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Whatever day your birthday is, find it in here and see what Pokemon you are!

Charmander: March 21- April 19
The sign of Charmander is powerful. U will find romance to light your fire. Charmander sign people usally are romantic. They enjoy warm tropical climates
Tauros:April 20 to March 20
Tauros signed people like to rush. They are fast, and strong. They take charge in their work. They enjoy track and running sports
Bulbasaur: May 21 to June 21
Bulbasaur signed people are quite nice. They have strong personalities. They like to live healthy. They enjoy plants and animals
Pikachu: June 22 to July 22 Pikachu people might look small but have huge hearts. Pikachu are quite timid. They have shocking personalities.
Mew July 23 to August 22
Mew people are hard to find. They hide secrets. They have kind personlaities, and are fun to be with
Mewtwo: Aug 23 - Sept. 22
Mewtwo people are powerful. They enjoy competition. They love winning. Mewtwo people are athletic and train for hours
Golem: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
People of the sign of Golem look tough. They might look huge,mean and cold hearted but are kind and soft inside
Dragonite: Oct. 24 - Nov. 21
Dragonite people are deeply caring. All they really want is good companionship.
Chansey: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
Chansey people are truly loving. They help the sick in anyway possible. They nurse and cheer up people when they are blue.
Kabutops: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
Kabutops people are usally rather unique. They might be different but are special in there own way
Vaporeon: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Vaporeons are the study types. They study hard and will suceed
Pinsir: Feb. 19 - Mar. 20  
Pinsirs are the type that seems to be careful They are sweet if u get to know one


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