonight and tomorrow. You must have a T-shirt and shorts for tonight, she said, suddenly very sternly, we want to keep this as safe as possible.
Safe? Kailyn asked between giggles, safe for who? Eric and Jill?
At that Jill stormed out of the room.
Don't worry Eric, Kily said walking around and putting a hand on his shoulder, we know Jill likes you.
I heard that, Jill said from outside the door.
OK, maybe just a bit, Kily said, walking around to the girls.
Keep trying, Jill said again.
OK, Janie said, scratching her head, maybe just a little little bit.
Ugh! They heard Jill say from outside, I give up!
I'll take that as a no, Eric said, sounding little sad.
Why so sad? Mis. C asked.
Did she have to leave? Eric asked, grinning, Because I think she looks sexy when shes mad.
Hey thats my best friend your talking, Janie said, walking over and hitting him on the arm playfully.

The day went by quickly enough.
Before they knew it they were at home packing.
Jill counted her things again not to leave anything behind. OK let my laptop, my unicorn pillow, my nightgown, my CD player, batteries, my CD, my book, some clothes, and magic, She said picking up the stuffed unicorn.
I had started packing my stuff when the phone rang.
Hello? I asked.
Hey Jill, It's Kily ya ready? Kily asked cheerfully.
Well, me and the girls are meeting at the store by school,ya want to come?
Sure, I just finished packing.
OK, well we'll meet you there.
OK, bye.
I hung up the phone, finished packing, and rushed out the door. When she got to the video store she saw everyone there and Eric. Oh great I get to see the future Prince Endymon in his PJ's. Hey he looks kinda cute out the school uniform.
Hey guys, I said, running up to them.
Hey Jill, Katie said, eyeing Eric.
Hey come on, these insects are killing, Kily complained, and I didn't think to bring bug repellent.
Jill thought for a second than shouted, OK........Go.
This was a game they sometime played. They race to a chosen destination and whoever gets there last has to tell their deepest, darkest wish. When we reached the school I turned around to see who it was and I was surprised to see Janie was the last to reach school.
OK Janie, time for truths.
My one wish is that you and Eric would come at peace.
I'm going to Mis. C's office, I said, turning around, I don't even want to think about that.
Chicken, Kailyn said.
Are you coming are not? I asked, ignoring the comment.
Am I allowed to go with you? Eric asked.
I just nodded and turned away.
They started to walk to the school building when Kily leaned over and said. Man, are you shy, she said, letting out a lit snicker.
I gave her one of my you-caught-me looks.
Girls I caught her, Kily said grinning.
Shut up! I said, pushing her away from me.
Caught her at what? Eric asked.
At the fact that-
I really did kick Garret when he tried to kiss me, I lied cutting Kily off.
Jill, give it up, Kailyn said, Eric, the girl likes you.
They walked into Mis. C's office.
Shes not here, Janie said, I guess we stay here.
I walked over to her desk and lifted myself onto of it.
Does anyone know if-
Girls? boy? Where are you? Mis. C called from the hallway cutting Katie off.
Hey it's Mis. C, I said, grabbing my bag, lets go.
When they were in Mis C's van I asked, so where are we going?
Well, you know the pond behind the abandoned Tokyo sugar mill? Mis. C asked.
Hey, Katie said, why does that sound so familiar?
I blushed as Katie remembered, Oh yeah thats where Jill always goes skinny dip-ping, she said as she remembered Eric was in the car, Sorry Jill.
Yeap sure is, Mis. C said, but i also picked that spot becouse of the number of times i've found Eric spying on Jill when she went swimming.
He what!? Jill said, popping the bubble gumshe had in her mouth.
Great, I can't even go swimming without someone following me and that someBODY just happens to be ERIC!!! She said throwing her hands up like a football field goal around her face, Someone please indulge me please; my life sucks!
Um lets see? Eric said, I know, Jill look at me.
I turned to look at him as he leaned over and kissed me.

When Jill said indulge me, I knew she was asking someone to tell her a joke. But i saw this as an oppurtunity.
Um lets see? I said, then suddenly perking up I said, I know, Jill look at me.
As she leaned over i burshed my lips against hers.
It was meant to be a light kiss but when she tryed to pushme away that only encourged me more.
I heard a snapping noise but thinking it was Mis. C's car i just ignored it. I leaned on her some more so she would open her mouth; but before my tongue could get into her mouth. She hit me with Janie's hair dryer. When i didn't break lose she punched me in the jaw with her fist. When she did break lose she slapped me across the face.
Eric, word of advice, Kailyn said, If you want to live; stay away from Jill.
No Kailyn, I'll just kiss her again, I joked.
I knew at once that was the wrong thing to say.
She started to beat me with my pillow; Kily joined in, too.
MERCY!!!!! I screamed at the top of my lungs, Mercy, please. Jill stoped hitting me with the pillow and grinned ear to ear.
Man, Katie said, looking at Jill than at me, now i know why Mis. C wanted to keep this safe.
Jill's only reply was to hitting Katie on the head with my pillow playfully.

We soon arrived at the pond. It was a perfect day to go swimming. The sun was shining brightly down on theh pond which glistined in the rays of sunlight.
OK everyone in the moter boat, Mis. C said, stepping the boat as the others and me hoped in. Mis. C started the boat up and ran it to the middle of the lake where a dock with a tent set up was. I stood up and grabed my bag. Everyone steped onto the dock and sat down.
OK now, everyone know why we're here right? Mis. C asked.
Yeap, Eric said, To torment Jill.
As if on cue I threw Magic at him which bonced off his head, Idiot, I mumbeled.
Mis. C picked up the stuffed animal and tossed it back to me grinning and said, Jill, touch the end of it's horn and say transform. I glanced quickly at the others and shurrged. I placed my forefinger on the tip of it's horn and said, transform. All of a sudden a yellow light came out of my thumb the unicorn. I placed it on the ground and crawled away. In a matter of seconds a yellowish- whitish light had surrouned the little stuffed animal. I turned around to look at the others to see a look of shock across there faces, that was sure to be on my face, too. I turned back to the, now huge, ball of light as it started to fade. When the light faded i gasped in shock, as the others. There in frount of me stood a six foot, pearl-white horse. It had a golden horn surrouned by white-sliver mane and tail. It had two wings that you could just tell were silk to the touch by the skin. Between it's golden horn and blue-violet eyes was a golden cricle. I guessed this was were it got it's power and energy. I just gapped at it until I remembered about my true life. After seeing my childhoodfriend on the moon i remembered who i was, what the truth about me was.
I stood up and screamed her name, Magic!
As soon as i said her name she reared up. I ran over to her and threw my arms around her neck. As soon as i my hands cricled around her neck a white light surrouned me. When the light was gone i stood stroking Magic's mane as my friends gasped at what they saw.
Welcome back Serena, Mis. C said.
But when i turned around to look at her I didn't see the useally brown headed lady that always wore dresses. I saw a gray haired beautiful lady that had a golden, but simple, crown on her head. She had a moon crescent on her forehead, she had blue eyes like mine, and she had a white silk dress on with a white bow over her chest.
I ran into her arms, Mother! I cried.
I heard gasp from behind me; I turned around to find everyone in their royal garments and Eric in his Tuxedo.
Jill whats going on? Janie asked.
My name is not Jill, Mina, My name is princess Serenity of the moon kingdom, I said, giggling at Eric, Now Darien's, surprised face, A.K.A. (AN: alos know as) Serena.
I finshed with a curtsy. A low whine came from behind me, I turned around to see Magic.
OK, what do you want? I asked her, moving some hair from her mane that was on her face.
Magic lowered her head and i knew what she wanted at once. I placed my forefinger on the tip of her horn and a thought came to me. Please lets go to heaven's meadow please, the thought told me. Oh OK, we can go, I told her. I jumped on her back.
Let's go, I said, as the others climbed on her back.
Where are we going? Kily, who was now Raye, asked.
To heaven's meadow of course, I replyed as my mother climbed on magic's back.
Who's meadow? Kailyn, who was now Ami, asked, eyeing me.
I laughed as I said, I'll explain on the way, don't worry...........