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New Quotes found at the bottom!




Tenchi: I smoked pot yesterday

Tenchi: Ryoko, I think we should further our relationship

Ryoko: I’m a Nun

Achika: Hey tenchi, my sword's sooooo much bigger than yours

Tenchi: I have decided to join the nation of Islam

Yosho: God, These split ends are the worst

Sasami: Isn’t it funny, me and Tsunami look exactly alike

Nobuyuki: Ive decided to get a sex change

Ryoko: I must admit, Ayeka, I have always been quite fond of you. (wait, that did happen in the time and space adventures)

Tenchi (during Tenchi Muyo in Love): wait a minute, if my mother was killed in 1969 and I wasn’t born til the 80’s, wouldn’t I have disappeared regardless of washu’s machine or not. Plus, if I went back in the first place and I accually saw my mother wouldn’t that disrupt something?(I appologize for this post)

Ryo-Ohki: Woof Woof

Kain: ya know what would be cool, if I had red contact lenses

Ryoko: Adultry? What’s That?

Nobuyuki: I think they should have made a spin off series starring me. I would call it "Celebrity Perverts and Such."

Sasami: No, Forget you, Make your own , lunch, im going to Chuck E. Cheese.

Washu: Wow, this Pre-Algebra is hard

Ryoko: Help me Tenchi, The people from AA are after me!!! I DON’T HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM!!!

Nobuyuki: Forget Architecture, I always wanted to be a Go Go Dancer.

Kagato: Ryoko, I am your Father!

Tenchi: do you think you can call me little tenchi?

Azusa: Funaho, I lied to you about why you and Misaki are my wives. The whole "Jurain Civilization" thing was just bull, I just told you that do I could get double the pleasure, double the fun.

Tenchi: *sigh* no girls like me. Maybe I should ask Dad for some advice on finding a girl

Tenchi: ummm, Ryoko, Im beginning to doubt my ability to… perform.

Tenchi: (creates the light hawk wings) awww man, this a purple outfit is waaaaay to fruity, maybe I should ask Seriyo for some advise.

Dr. Clay: just more of me to love baby, just more of me to love.

Kiyone: don’t leave me Mihoshi, I would be lost without you

Sasami: Please, don’t get me angry, you wouldn’t like me when im angry


Ryoko: Im not really a woman, I’m really a man in drag

Tenchi: Comeback later, I'm spanking the dolphin

Yosho: *in the shower* " Every little thing i do, never seems enough for you......"



Tenchi: that’s it, I quit. I’m going to another anime.

Ayeka: Why?

Tenchi: because im not getting the respect I need.

Ryoko: what are you talking about? The whole show is named after you

Tenchi: Yea, but im going to Ranma ½ where I can fulfill my dream of becoming a woman when I get hit with cold water.



Ayeka: Tenchi, I baked this cake for you today

Sasami: no you didn’t, I did

Ayeka: Shut up bitch and give me a brownie


Nagi: Ryoko, I've come for your head

Ryoko: can't we do it later Nagi?

Nagi: NO!

Ryoko: But Pokémon is on now

Nagi: ooooh, why didn't you say so

Nagi and Ryoko: GOTTA CATCH'M ALL!!!


*NEW* Tenchi: Ryoko, Why do you have cat eyes?  Are you a cat?

Ryoko: i don't know, it never really crossed my mind.  But i'm not a cat

Tenchi: Well, why do you have a tail that only appears on that one dress?

Ryoko: It's not a tail, it was just something that was drawn to give me more cat-like appendages.

Tenchi: I thought you said you weren't a cat?

Ryoko: Hmmm, i would go ask the writers to find out why i am a cat but i wouldn't want to wake them from their drug-addled Sleep to find out.

*NEW*Tokimi: Finally Washu, I have found you!

Washu:  What do you want

Tokimi: Revenge!!!  I will take revenge for that day 20,000 years ago, in a rematch

Washu: OK, im ready

Tokimi: *Spins* Right-hand Green



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