Bee-chan feels The current mood of at


June 20, 2003 - Ow ow ow... my lung HUURTS!! geh... having
pneumonia sucks...

Anyway, thankies to Hee-chan, there is another new 5x2 fic
in the fiction gallery, called "Remember"! All nice and angsty like!
It gives us all another reason to want to cuddle and comfort
our Wu-bear and Duo! **wibbles!**


....wait for it...

a new addition to the Wall `o Flames **now with our background singer,
the self-proclaimed god of jrock, GACKT! Singing his hit disaster that we
all know and love so much, "To Feel the Fire!"**.

**crumples in pain**



Bee-chan's Live Journal
currently listening to:
Gackt "Vanilla"


June 14, 2003 - MEOW! A brand shpanking new fic by Enigma!
It's called "Reason to Smile", a bit angsty, and was done as a giftfic
for the luverly Spite, for her birthday gift 3x5x3 pic for de Llama ^_^!
Both are so le sigh-ish ^_~! **dun't mind me, I'm oddly hyper for
tonights update ^_^!**

That's all! No other updates for tonight. Go back to your last minute
Fathers Day shopping, all! XD!


Bee-chan's Live Journal
currently listening to:
Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana"


June 7, 2003 - Heh heh! Another REALLY big update, thanks to
a recent purchase of nearly all of the Gundam Wing RISING EARTH
doujinshi books! =3!
New pics in Wufei's album, Friends album, the chibi album, and
the 3x5x3 album.
New 5x3 fic, HEALING", by Starlight! Not finished yet, but still
quite a heart-squeezer ^_^.
AND three new adoptions! Blinky Wufei and Trowa from
Count Mecka's Adoption Agency.
Baby Wufei in de dragon suit from Fablespinner!
Also fixed all the Links links and mailing list links on all the pages,
AND officially opened the Wall de Flames page for all to
giggle over ^_^!

Almost forgot! I've created an LiveJournal community for all
Wufei lovers! Go! Join! Chat about our lovable Wu-bear!


Bee-chan's Live Journal
currently listening to:
Z100 fm, New York's number one hit music station
**radio station**


March 17, 2003 - This is definetly the largest update in a
very long time ^_^!
On my recent trip into NYC with Sparky, I purchased
many many yaoi and regular Gundam Wing goodies,
3 being hard to find GW artbooks **meep! The
First Photo Book has the "MEOW!" pic in it!**.
So as a result, there are now plenty more new eye-candies
in all de photo albums.
3 new Wu-bear fanarts from Tsuno, de Fablespinner, and mehself!
2 new fics by Wind Chjimes **oh, and the broken links for
Gothic Pheonix's 'Click, Click, Boom' Arc are now fixed. Thanks for
letting me know about that Goth! ^_^**.
And thanks to a fellow Wufei luvr whom AIM'd me
**meep! Forgive me! I forget yer name! Sorry sorry sorry! ^^;;**,
there are 6 new Wufei related webby links on the Links page
**all Japanese, but relatively easy to follow**.
5 new webby links in the non-GW section, and, as a tribute to
the closing of SMOOCHIES **NOOOO!!!!**, I'm keeping Mel's
Vyncent / Cid Smoochies banner up. Someday I hope to bring
H&K up to the same level that Mel was able to bring Smoochies up
to, and maybe even further. **waves a tearful good-bye to one of the best
yaoi sites that ever exhisted**.

Bee-chan's Live Journal
currently listening to:
Depeche Mode "It's No Good"
**oh puuurrr! A band that's MADE for yaoi! ;b**

Dec. 10, 2002 - Yay! Finally an update! So many new fanfics to read
**happiness ^_^**. Let's see, Bronze Tigress and Cindy both have
submitted stuff to read **BT's Ice Cream series is the best X3!**.
Cindy's "Uncle Wufei" is so very cute **beware the uber cute chibified
bois! Poor Wu-bear... a babysitter! ><;;!**. Finally added a link to
Fablespinner's website! She's the original owner and creator of the
Bishonen Art yahoo ml and is a VERY spiffy GW artist!
**HEY! D! Where's my scholarly sexy Wu-bear piccy?! Me want!**
Also added the link to my Live Journal here on the main page. Feel free
to check it out and delve deeper into my bishonen obsessive world ^^;;!

Again, keep sending in those Wufei fics and DON'T FORGET WUFEI
FANART!! Send send send!
**glares at D... I want my Wu-bear pic... grumble grumble!**
Ja ne!

Bee-chan's Live Journal
currently listening to:
Aerosmith "Just Push Play"

Sept. 6, 2002 - Not much of an update at the moment **shrugs**.
I kept getting e-mails from about one of my two
GW top100 links not working right, so I've fixed their links
and moved both here to the front page. Also, Dragonblood has been
moved and renamed to, so that link has also been fixed.
Also added another fanart! EEP! Wu-bear and Duo! It's a fanart to
Bronze Tigress's fanfic, "Peaches", a part of her "Ice Cream" series.
Oh, the naughtiness of it all! X3!
I am working on the "Ask Wufei..." section, so that will be up by the next
update! Hopefully by then, there will be two new fics as well.
Ja ne!
currently watching:
Animal Planet, "That's My Baby" **puppies!!!**

Aug. 22, 2002 - Not a big update, just letting ya know that
H&K is now part of both GW 100's and GW Yaoi 100! The links are on the
links page **duuh! ^^;;!**.
And I switched counters! My old Geostats one wasn't working right
**kept on resetting itself... and H&K isn't the only one this has been
happening to...** Soooo... H&K's new counter is provided by
OKCounter! They have the CUTEST counters on the web!
Perfect for anime sites!
currently watching:
Ed, Edd, and Eddie **buttered toast!**


Aug. 16, `02 - We are FINALLY back online! Original plans for the
re-upload for the 14th had to be held back till today because of
a problem with my internet server, but H&K is finally back from the great
beyond! And there is so much more Wufei to go around, thanks to all
the wonderful fanfics contributors and random nice people who've sent
me pics of Wu-chan that weren't in the earlier version of H&K **and of course
to the awesome dealers in the adult section of the dealers room at this years
Shoujocon 2002 ^_^! I think Sparky, Amber, and I cleaned out a
good 95% of all the Wufei-related doujinshi's this year! Hee!
Life is goooooood! And Shoujocon rocked this year! With the exception
of the well-known Saturday night incident, which was wonderfully taken
control of by SJcon security staff and volunteer gophers {Trey, you
and all the other Security people were awesome! Thanks for keeping us all
safe dude! } , things were a LOT
smoother than the past two years. For an Official report of Shoujocon 2002,
you can click here. This will take you straight to the News section of the
Shoujocon website.**.
Sooo... how do you like the new site design? Is it easier on the eyes than the
old design? Easier to get around? Easier to find things? Good! I hope so ^^;;!
New stuff: we have a whole arm-load of new 2x5x2 fics by Sparky, "Twin Horizons",
"Ameythst Dreams", and "Angel Heart". New 2x5x2 fics by Gothic Pheonix,
"The Demons on 6th Street", "Love of the Devil", and "Moonlight Wonders".
New pictures in every single gallery **found more 3x5x3 images!! YES!!!**.
New links in the links gallery and I've added my Live365 anime, jrock, and
jpop presets list **most of them are Preferred Members stations, but
I am on the hunt for Regular Listener stations... good ones that is ~~;;.**.
Oh yeah! Live365 is an internet radio community, for those of you who
don't already know. Its one of the best ones I've seen and, unlike the Winamp
radio thing or stations you'd find through Real One **ae, Real Player**, for
the most part, the stations don't really cut up AND it is indicated on each
stations player window what connection a certain station works with, like
T1/Cable or 56k or 33k modems.
Anyhoo, I've talked enough! Go and check out the new and improved
HUGS & KISSES and let me know what you think! Dun't forget to sign the
guestbook! And take heed of the various warnings smattered through out the
site... they are there for a reason! >.<;;!
currently listening to:
the music section of my hard drive, which is currently playing
" Touch and Go! ", the closer for the VERY awesome and
highly addictive anime, BLUE SEED!

August 14 **later that day** ARGGHHHH!!!! **screams and pulls out hair!**
I am so totaly pissed!! I had planned to upload H&K when I got home from
work today, and when I turned my internet on, I got one of those
freaking "We're Sorry, but your Warwick Online account is temporarily
suspended" notices! What sucks even worse is that I NEVER RECIEVED
A BILL FOR IT!! Luckily I live about 15 minutes away from one of my
internet providers main offices so I was able to drop a money order
off in their over-night drop off box, but I still won't have home access to the
internet until AFTER I get back from work tomorrow! I can upload the site
tomorrow at work **thankfully I work at my fathers at-home office ~~;;**,
but I wanted to get it done today!! TODAY is H&K one year anniversary,
not tomorrow! GOD, I hate WOL!! Damn back-country internet providers...
currently listening to:
Steven Curtis Chapman, "Speechless"

August 14, 2002 - WOO HOO! We're finally back up and running!
After a particularly long haitus, Hugs & Kisses is back in full swing!
I broke down and bought space for the site after Angelfire's cut-back on free space
**from 50 MB to 20 MB ~~;;**. This actually a good thing though! No more
annoying pop-up ads and TONS more space for pictures and fanfictions!
Anyway, how do you like the new design of the site? Simple yet elegant
and it's all based on that pic you see of Wu-chan on the right of your screen --->
**drools and stares glaze-eyed at the screen for about an hour before
realizes she has to get back to working on the page ^^;;**. Kirai...!
Spartky submitted a whole bunch of 2x5x2 fics for us all to enjoy!
What an awesome kitsune she be! **hugs!**
I've fixed the broken pages that held Gothic Pheonix's stories, so those
are now working **took me long enough, eh Goth? ^^;;**
And since I went nuts in the dealers room at Shoujocon this year, I have a
WHOLE bunch of new doujinshi **a good 95% of them are 3x5x3! YAY!!**,
so there are now TONS of new images all through out H&K!
Some new fanarts up **I took down the non-Wufei related fanarts
in my section. This IS a WUFEI shrine, after all ^_^!**. What do you think
of my hand-stitched Wufei doll? **beams with pride and strikes a pose**.
I made it myself! I so proud, since I can't sew worth beans ^^;;! He was a hit
at Shoujocon... and no Sparky, you can't have him! ;b! He's miiiiiiine!
**glomps Wuffie Dragon and begins singing Happy Birthday at the top of her lungs!**
currently listening to:
a burned Para Para mix cd I like to call Chizu & Ninjin's Para Para Mix 2002,
after my friend Aida's original yaoi bois, Chizu and Ninjin!
Song on cd now heard: Captain Jack (full and uncensored)

March 11, 2002 - Well, I wasn't really going to do an update for
March since there isn't many new anythings here, except for 3 more
fanarts by me **come on, people! Send in some artwork! The friends
fanart section is getting dusty, as is the fanfics section! Send send send!!**
Anyhoo, its the month of 2 major holidays, Easter and St. Patricks
day, and since Wufei told me he'd slice off my head and feed it to
my brothers ferrets if I turned him into a leprechaun, Easter was
chosen as this months theme.
NOTE TO CELEBRATE: It's now been a full year since my move
from my last home and I haven't gone too crazy yet! YAY! ^^;;!
currently listening to:
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (rpg soundtrack)


February 4, 2002 - Happy Valentine's month, all! **okay, I'm early
this time! sheesh!** I personally don't celebrate the holiday myself,
but I love Wufei, so I'll dedicate Valentine's Day all to him! Ain't he
worth it?! What's there NOT to love about the dragon?
Not too many updates this time... no new fanfics, BUT I did get a
new fanart from FOCSFYR! It a lovely Heero / Wufei pencil piece
based on Dragonmage's "Stolen Love" fic. Thankies Focs!! It was his
half of an art trade we did... my half is also up, along with some other
newer pieces, in my fanart page. Zechs and Wu... yay!!
Added some MORE links to the links page **yes, I'm a sucker for
letting all ya know about all the different sites I've been finding on
the net! I'm just wondering whether or not I should cut back on
some of the banners, though.... they take up a whole lot of friggin
free server space... waahh!!
later that day: okay, I lied... I couldn't find my 'Campmasters for
the Night' earlier, so I couldn't upload it then, but its up and running now!
currently listening to:
DC TALK: Supernatural ( Christian alternative )


January 2, 2002 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!! **yeah, I know I'm a day
late... ^^;;!**. Anyhoo... it is now officially the Year of the Horse,
according to Chinese astrology, so since our beloved Wufei is
Chinese, all this month, a very special horse has been invited
to help Wu-chan greet everyone at the front door. He is none
other than FUUNSAIKI **lovingly known as Foonie** from
Mobile Suit G Gundam, and the loyal steed of Master Asia.
I'm not sure if his colors are all correct, but when all you can
find of Foonie is one reaaaaalllly small and unclear thumbnail
on the 'net as a reference pic, then you make do with what you
YAY!! H&K's first fanart piece from a friend! The ever talented
artist of the adorable kitties at OBSESSIONS, Tsuno Pikash,
did a luverly Wu-dragon / Tro-angel pic fer me **tackle glomps
the Hyperactive Chibi**!
Plus, there is a new face in the Friends' Fanfic section! Gothic Phoenix
makes her way into fanfiction-dom with her first piece,
DEMONS ON 6th STREET. Check it out it and let her know
what ya think!
Also, two new pics up in my fanart section. A very lemonaid-y
2x3x5 piece **inspired yet once again by one of Enigma's many
luscious fics! ^^;;!**.
currently listening to:
MxPx: the Ever-Passing Moment ( Christian punk-pop )


December 7, 2001 - **tosses happy shiny snowflakes in the air!**
Yay!! It's the Christmas season! Family, friends, presents, decorations,
food, presents, carols, live, presents, presents, presents... ^^;;!
No, seriously... I love the Christmas season! I mean it's Christ's
b-day, almost a new year, plus I finally get to have a Christmas
how I want it... real tree and all **its my first real tree!**. The
only really bad thing is that I'm working in a toy store... you guess
the reason why its bad... if you've seen your local Toys R Us lately,
then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about ^^;;!
Anyhoo, I've finally made some major updates to H&K! Tons of
new pics in the 3x5x3 and chibi's sections **yay for DANDELION!!**!
Plus, my first successful animated gif now resides in the fanart section,
along with a new Wu-chan snowy pic for the holidays! Made one final
and important decision for H&K, though: from now I will only be doing
updates once a month. Saves on tons of headaches for me and I can
work on the site on a day off from work.
OH!! Before I forget... iffen you ever feel like submitting some fanart
or fanfics to H&K, let me know and I will be more than happy to
post'em! It's been a while since anyone's sent anything in >.<!
currently listening to:
Luna Sea: Shine ( J-rock group )


November 18, 2001 - ack! this sucks! haven't been able to do much
updating since I started working, but I am fixing the hyperlink for the
Ring of Wufei on the RINGS page. At least that much I can do...
One good thing about the new job, though... 10% discounts off my
Playstation and Playstation 2 games ;)!
currently listening to:
George Michael: Faith

October 26, 2001 - Some more kitties to ever growing adopted family!
Murdoc and 2-D from GORILLAZ ( big kudos to the E-kitten for her
creation of these adorable kitties! )! Also added my newest fanart
( yes, I do draw a LOT!! I'm a cartoonist, for pete's sake ^^;;! ) of the
eye-candy worthy Trowa **buzz buzz bay-bay!**
currently listening to:
Blue Seed ( anime soundtrack )


October 15, 2001 - hahahaaaa!! I finally finished my set of GW boys
pics! Yay! Now I'm not going to draw anything Gundam for at least
a month or so ( really need to get to work on some of my OWN
characters //_-! )
The entire GW boys pics set is now in the fanarts section.
currently listening to:
Top Gun ( soundtrack )


October 12, 2001 - well, for all of you who actually want to know
about me, Bee-chan, I have finally put an info page about myself up!
It also answers two often asked questions: why the name Bee-chan
and why choose Wu-chan?
I also want to mention again that all the fan fics archived in the
friends fic section are used with permission by the their respective
fanfic creators! Just recently on both Wu Fei lists I'm one, a
message was sent out to everyone by Ryoko the E-kitten and
Enigma ( E-sama ) the Llama, that a certain person who shall
remain un-named has stolen, word for word, many people's fanfictions,
no permission asked, nuthin'... just plain stole the stories, put her name
on them, and posted them on her site as her own. I'm not sure how many
of us on the lists have e-mailed this person by now, but I'm just hoping
that this person is smart enough to either take the stories down and
apologize to all the writers and artists she has stolen from, or give
everyone the credit they damn well deserve and still apologize to
them. Personally, I think she should do the first one...
currently listening to:
Living in the `80's!

October 10, 2001 - Yay!! Found more luverly Wu Fei pics for the site
and TONS of chibi's of all the Gboys! Let's see now, there's updates
all over the place. Added five more links to the HKlinks ( the Awesome
Threesome, Obsessions, Yaoi no Hentais, Bishonen no Miko's Shrine
of Bishonen, and the Official Glompers! ). There are tons more chibi's
on the chibi page, a few more pics on Wu-chan's friends page, and
many more beautiful pics of our starring man, Wufei! Plus, I added a
new fanart o'Wu-chan to the fanart page ( he so pretty!! )
currently listening to:
Aerosmith: Big Ones


October 9, 2001 - oy, it's getting more and more difficult trying to find
images to update to here ^^;;! There really aren't that many Wufei and Trowa
couple pics **or just Wu-chan by himself!** out on the `net, and
unfortunately our favorite bishie isn't as big a hit as, say, Duo or Heero
or Zechs **sniffle sniffle!**. I do, however wanna keep updating
Hugs and Kisses as much as possible, even if it means just by using
my fanart... so I've uploaded 2 more fanart pics! One o' Hee-chan, and
one o' Tro-kun, in all their bishie beauty! **sighs and flies off in a
desperate search of more Wuffie pics!**
currently listening to:
Sonic R

September 19, 2001 - the intro page has been updated with a image
from Ryoko coenciding with the attacks of the WTC and the Pentagon
( thanks for letting me use the image, ekitten! ), and there are some new
kitties in my adoption page! I got me two new Wu-chan kitties,
a Tro-kun kitty, and a group of Duo, Tro, and Wu Fei! These can be
adopted at the Obsessions! website!
currently listening to:
Aqua: Aquarius

September 10, 2001 - part 3 of Desumasuku uploaded ( poor Quatty!! )
and Ryoko the ekitten has been added to the fanfics page! Thankies
Ryoko!! Love them chibi-GW bois!! Plus, please welcome Harm! Her
" Luquatious " fic is just so sugar rushy!!

August 27, 2001 - I've joined my first web ring, the Ring of Wu Fei!
H&K's has also won its first award, the Kawaii Site Award! The Cute
Stuff, Adoptions, and Awards pages have also been uploaded.

August 24, 2001 - got Wuffie's friends / group shots up and running!
My first fanfic is up too, " Dream Passings "! Also placed part two
of Sarit's " Desumasuku " up.

August 22, 2001 - put a protector on the home page ( ah, the wonders
of java script! ) and updated the Wuffie Images with some delicious
doujinshi covers!

more for August 21 - updated the links page! Happy Otaku and
Terror Unknown are now there!

August 21, 2001 - **jams to her Robert Mirabal cd as she types**
Happiness!! I got some fanfics from War Dove and Sarit! 5, to be exact!
Fanfics page is getting larger everyday! Thankies to everyone who've
submitted so far!
Hugs & Kisses has also hit its 100 mark today! Will be getting
around to making a 100 visitor banner for Amaroq!

August 20, 2001 - created and uploaded the actual Updates page
and Bee's Fan art page

August ? 2001 - in my excitement at creating my first shrine, I've
been a total duh head and forgot to create the UPDATES page first!
Hmm... let me see if I can at least remember the order things were made:

  1. established the account with angelfire!
  2. uploaded the navigation bar, opening page, and frames page,
    along with its images.
  3. created and uploaded the What Is Yaoi page
  4. created and uploaded the main Wu Fei gallery
  5. created and uploaded the 3x5x3 gallery
  6. got a guestbook w/Dreambook, and uploaded the links to view
    and sign it. Also the mail link to work.
  7. created and uploaded the Links page
  8. created and uploaded the Friends Fanfic page


  What is YAOI?! / images / Fictions / Fanart / H&K: the Chang Wufei ml /
         My Adopted Family / Web Rings / Awards Won / Links /
         Contact Bee-chan! / About the 'lil bee' / About Wu-chan /
                                     Flames to giggle over ^_~

                     Sign the Dreambook / View the Dreambook!
