100 Reasons why EDGE shouldnt be the man

I have an onile friend I call Edge, and this is a list on why he SHOULDN'T be the man, EVER, lol. (I'm not being mean, this was his Idea and creation)

1.)His Name is Robert
2.)He Listens to nothing But Punk Rock
3.)Hes a Punk
4.)He's from missouri, although he is not a hick.
6.)He has a crappy Punk Band
7.)Hes a Chronic Masturbater
8.)He Dresses Bum-Like
9.)He Likes Porn
11.)He Might be a Socialist
12.)He Might be an Anarchist
13.)He Might be a Communist
14.)Hes A Moron
16.)Anti Vegetarian
18.)Horn Dog
19.)hes 5'7" tallest person in his immediate family
22.)Clove Cigarettes
25.)Longest relationship: 2 months
26.)Longest time with out masturbating: 1 week
27.)Hopeless Romantic
28.)Plays More than 1 insturment
29.)hates rap
30.)likes Hip Hop
31.)Is a walking Contradiction
32.)Wears Chucks
33.)Doesnt Play any of americas past time sports
34.)His Favorite movies are SLC Punk and "Im Gunna Git You Sucka"
35.)His Least Favorite Movie is Every Stephen Speelburg movie
36.)Says "Kill Kill Kill....Da White Man!"
37.) is White
38.) Is Irish
39.) Is a Drunk
40.) Takes 1-3 showers a Day
41.) Sucks
43.) Dodges the system
44.) Is Neurotic
45.) Has wierd Ideals
50.) Writes Horrible songs
Hyashibara Megumi Cactuar!!
Rahzel Sniff
Mr. Bates Bruu
Hideo Kojima!!
