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Check out all the new things here! This is the news of the latest additions and upgrades to my site!! Here you can find out how recently I've modified things, and how up-to-date the currently posted fanfic is. This way, I don't have to clutter up the homepage with all of the news!
Questions? Suggestions? Requests?
E-mail the webmistress!


March 31, 2003

Yeah, it's been a while since the last time that I bothered to update. I really haven't had the inclination to. What with college switching and then changing majors and all that. And this update is a rather small one. Just fixing the "About the Webmistress" page. I haven't been doing much work with updating fanfics and such, but I'll get around to it at some point, I hope. If not, there's my new website to check out. There's a joint fanfic that my friend and I are writing posted there. As for gallaries, I'll work on that. I think I'm gonna wind up totally revamping this site if I get the chance to. My mind is full of all sorts of things that I'd love to do if I had the knowledge and the time and the effort to put stuff into play. I'll do what I can when I find the chance and stuff that I need. Oh, if you're wondering what I've been up to, check out my LiveJournal...I have a tendency to post a lot, and talk about all sorts of things, from complaints about weather to chattering about stuff I've done.
Ja for now!
October 29, 2001
Sorry that it’s been so long since the last update. I’ve been busy and off the computer. (Not to mention offline!) Then I couldn’t seem to log in to Angelfire to post my updates. Anyhow, I’m back online now, from my own computer! (Just mine! All mine! And wicked sweet, too!) I’m at college now—like the “About the Webmistress” page says. 

    I have updated the fanfic, but it's currently stuck.
    Updates are likely to continue to be rather slow for a while, since I have classes to deal with, and I've been doing other stuff in my free time. Sorry about the delays, though.
Current updates: I’ve put pictures on some of the profile pages, and made some modifications to them. 
    I'm thinking of writing a crossfic of Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon, but I haven't actually started working on it yet. I'll tell you when I get it going, K? Well, ja for now!
July 11, 2001

The photo page now works--though that kinda took a bit to fix. I'll probably add some more to it as I get hold of more pitures on the computer. I'll try to get a pic of "Shingo-kun" (though he doesn't like it when I call him that). And maybe even a pic of "Chibionisan-kun" (the youngest of my brothers).
Plus, I've done some fixing up on the GA girls' profiles, and added a few new profiles. Those ought to be interesting, expecially seeing as how I know VERY litte about the characters myself--I haven't yet gotten around to writing the stories in which they appear. Not to mention all of those stories take place AFTER the Sailor Stars timeframe. By the way, I've heard that Stars should come out in the dub later this year. I hope that if they MUST dub it, they at least keep the Star Scouts switching from male to female, otherwise it destroys the ENTIRE plot.
Fanfic has also been updated, though it isn't quite yet up-to-date, if you understand what I mean. The posted version goes up to Tuesday morning, and the complete version is all the way to Tuesday at lunch, but I figured it was better to post it and then type and update later on. If I'd taken the time to type it up to where it is now, I don't think I'd've been able to update today.
New pages:

Updated (again!): Meet Natsuya Maynetsuyo
May 20, 2001
Another fanfic update, and I've added one new page--an "About the Webmistress" page. Updates to that will be forthcoming. Obviously. It'll tell some of the things that I'm up to aside from this site, and I'm thinking of adding a page of photos (of me & my friends). However, in order to do that I of course have to get photos to put on the page. I'm working on that--dropped off a roll of film at CVS today. My fanfic is still not complete. I've been working on it for quite a while, but it will probably STILL be quite a while before I really finish it.
I'm likely to put up some corrections to the character profiles soon--but not yet. I'm too busy getting ready for exams, and graduation (I'm out of classes already! Yeah!) and then Mikkan (not sure if I spelled that correctly, but I'm reffering to an Animé convention being held in my hometown next month).
The prom is over and done with--that's what the pics on the roll of film I just dropped off are of--and I'll see about posting them soon. Graduation pics (in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a senior in high school) will be forthcoming. After I get the page set up, that is.
I'm still working on how to do the other image galleries. Please be patient with me, OK?
Well, that's about it for this time around (and I'm sorry that it took so long to get around to doing updates!). See ya!
New page: About the Webmistress
Update: Meet Natsuya Manetsuyo

April 25, 2001
I've updated the fanfic once again, but that is all I've managed to do this time. It now goes a whole lot further. I got a brainstorm the night before last, and again last night and this morning, so I typed up some more of the fic and here I go to post it! K?
E-mail me if the fic page is too long.

April 21, 2001
OK, I've updated the fanfic again (typing in done 4/21/1) and added quite a lot to it! If that page is getting to be too long, e-mail me (, and I'll break it into a couple of sections. Still trying to work out how to do picture galleries. No sound gallery up yet, but I'm working on it! Trying ot complie a bunch of sounds to put onto the gallery, and also identify what episodes they're from. I have a lot of stuff going on right now, because it is the end of senior year. Physics final project--Yipe! Plus various other stuff for other classes.
I've got most of the fanfic characters' profile pages up now--go check them out! But remember, I'm still working on them! As I kinda promised, I have profiles up for two characters that I haven't yet started actually writing up the fanfics for. Neither Daniel nor Annie appear in the fanfic I'm currently working on writing, but they both show up at about the same time--during SuperS. There's also a list of the "ChibiScouts" (or "MiniScouts") added to the list of fanfic characters. They won't appear until much later, but I'll get their profiles up before I get the story of their first appearance in present-day Tokyo up! Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have.
List of new pages:

March 17, 2001
Here we go again! I've fixed up something on the index page, because my old guild was deleted, so I made a new one! Not much else going on with this at the moment. I'm mad at the TV station because they didn't have Sailor Moon on at the regular time this morning (6 am EST). So I may have missed the episode where Sailor Venus first appears. Grrr. Oh dear! Now I sound like I'm on the message board at the NeoPets guild! Sorry!! Anyhow, I'm planning on getting the latest fanfic update put on soon, it got unstuck from where it was last time, but now it is stuck again. I also managed to come up with a name for Suya's old orphanege--the one that she is transferring out of at the beginning of the story. I'm working on figuring out how to get the gallary to look the way that I want it to, and I'll probably improve the looks of this page soon too. OK?  I'll also get to work on the fanfic character profiles. The other character profiles are going up this time, but they're kinda scetchy at the moment. Please understand the holes, though, I have to slowly gather enough info to be certain that it is accurate. Some of the stuff I'm not sure on.
Oh! If you have any questions about anything in the fanfic story (or any comments) please feel free to e-mail me at I'll get back to you as soon as I can with an answer!
New pages:

March 6, 2001
(Baka school is closed....makes for an extra-long February Vacation. No school yesterday either, which was REALLY dumb. Most of the schools in the STATE were closed yesterday, and you want to know how much snow we got? About 2 inches!! In NEW ENGLAND!! Schools closed all over the place for TWO INCHES of snow!!!! How dumb is that?!)
Sorry about that, I just had to complain. Anyhow, here goes with another update! I've got a list of characters who will appear in my fanfics, but I haven't got the profiles actually up and running yet. I have updated the posted fanfic to where it is currently, and I've been working on more fanfics--in my head at least! At the moment, the fanfic is stuck, but I am working on it! I know what to do with Sunday and Monday, but I'm stuck on Saturday morning just before lunchtime. Hmmmm.
Well, here's a list of newly created/updated pages:

February 18, 2001

OK, I've just now made this page, so this will be the start of all update listings. Currently, the fanfic posted is what I had written before Wednesday of last week (February 7).
Pages that are up and running now:

Coming soon: