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Fates of the Heart
by NeoLadySakura

Chapter 2

Ruki sat on her throne strumming her fingers while thinking 'What could that prophecy mean?'

A guard's voice shot her out of her raven. "Your highness," he started "The prince of Terre and the king of Shadora are her for you to help them with a truce."

Ruki was not just the princess and ruler of her land she was also many times' a third party in truce meetings. 'I can't believe I forgot about that,' she thought. "Send them in," she said.

"Yes, your highness," he said while leaving the room.

High Prince Takato of Terre stood impatiently outside the door of the royal throne room in the Crystal castle of the kingdom of Lunia. Takato himself was a handsome man of about 6'2" with brown eyes, brown hair and fair skin. He was wearing black armor, with a sword in sheath at his side and a red cape.

Beside him stood King Medon of Shadora. He stood 6'3" with black hair, black eyes and pale skin. His smile had a cruel edge to it and he wore all black.

A guard came and said, " The princess will see you now."

When Takato entered the room and got a look at the princess her nearly gasped at her beauty. The princess was wearing a simple white dress with a tank-top top, white high-heels and silver circlet on her forehead. 'I didn't expect the princess to be this beautiful,' he thought.

"Welcome to my kingdom," Ruki started "We will start discussions on a truce tomorrow since I believe you are both tired from your journey." "Guards, Please show King Medon to his room, while I show Prince Takato to his room."

"Yes, your highness," they said as they left the room to show King Medon his room.

"Good," she said while getting up of her throne. "Please follow me to your room Prince Takato."

"Please do not call me Prince Takato, I prefer just to be called Takato," he said.

"All right. I prefer to be called Ruki. Aright?" she asked.

"All right."

"Good, now let me show you to your room," she said while they both exited the room.    


Chapter 1 / Chapter 3


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