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center>XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell

Active Cloak Open

Active Cloak Closed

EW Version

Model Number: XXXG-01D2
Name: Gundam Deathscythe Hell
Unit Type: Mobile Suit
Manufacturer: Professor G (with assistance from Doctor J, Doktor S, Instructor H and Master O)
Operations: Gundam Pilots
Rollout: AC 195
First deployment: AC 195
Accomodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: Head Height 16.3 Meters
Weight: Empty 7.4 Metric Tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction and Armor: Gundanium Alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact Fusion Reactor, output rating unknown
Performance Ability Levels:
Fighting: 150
Weapon: 120
Speed: 170
Power: 120
Armor: 140
Equipment and Design Features: Active Cloak Beam Deflection Barrier and Stealth System; 2 x Hyper Jammer ECM Suite on backpack; Self-Destruct System
Fixed Armaments: 2 x Vulcan Gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 1 x Twin Beam Scythe, equipped with rocket engine for additional swinging force, stored in recharge rack on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use; 1 x Buster Shield, equipped with Beam Blade, can be launched at taeget and retrieved

Mobile Suit History and Notes

When the XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe was captured and destroyed by OZ's forces in AC 195, the extremely durable gundanium-made remains of that mobile suit were taken to OZ's lunar base and mobile suit factory for storage. The five scientists who had built the Gundams plaguing OZ were also at the lunar base, captured and forced to develop new mobile suit technology to secure OZ's rule over Earth and the space colonies. Despite their apparent "cooperation," however, the scientists also began rebuilding the Deathscythe in secret, preparing for the day when captured Gundam pilot Duo Maxwell could return to the battlefield. That opportunity came when the Romefeller Foundation - the political force behind OZ - became split over a number of issues, and the "Treize Faction" of OZ attacked the lunar base, which at the time was still under the control of Romefeller loyalists. During the chaos, Duo managed to escape, taking his rebuilt XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell to continue fighting on his own. At that time, the Deathscythe Hell was only seventy percent complete; later repairs and field upgrades would allow Duo to complete the resurrected mobile suit, bringing it up to its full combat potential.

The new Deathscythe Hell was a considerable improvement over its original form, with a more powerful twin beam scythe ((Beam Scythe *EW*))(which mounted a small rocket engine to give it more force when swung against multiple targets), increased speed and mobility, improved hyper jammers, and an "active cloak" system which served as both a optical/visual cloaking system (making the Gundam literally invisible to an enemy's naked eye) and as an external layer of beam-deflecting armor. These improvements allowed Duo to continue his fight against both the militaristic OZ and the radical civilian "White Fang" rebels, putting the Gundam Deathscythe Hell on an almost equal footing with White Fang's newest AI-controlled mobile dolls.

Miscellaneous Information

Pilots: Duo Maxwell
Appearances: New Mobile Report Gundam W
Original Designer: Kunio Ookawara

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Email | Donn Manalili | and tell him you want to Advertise at The Shinigami Shrine

Layout by Donn Manalili
*CREDITS* Gundam Wing, Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz are not owned by me, but by Sotsu Agency. All images made by me are not to be used in any other place or for any other purposes. (If you want to use my pics than just ask first) All other content are Copyright their respective owners.
© Copyright 2001 The Shinigami Shrine and Donn Manalili

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