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  • Kasumi
  • Nabiki
  • Ranko
  • Tomoe Hotaru
  • Meiou Setsuna
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  • Copyrights And Disclaimers

    All story lines of fanfics are credited to the Author that wrote it. All Other Creative Works are also credited in the file. All works by me are credited to me. All Fanfics borrow Characters and often places/situations from the orginial creators of the Work said Fan Fictions are based on. Don't sue me I have nothing to take. Now that credits given please enjoy.

    All Ranma 1/2 © & ™ Rumiko Takahashi and published by Viz and Shogakukan.

    Ah! My Goddess ©2000 Kosuke Fujishima

    Copy right for Anime, 'Tenchi Muyo!', 'Shin-Tenchi Muyo!' and Novels 'True-Tenchi Muyo!' Anime International Company and PIONEER LDC , Kajishima Masaki

    I made use of ideas or ideas based on some of the following in some of my fanfictions.

    Palladium Books

    1. Rifts RPG
    2. Rifts : Japan
    3. Rifts : Book of Magic
    4. Rifts : Pantheons of the Megaverse
    5. Rifts : Atlantis
    6. Heros Unlimited RPG


    1. AD&D
    2. AD&D 2nd
    3. D&D: Concil of Wyrm
    4. Many of the PlaneWalkers Books
    5. Many of the Books of Magic Items
    6. Forgotten Realms : Dieties (or whatever it is called don't have it handy now)

    Guardians of Order

    1. BESM
    2. Tenchi Muyo Source Book


    1. Many of the ShadowRun source books

    White Wolf

    1. Vampire
    2. Werewolf
    3. Mage
    4. Kindred of the East
    5. The book that has the Eastern Shifters and Fae
    6. Kitsune tribe book
    7. Coyote tribe book
    8. The Crafts
    9. The Eastern Mage book (Can't remember the title right now)

    Numberous websites and ideas from other fics. Even ideas from commerical Scifi and Fantasy.

    © Silverbreeze and Suchecki Freelance Services