-April 29-11 Scans
-November 11-Fanart
-July 24-Fanart & Fanfics added
-June 17-New fanfic
-April 5-One new fanfic added
-January 9-New fanfics added
-November 15-Fanart
-October 7-Final Ch. of BOF and Appearances updated
-September 27-New Affiliate, New Fanfic, and more Links
-September 4-Fanfic added and more info in the Without Tenshinhan... section

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The Tenshinhan Ichidou is a tribute to the greatest Dragonball character of all time. All of the information sections of this site are original material made to help DB fans understand Tenshinhan better and hopefully appreciate the most underrated character of all time. Check out every section of this shrine to fully get to know Tenshinhan and his purpose as a Dragonball character. Enjoy the site.