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Eevee1 is the owner of this site, so you will see that name mostly doing the interviews (*Unless you send one or two in*)

Eevee1: I'm interviewing Ash right now! Let's start the first interview.
Ash: Oh wow, an Eevee!
Eevee1: Umm...right...so ash, how many pokemon have you caught so far?
Ash: I'll have one more if I catch you!
Eevee1: Huh? Wait...no!
Ash: Pikachu, use thundershock to weaken it!
Eevee1: Ek...get away from me!!
Camera Man: Stop the interview! Go onto Misty...Eevee1, run away!
End Of Interview

Misty's Interview
Eevee1: Misty, if you see Pikachu, don't let it shock me, okay?
Eevee1 So, you only collect water pokemon, right?
Misty: Yup, let me show you my Seadra!
*Misty let's out her Seadra*
Eevee1: It's can squirt water, right...
Misty: Um, I wouldn't get close to it...
Eevee1 Gargargarg...help, I'm going to drown!
Camera man: Cool, I guess Eevee's can't swim!
Eevee1: Help!!
Camera man:Cut!
End Of Interview

Interviews Sent In By People:

MistyGal: Pikachu, is it hard being the number one pokemon of kids all over the world?
Pikachu: Pika...chu..chu...pika..pi...pika!
MistyGal: Can you repeat that?
Sent in by: Misty Gal

Can you think of a funny Pokemon interview? If you can, send it in by clicking here!


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