Title: Angel Heart
Pairing: 6x3 at the moment but as the story progresses 5x2,
1x4 and other pairings.
Disclaimers: They're not mine!! DAMN IT!!! WHY CAN'T
THEY?!? --;;; Anyway…Just using the characters, folks.
I'm not getting paid a damn cent. Just love to manipulate
the characters.
Warning: Alternative Universe,Drama, NCS, Angst,
Consensual sex as the story progresses.
Rating: PG13-NC17
Achived: if you want, but please ask first.
Hosted at: Dreamer's Isle - www.geocities.com/dreamersisle


Chapter one-An angel in the garden

Wufei watched the very popular and talkative student
everyday. Every single day, 365 days, five days a week,
whether in class or walking quietly home from school. Who
wouldn't? The chatterbox sitting at the popular table oozed
sexuality yet acted as innocent as a lamb. Yes! A contradiction
in itself but the chestnut haired, violet eyed boy wonder only
acted this way during lunch. He should know. It was he who
watched that particular lunch table as the boy's so called
friends sat around him for another day of cheeseburgers and
French fries. All of them were vying for the chestnut
confection's attention; secretly fighting each other for that
sweet heart-shaped face with the very sensual pouty lips, lips
begging to be kissed, praying those deep violet eyes would
look their way with more than just a hint of a friendship.

"You got it bad, Fei."

Sloe eyes looked upward from his tray filled with beef lo mein,
Arizona ice tea and spring rolls into the depths of a Prussian
sea. "Hi Heero."

Heero Yuy smiled down on his friend. He was Wufei's best
friend since birth when his family moved next door to his house,
and was an all around scholar/jock. Heero was the type of guy
that had a no nonsense attitude about him, looks to die for but
never really paid enough attention to them to notice.

Wufei just didn't understand why he never fell for his friend.
With that shaggy mop of dark chocolate hair and those
dark blue eyes, he would be the perfect boyfriend. Maybe
it was because they were practical related since Heero's
older sister Relena married his older brother, Xi-Shin.
(Yes! I'm putting Shin in a story other than Twin Horizons!!
I can do that!) or maybe it could be that his dear Heero was
in love. And I mean love at first sight, fumble the ball doing
the big game kind of love with the very popular blonde
genius from honors, Quarte Raberta Winner.

This confidential info was only encrusted in his care
because they were the greatest of friends. He remembered
it as if it was yesterday. That night while he was over for
dinner, Heero's father who owned Yuy Contracting received
a call to build a new house, a mansion in the quiet area of
Sank. Every day Heero would leave practice early to see
the progress of his father's latest project and on one
particular day, the would-be owners stopped by for
adjustments in certain rooms. It was then Mr. Yuy and
his youngest son was introduced to Mr. And Ms. Winner.
But that was not the best part. Totally speechless, Heero's
eyes set on the couple's youngest son who happened to be
with them that day. Blonde, large aquamarine eyes and
innocence around him with something else he couldn't quite
understand. The small boy was a vision to behold and under
further observation had a handsome older brother to match!

Millardo or Zechs, which everyone called him, was going
to be in his older brother Trowa's classes and the moment
those two met something sparked between them. Now
they were constantly together, studying, dating and
other stuff couples do together.

"So Fei...are you ever gonna get up the nerve to tell
Duo you're mad about his body?"

"I am not!" Wufei shouted, his face reddening by the
seconds. A huge sweatdrop developed on his face
when he noticed everyone was staring at him from his
outburst, everyone including Duo. Heero laughed as the
dull sound of Wufei's head hit the table, lowering it in

"Besides, " A muffled voice echoed from underneath
folded arms, "why would he be interested in me?"

A gentle tug on Wufei's ponytail, causing the chinese boy
to look up. "Duo is not like that, Fei. Trust me." Heero
glanced over at the boy of Wufei's affection. Rumors were
flying around about the beautiful boy just like any newcomer
would. But the truth sickened him to the core. Rumor had it
that Duo was physically and sexually abused when he was
seven by his father and it wasn't discovered until the boy
was twelve. His older half brother, Treize who had just lost
his wife in childbirth and was caring for his newborn daughter
when he saw the marks all over his younger brother's body.
Treize confronted his father and apparently that triggered some
terrible memory within him. From that point on, Treize had
taken custody of his brother, trying his best to raise him and
his daughter Mariemaea in a stable environment far away from
their deranged father who was now in prison for his
heinous crimes.

When Heero heard the story from his parents, he spoke to
Wufei about it since by then he knew his unusually quiet
friend was head over heels in love with Duo. Usually such
vast information about one's life would scare away any
traces of a friendship but being the person Heero knew
Wufei was, admiration showed through Wufei's sloe
eyes reaffirming his decision speak his peace. With this,
Heero wanted to make his friend happy...even if he never
got the object of his secret desires, he would help his best
friend find his. A chestnut braid twitched as its owner rose
from the table adjusting his glasses. "I'll see you guys later!
Ja ne!"

Heero planted a hand firmly on Wufei's shoulder. "Look!
He's leaving! At least try to talk to him! Isn't he in your
poetry class or something?"

"What for, Heero?" Wufei responded wearily, "It's a lost
cause, so why strain myself?"

"Hn! No balls, Wuffie? Did they shrivel up or something?"

"NO!" Wufei growled, "Just I don't know how to
approach him!"

Heero stood up, grabbing Wufei by the collar.
"Well I do! Come on!" And he proceeded to drag the
ebony-haired Asian boy, kicking and screaming injustice
through the lunchroom.

Unaware by the two students, aquamarine eyes
followed Heero's movements sighing his misfortune.
"I wish he would talk to me."

"Who, Quat-chan?"

"No one, Dottie." Quarte smiled at his friend though the
smile did not reach his eyes. It was hard being in love
with the top jock on campus. He knew Heero didn't have
anyone and when he thought the cute boy he hung out with
was his boyfriend, Dorothy told him that they were like
brothers. Looking down on his plate, he pushed the lasagna
around and stared at Dorothy's plate of a cheeseburger and
cheese fries. His hand instantly went into Dorothy's plate
grabbing two generous globs of cheesy fries. "Did you want
that fry?" Dorothy just giggled at her friend, one of her
forked eyebrows rose in question at her lovable french
fry thief.


Duo walked down the corridor, out a side door out
towards the courtyard, walking directly to his favorite
spot...under the giant Sakura tree growing in the center
of the campus. He had a little while before lunch was over.
Nimble hands rubbed along the hard bark as his hands
curled about the great tree, hugging his body against it.
"I bet you've been here for centuries, old guy. A lot of
stories to tell with your rings." He sighed, turning around
and sinking to the ground, his back rested gently against
it while his legs opened in a causal fashion. Tilting his
head just a bit to the left side, violet eyes gazed at the
noonday sun while a hand rustling through chestnut
bangs. An afternoon breeze blew gently through the
courtyard taking some sakura blossoms and fluttered
them in the wind and down to the earth.

This was the scene Wufei caught as he and Heero opened
the door to the courtyard. He couldn't say a word, standing
there speechless. The sight before him was not a being of
this earth. It couldn't be. The form was too beautiful...to
innocent as petals fell on him and around him as if
touching the folding of hidden wings.

An angel.

It had to be an angel to look so sexy and innocent
at the same time. Wisps of chestnut fire fluttered in the
breeze, a hand coming to catch the wayward strands back
away from his heart shaped face. Those large eyes closing
momentarily staring upward towards a home he couldn't
return, too long in this physical form.


"Well?!" Heero nudged him in the arm, "Go over there
and talk to him?"

But Wufei was mute. How could you approach someone
like that? How could you approach an angel?



~~onto Chapter 2 ~~

comments so far? e-mail Sparky @ either:
Sparkysama4662@aol.com or dreamerisle@hotmail.com


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